(IEEE) A computer program that translates programs [source code files] written in assembly language into their machine language equivalents [object code files]. Contrast with compiler, interpreter. See: cross-assembler, cross-compiler.
System software that translates programs written in Assembly language into machine language.
A program that translates programs from assembly language to machine language.
Also known as molecular assembler, an assembler is a molecular machine that can build a molecular structure from its component building blocks.
a language translator that converts assembly-language programs into machine language.
In recent popular usage, any nanomachine, usually assumed to offer magical, universal capabilities in an atom-sized package. In the author's usage, any programmable nanomechanical system able to perform a wide range of mechanosynthetic operations. See molecular manipulator, molecular mill.
A device for molecular manufacturing that is able to guide chemical reactions by positioning molecules.
a program which translates the mnemonic language understood by the programmer into a binary form understood by the computer. Return
Refers to the complier and or the linker of assembly language code.
The assembler is a software program that takes human-readable source code and through various algorithms converts it into an object file (usually ELF format). The object file is an intermediate file which contains machine code, headers, etc. and must be further processed by the linker, loader, etc. until the final executable is created. The assembler is built into Code Warrior.
A computer program that produces a machine-language program which may then be directly executed by the computer.
A low-level computer programming language. It is very similar to a computer's machine language and is specific to each hardware platform. An assembler program from one platform will not run on other platforms.
A program that converts the assembly language of a computer program into the machine language of the computer.
Kokooja Samlare For example in a print machine
a program to convert assembly language into machine language
a computer program for translating an assembly language into machine code
a computer program for translating assembly language - essentially, a mnemonic representation of machine language - into
a computer program that translates an assembly language program into a machine language program, relieving programmers of this tedious and error-prone task
a low-level program that converts instructions from another program into the fundamental patterns of bits, called machine code , to be processed by the appropriate hardware
a molecular machine capable of building a wide variety of molecular machines, including copies of itself
a nanoscale machine for building other nanoscale machines
an executable file that takes ASCII code as input and converts mnemonics to a binary file as output
a piece of software that converts source code into hex code
a program that accepts an assembly language program as input and produces its machine language equivalent along with information for the loader
a program that allows you to write instructions in, more or less, english form, much more easily read and understood, and then converted or assembled into hex numbers
a program that converts assembly instructions into machine code
a program that takes the Assembly source code and makes it into a binary image that an emulator can run
a program that transforms another program written in assembly language into the ones and zeros of a computer's binary machine instructions
a program that translates English language instructions into binary code
a program that translates our source code into the actual machine language that the Vectrex can read
a program that translates symbolic instructions to processor instructions
a program which converts assembly language into machine code
a systems software program that translates an assembly language program into machine language
a tool that converts these mnemonics into machine instructions, or opcodes
a translator whose source language (an assembly language) represents a one-to-one transliteration of the object machine code
a type of compiler which will compile an assembly language
symbolic machine language
Program that translates assembly language into the binary machine code. Assembly language is simply a set of mnemonics used to designate the instruction set of the CPU. See ASM in Section 3 of this manual.
A program that translates symbolic source code (written in assembly language) into machine instructions (in machine code) by replacing symbolic operation codes with binary operation codes, and symbolic addresses with absolute or relocatable addresses.
A translator from an assembly language to the corresponding machine language.
Assembly Language (ASM) or a program that converts source code that the programmer wrote into machine language that the processor can understand. Similar to compilers used with high-level languages.
a program that translates mnemonic code into machinelevel code.
Program that converts assembly language mnemonics into machine code.
A program that converts a text file containing mnemonically coded microprocessor instructions into the corresponding binary machine code. MASM is an assembler. See “compiler.
Software that translates assembly language into machine language. Contrast with compiler, which is used to translate a high-level language (such as C) into assembly language first, then into machine language.
A general-purpose device for molecular manufacturing capable of guiding chemical reactions by positioning molecules. A molecular machine that can be programmed to build virtually any molecular structure or device from simpler chemical building blocks. Analogous to a computer-driven machine shop. [FS
A molecular machine that can be programmed to build virtually any molecular structure or device from simpler chemical building blocks. Analogous to a computer-driven machine shop. [K. Eric Drexler, Engines of Creation, 1986
A program that takes as input a program written in assembly language and translates it into machine code or relocatable code
A computer program that converts assembly language instructions into object code. Synonymous with assembly program.
A molecular machine that can be programmed to build virtually any molecular structure or device from simpler chemical building blocks. See Replicator, Limited Assembler.
n. A program that converts assembly language programs, which are understandable by humans, into executable machine language. See also assemble, assembly language, assembly listing, compiler (definition 2), machine code.
A program that translates assembly language instructions into machine language instructions.
A program that transforms an assembly language program into machine language so the computer can execute the program. ስብሳቢ View
A program that translates assembly language code to binary machine language before it is run by a computer.
Language processor that translates nonmachine language into a language that is recognized by the computer.
Short for assembly code, a form of programming language permitting direct manipulation for machine memory or registers, also used to mean the processor which translates assembly code into executable code.
a piece of software that translates a specific assembly language into machine language for a specific processor.
A molecular manufacturing device capable of positioning molecules through chemical reactions.
A software development tool that translates human-readable assembly language programs into machine-readable code that the target processor can understand and execute. USAGE: Assembler also can mean assembly language, as in, "I wrote that part of the code in assembler."
A program that converts symbolically-coded programs into object level, machine code. In an assembler program, unlike a compiler, there is a one-to-one correspondence between human-readable instructions and the machine-language code.