a notation providing a means of writing computer source programs, which has syntax (the rules for forming grammatically correct statements in the language) and semantics (the rules for determining the meanings of the statement s) e.g., Basic, C, Cobol, Fortran, Pascal. WWWebfx Home Page
Computer code used to manage computers. Languages are either High Level or Low Level depending up their use. High Level programs are humans to build applications while Low Level is used to manage machines. Visual Basic is an example of a High Level, Assembler is an example of a Low Level language.
A standard which specifies how (sort of) human readable text is run on a computer. Programming languages vary quite a lot in style (e.g. Procedural - made up of blocks run from each other, Object-Oriented - program made of a set of communicating isolated objects, Functional - everything is a function!, ...), and make some things easier than others. There are low-level languages which give you lots of control over the computer and things run quickly, or higher level where you can get the computer to do lots with little work but have less total control, however these catagories aren't fixed. Examples include C, FORTRAN, Perl, Python, BASIC, Pascal, FORTH...).
A defined group of commands and syntax that a program developer uses to write software. Languages range from primitive ones (which are similar to machine code) to high-level languages (which are closer to standard written language and somewhat automated) and have been classified into generations, such as third-generation languages (3GLs) and fourth-generation languages (4GLs). See 3GL, 4GL and separate entries for the following language examples: , , BASIC, FORTRAN, COBOL and Java.
An artificial language composed of a fixed vocabulary and a set of rules used to create instructions for a computer to follow.
A computer language that programmers utilize to create programs. C, Perl, Java, BASIC, and COBOL are examples of programming languages. In essence, programming languages are translators that take words and symbols and convert them to binary codes that the CPU can understand. See also BASIC, C, and Java.
(computing) a language designed for programming computers
A computer, human-created language used to write instructions for a computer.
A language programmers use to communicate instructions to a computer.
a computer language used to build software components.
(IEEE) A language used to express computer programs. See: computer language, high-level language, low-level language.
An artificial language through which a set of instructions can be performed by a PC. Examples are: Basic; C, C++; Cobol; Java; JavaScript; Perl; Visual Basic. People who use program ming languages to create a computer program are called programmers.
A computer language, such as BASIC, C++, logo, etc. used to write programs that run on computers.
(computer science) a language designed for programming computers
a convention for writing descriptions which can be evaluated
a defined set of instructions that are used to make a computer perform a specific task
a formal language defined by its syntax and semantics
a formal language for some form of problem solving
a formal notation for precisely describing solutions to problems
a language used to program computers and computer-like electronics
a medium to express computations, which is defined by its syntax and its semantics
a metaphor for computation, one based on the concept of "instruction-following"
a method of writing a source code file in an English-like language that a human being can understand
an artificial language used to give instructions to Computer
an artificial language used to write the detailed instructions necessary for the performance of any task by the computer
a notation for describing a mechanical solution to a problem (if you like, a recipe for solving a problem)
a notation for writing programs
a precise, artificial language that is used to write computer programs, which are sets of instructions that can be automatically translated (i
a programmer's principal interface with the computer
a programmer's principle interface with the computer
a set of English-like instructions that includes a set of rules (syntax) for putting the instructions together to create commands
a set of syntactic and semantic rules used to define computer programs
a set of words, symbols, and codes that enables a programmer to communicate a solution algorithm to the computer
a set of words, symbols, and codes that enables the programmer to communicate the solution algorithm to the computer
a standardized communication technique for describing instructions for a computer
a system of notation for describing computations
a tool used by programmers in order to specifically outline a series of steps that a computer is to take in a certain instance
a useful notation for writing down algorithms , and for efficiently implementing systems
a way of telling a computer to execute a certain set of instructions
An artificial language that enables people to instruct machines. Computer commands that form a procedure by which software programmers design and implement computer software programs. (7/96)
The special language used for designing and writing a computer program. Return to .
Software which enables the production of computer programs. Each program is produced as code which must be translated into machine code for execution. There are a wide variety of such languages but the basic types are procedural, declarative and object-event.
An artificial language used to write instructions that can be translated into machine language and then executed by a computer. See BASIC, C, C+, C++, COBOL, Pascal, source code, SQL, syntax.
A language used by computer programmers to communicate instructions to the computer
Sets of words, symbols, and codes used to create solutions to information system requirements. A programming language enables a programmer to communicate a solution algorithm to the computer. 15.16 selecting, 15.40-41 BASIC, 15.22 categories of, 15.16-20 object-oriented, 15.21 Visual Basic, 15.22-23
A system of coding which enables a human to convey instructions to a computer incorrectly. Q1,2,3 and 4 The IT delivery year is divided into four periods, called 'quarters'. However, confusion can be caused because these do not align with the normal business use of the terms. 'Q1' means: 'probably before the summer holidays'; 'Q2' means: 'possibly in the autumn'; 'Q3' means: 'maybe this year' and 'Q4' means: 'we will never get around to this and hope that over Christmas you will forget about it'. RAM Stands for 'Random Access Memory', a term taken literally by most programs.
A set of rules, words, symbols, and codes used to write computer programs.
a language used to write a procedure or other description of a computation
The instructions used in creating computer programs. There are a great number of programming languages in existence and no one language is suitable for writing all types of programs. The language a programmer uses to create an application will depend on the desired properties of the program. Some programming languages lend themselves to mathematical and analytical functions while others are better suited for creating business or data processing applications. The programming language field is wide and complex, encompassing a large number of disciplines.
The set of symbols, plus the associated rules for combining those symbols, with which a computer program is written. Only in that abstract sense do programming languages resemble human languages. A computer "understands" a programming language when it acts the way we want it to after being programmed in that language.
A vocabulary and set of grammatical rules for instructing a computer to perform specific tasks. The term programming language usually refers to high-level languages, such as BASIC, C, C++, COBOL, FORTRAN, Ada, and Pascal. Each language as a unique set of keywords (words that it understands) and a pecial syntax for organizing program instructions.
Special codes used to feed instructions into your computer. Just like there are different languages in different countries for different people, there are different programming languages to do different things on your computer or on the Internet. Now that's different
A group of symbols that represent to the computer a set of statements or directions giving the computer or communications system detailed instructions about what operations it is to perform.
Any artificial language that can be used to define a sequence of instructions that can ultimately be processed and executed by the computer.
the coded language used by computer programmers to control the operations of a computer (e.g. Assembler, COBOL, FORTRAN).
A set of symbols and/or words manipulated according to a body of unambiguous rules, which can be used for creating instructions for a computer system. Programming languages vary depending on the type of instructions they are intended to create. The simplest languages (machine and assembly languages) are used for writing basic system instructions. More complicated languages (procedural languages) are aimed at writing instructions for complex programs.
artificial language constructed to enable the user to instruct a computer, creating programs for it to run. Examples of programming languages used in school are Logo and BASIC.
A series of instructions written by a programmer according to a given set of rules or conventions (“syntax”). High-level programming languages are independent of the device on which the application (or program) will eventually run; low-level languages are specific to each program or platform.
A system for writing software programs that, like human languages, has a syntax and semantics. A programming language provides a consistent framework for writing and combining algorithms.
A programming language is an artificial language that can be used to control the behavior of a machine, particularly a computer. Programming languages, like human languages, are defined through the use of syntactic and semantic rules, to determine structure and meaning respectively.