Human readable (hopefully!) program text. Source code can either be compiled and then stored as an executable on the computer, or interpreted by an ``interpreter'' to run directly (e.g. Python, shell, BASIC), though some things are between compiler and interpreter.
A unique code which identifies a specific promotion. Sources codes are normally structured to identify the source group, promotion date, mailing list used, offer and creative (also known as “Promotion code”)
This refers to the uncompiled code of a computer program. Before compiling, you can look at the instructions and tell what the program does, if you are familiar with the programming language. After compiling the source code is transformed into machine code that is much more low level and hard to follow, making optimizations and fixes almost impossible. Thus, some developers package the source code with their software so that if people want to improve it or fix it, or just tell how it works, they can do that.
The uncompiled software instructions of an application written in a programming language like C. The source code is compiled into machine language and then executed.
A unique code or identifier that is attached to a mailing, coupon or other marketing communication so responses can be tracked for that specific identifier. Results can be used to track the success of the campaign and decide future action.
The HTML code that makes up your web page. You can view the source code of any web page simply by selecting View and then Source (Page Source in Netscape Navigator).
A place on the journal entry to indicate journal entry number, voucher number, check number and so on. Source codes may be entered on each journal entry, or calculated by the system.
A program or script in it's raw form. Source code is fed to a compiler or interpreter to produce human readable or viewable content.
The original copy of a software program as it is written by programmers in a language they understand. The source code is then compiled (converted) into machine language, a language that computers understand. Now the program is able to work on a users computer in a language the user understands.
The programming commands that cause PTWin32 to operate. The source code for PTWin32 is not included with the product.
Computer programs or operating systems are originally written by a human being in a programming language. This is called the source code of the software. To be actually used by a computer, the program has to be translated by the computer from the source code into the machine language that the computer understands and can execute. This translation process is referred to as compiling.
(1) (IEEE) Computer instructions and data definitions expressed in a form suitable for input to an assembler, compiler or other translator. (2) The human readable version of the list of instructions [program] that cause a computer to perform a task. Contrast with object code. See: source program, programming language.
Human Readable (usually) code (program) written in a high level programming language. This needs to be compiled to object code or interpreted to be run.
The code, in whatever programming language, which is used to create a program. If you can obtain the source code to a program, then you can make whatever changes you like, adding features or fixing bugs, without having to rewrite the program from scratch.
A program written in a computer language. Object (machine-language) code is derived from source code during compilation. Source code includes scripts and Makefiles.
A collection of computer programming commands that is used to define the behaviors (processes, operations, methods, functions) of computer systems and applications.
Source code is the code that a program consists of before the program is being compiled, i.e. it's the original building instructions of a program that tell a compiler what the program should look like once it's been compiled to a Binary.
Software program instructions written in a format (language) readable by humans.
Source code is the program text of any programming language. As source code itself cannot launch any actions, it must first be compiled. When the source code of a program (e.g. a virus) is known, variants can easily be developed.
original text version of a software program in a certain computer language. source code is compiled into an executable format by appropriate compiler.
Source code is the language in which a program is written. Source code is translated into object code by assemblers and compilers. In some cases, source code may be converted automatically into another language by a conversion program. Source code is not executable by the computer directly. It must first be converted into a machine language.
program instructions written as an ASCII text file; must be translated by a compiler or interpreter or assembler into the object code for a particular computer before execution
a code that represents any form of advertising such as a newspaper ad, a radio spot, a special offer, reviews or word of mouth
a collection of implementations including GAs GPs and other ECprograms
a collection of implementations, including GAs, GPs and other EC programs
a computer program that expresses a cryptographic algorithm in a precise set of operating instructions that allow a computer to perform cryptographic functions
a computer program written in any of several programming languages employed by computer programmers
a part of a computer program that reveals how an operating system runs
the human-generated code given to POV-Ray to be converted into an image.
Software Source Code Software is written by developers in source code, a human readable language such as C, Java or PERL. These languages provide a layer of abstraction over computer readable instructions, allowing complex semantics to be represented more easily.
