Compiled machine code, that may contain references to code and data in other object files.
Position independent or relocatable machine code that is generated by compilers and assemblers. Object code does not contain actual addresses; instead, it contains symbols corresponding to actual addresses.
Expenditure, budgetary, or revenue classification used to identify the type of service, material, or other charge received or rendered.
A three-digit number used to classify the type of expenditures. When used in cost distribution entries, object codes define costs other than labor.
Software program instructions compiled (translated) from source code into machine-readable formats.
A version of the program that can be understood by the computer.
the machine-language output of a compiler that is ready for execution on a particular computer
A six-digit number which designates the purpose for which funds are budgeted and expended within each expenditure category by account number. Object codes identify very specific transactions such as long distance phone service, in state versus out of state travel, etc.
The machine code output file from a Assembler. In MS-DOS systems, the object code must be converted to a Command (filename.COM) or Executable (filename.EXE) file by a linking process. (7/96)
the code that separates entries of transactions into balance sheet (or general ledger) transactions or revenue and expenditure transactions.
The machine-code output of a compiler after translation of the source code. See compiler.
Machine language instructions represented by binary numbers not in executable form. Object files are linked together to produce executable files.
The result of processing source code with a compiler.
A form of the program expressed in the machine langauge of a particular computer processor (for example, pentium processor). Related to assembly language programming. Written by the compiler.
The machine-language version of a computer program generated after the program's source code is compiled.
is the code generated by the compilation process to be linked with other object codes and libraries to form an executable file. Object code is machine readable. See Also compilation, linkage.
The output of the compiler after it translates the program.
The result of translating a computer program to a relocatable, low-level form. Object code contains machine instructions, but symbol names (such as array, scalar, and procedure names), are not yet given a location in memory.
See See relocatable object code..
The form software takes after it has been translated (compiled) from the source code format that a programmer writes into the machine format that a microprocessor can understand. A set of processor-readable opcodes and data. The output of compilers, assemblers, linkers, and locators are files containing object code.
Categories of expenditures. Object Code Classes include Personnel Costs (PC), Operating Expenditures (OE), Capital Outlay (CO), Trustee and Benefit Payments (TB), and Lump Sum (LS).
Machine readable instructions derived by compiling source code.
Code which is directly understandable by the machine (machine code).
The classification of expenditures in terms of what is bought and paid for grouped into major object codes by subject.
Machine-executable instructions, usually generated by a compiler from source code written in a higher-level language (such as the C++ language). For programs that must be linked, object code consists of relocatable machine code.
The four-digit Caltrans code used to classify charges other than labor. The four digits consist of a single digit federal-aid eligibility code and a three-digit agency object code.
Object codes classify the items being purchased according to the description object of purchase. The object code is closely related to the commodity code with the exception for tracking the object code would be used. Object code further classify ,and breakdown the items ordered to responsible class categories for the college.
Output from a compiler which is itself executable machine code or is suitable for processing to produce executable machine code.
The machine language program that a compiler produces from the programmer's source program.
The binary version of a program, originally written in a high-level language, having been created as machine language code by the translation process.
Programming instructions that were processed by the compiler into code that can be read by the computer.
(also object program or object module) - The result of compiling a source program. Not a fully executable program, an object program is used by the linkedit program to create a load module.
A 4-digit "code" (defined by the UC Office of the President as well as by the UCD General Accounting department) used to identify the nature, purpose or object of each financial transaction. They are used at all campuses for consistent reporting purposes. Object Codes roll up into Object Consolidation Codes. Example: The Object Code for Regular Staff Salaries (REGS) rolls up into Object Consolidation Code SUBS.
A set of processor-readable opcodes and data. The output of compilers and assemblers and the input and output of a linker are files containing object code. However, there are a variety of standardized and proprietary object file formats, meaning that development tools from one vendor can only rarely read the object code produced by those of another.
(NIST) A code expressed in machine language ["1"s and "0"s] which is normally an output of a given translation process that is ready to be executed by a computer. Syn: machine code. Contrast with source code. See: object program.
The machine- readable instructions created by a compiler or interpreter from source code. ukaankaa wanta View
Machine language version that results from compiling the 3GL. Also called object program. 15.18