The COBOL code that makes up the program. This can consist of one or more text files.
Program functions in their original form. You can view the source code for a Web page by selecting "(view) source" under the "view" category of your Web browser.
A computer program consisting of instructions in a machine language which can be directly understood by the computer. (A computer program written in a source language such as BASIC, C+, COBOL, FORTRAN, etc.)
A computer program as written in a programming language. It must be translated to be read by a computer.
is a computer program--a string of commands and options--written in a language such as BASIC, C, FORTRAN, or GPG. When source code is processed or compiled by the computer, it is converted to object code. Object code is a compact version of the original program in a form which, in effect, only the computer can read, but one which the machine can process far faster than the original source code.
All software has at the foundation a source code that acts as its engine and core.
Program in high level language needing compilation to run.
The format that is readable by humans. When you purchase a program, you receive it in machine-language format. This means that you can execute the program directly, but you cannot read or modify it. A program cannot been modified without the source code.
The Source Code identifies the origin of a candidacy (e.g. OUAC (Ontario Universities' Application Centre) application form, SGS (School of Graduate Studies) application form, etc.).
The (more or less) human-readable code in which most programs are written. Source code is compiled into "binary" code.
The instructions written in a computer language such as C++.
The code of a web page that must be optimized for the search engines. You can view top ranked sites source code to gain information on what they have done to obtain their top ranking.
Programming language or HTML tags that are used to create documents for the web and the Internet.
The HTML code behind a web page.
The English-like text that programmers type in to create programs. Once they've entered in the source code, programs are usually "compiled," which converts the source code into binary language a computer can understand.
A form of the program expressed in some programming language (for example, c++). Also referred to as the "program". written by the programmer.
A computer program before it is compiled.
Commercially or in-house developed proprietary algorithms, macros, etc. that define how the software program works, completes its computations, etc.
Every computer program is written in a programming language, such as Java, C/C++...
A program in a high-level language before being compiled.
The input to a compiler or assembler, written in a source language. Contrast with object code.
The fundamental instructions written by a programmer that is later compiled into application programs or applets is called source code. All executable programs in Java and C++ start out as source code.
A group of letters or numbers (or combination of letters and numbers), usually placed on donation forms or reply cards, and stored afterwards in donor database records, to help mailers determine the list or segment of a list from which the donor's name and address originated. Also called a key code.
Software consists of sets of binary instructions, that is a long list of "ones" and "zeros", that the computers understand, but is not understandable for a human being. To make programming easier, programming languages are used: they are special languages which can be understood by a human being (after some training). The text which is written in programming languages, the source code, is read by a special program, called a compiler, which translates the source code into binary code for execution by a computer. Without the source code, it is virtually impossible to correct and enhance software; this is the reason why Free Software policy recommends systematic publication of source code together with all programs.
Program instructions written by a software developer or website designer that are later translated for computer use.
The human-readable form of instructions that comprise a program. Also known as "sources." Without a program's source code, it is very difficult to modify the program.
A computer program that has been written in an English-like computer language. It must be compiled to yield the object code before it can be run on the computer.
The HTML and Java programming of a web document. Look in your browser under View Source Code to look at a page's code. If their page does something nifty you want to copy, cut and paste their source code into a word processing program and save it.
Program instructions written by a software developer and later translated(usually by a compiler) into machine language that a computer can understand.
Programming language software before translation into machine-executable instruction [D04021] CSM
Programming statements required for a product. This is a subset of the source files. Source code does not include make files, install scripts resource files, or batch files. Source code is translated into executable code.
The representation system used for depicting the characters seen on a computer.
The original textual form of a program.
A text file comprising code which can be compiled.
A sequence of instructions, including comments describing those instructions, for a computer system. Also known as program code, program source code, or simply as code.
(1) A software program as written using a programming language; it must be assembled, compiled or interpreted before it can be executed. (2) Human readable text file which contains a list of computer instructions to be processed by a assembler program, compiler or interpreter. Compilers are used to convert source code into machine language. (7/96)
A non-executable program written in a high-level language. A compiler or assembler must translate the source code into object code (machine language) that the computer can understand and process.
The uncompiled version of a program written in a language such as C or Pascal. The source code must be translated to machine language by a program known as the compiler before the computer can execute the program.
The form in which a computer program is written by the programmer. Because of licensing restrictions, users cannot generally access the source code for an application, unless it is designated Open Source. Source code is written in a programming language such as C, C++, Java or Perl. Source:
An original program written in a programming language
The program that the programmer writes in high-level language. It must be turned into machine language before it can be executed.
Source code is instructions to the computer in their original form. Initially, a programmer writes a program in a particular programming language called the source code. To execute the program, the programmer must translate the code into "machine language," the only language a computer understands. Source code is the only format readable by humans.
The programming statements that are created by a programmer with a text editor or other programming tool and then saved in a file. The file is then modified using another program called a compiler. The output of the compiler contains a sequence of instructions that the processor can understand and execute and is usually referred to as object code or executable code. For script program languages (programs that not compiled but are interpreted when executed), such as JavaScript, the terms source code and object code do not apply since there is only one form of the code.
The programming code used to write the website. Source code is often identifiable by the use of the & symbols.
BASIC statements. Source code statements are turned into machine code by the BASIC interpreter.
A group of letters or numbers (or combination of letters and numbers), usually placed on order forms or reply cards, to help mailers know the source of each order, and therefore measure the effectiveness of their mailing lists, offers, creative, timing and other variables. Also called a key code.
One-character numeric code to document source of nutrient data.
Programs in an uncompiled or unassembled form.
The underlying code that makes up a software program. Most commercially available programs come in "binary" form, which is nearly impossible for humans to comprehend. Source code, however, is comprehensible, and if you have it, you can learn how a program does something, change it so it does something else, or otherwise improve it. True geeks swear by source code.
A non-executable program written in a high level language. The source code must be translated by a compiler or assembler into object code that is understood by the computer.
The statements that make up a computer program in a high-level programming language, ready for an interpreter or a compiler.
The 'code' in which a program or script is written in. This code is usually read by a compiler which turns it into an application.
Text used to create computer applications.
All the tags and instructions contained in a text file used to compose a Web page.
non-executable program statements written in a high level language.
(Also source program) - Version of a computer program which is closest to human language. Programmers generally develop and maintain the source code of a program. This version is compiled into object code and link-edited to create the load module which is executed by the computer.
The input program that is to be translated by the compiler.
The instructions describing to a computer what to do. Source code is compiled to create an executable binairy.
The code used for building WebPages and programs, such as HTML and C++.
The human-readable, as opposed to the machine-executable, representation of a program.
Source code is the human readable version of an application (such as KWord). Computers cannot use source code directly. Instead, source code must be compiled into binary code, before use.
The form in which a computer program is written. On the Internet among others the source code for a Web page could contain any of the following languages: HTML, JavaScript, Java, and SGML. These codes in turn may call upon other scripts or documents which are written in the same code or perhaps an entirely different code such as Perl, C++ (CGI), or Lingo (Shockwave).
This is the instruction code that an application is created from. Most source code is "compiled" into a resulting application that is used by End-Users See Also: Open-Source
The source code is the most permanent form of a computer program. When you purchase an operating system or application software, the source code is not included.
The original code of a computer program. Unlike executable binary code or bytecode, which has been turned into the ones and zeros that computer understand, source code can be read by humans, albeit rather specialized ones.
(2006-09-27) Chris Limb(1) The HTML tags, javascript instructions , CSS definitions and content that make up a web page. (2) Programming language instructions in any programming language as written by a programmer.
The instructions, written in a form readable and understandable by programmers that direct how an application should run. When changes or bug fixes are made to an application, these changes must be made in the source code. After the source code is complete, most applications are compiled into a “binary†form. A computer can read the binary form of an application more quickly and easily. However it is impossible to understand or modify an application in binary form if you do not have access to the original source code that created it.
In computer science source code (commonly just source or code) is any sequence of statements and/or declarations written in some human-readable computer programming language.