a key on a typewriter or computer keyboard which advances the carriage or curser to the next (preset) tab position; -- used especially to type or print text or numbers in columns.
This function is associated with the print statement and causes output to be placed in the p th column. If the output cursor has exceeded this specified position, then the output will be placed in the p th column on the next line down.
A key that, when pressed, moves the insertion point to the next tab marker.
Short for tabloid, which is a section about half the size of a standard or broadsheet section. The Post's ROP tabs measure 5 columns (10") wide by 12" deep.
In many programs, when you go into Options, you see what looks like a stack of cards with headings sticking up at the top. Each heading is on a "tab". If you click the tab, its page will come to the front. This has nothing to do with the tab key on the keyboard.
the key on an electric typewriter that causes a tabulation
1) To arrange text in columns with the cursor running from one column to the next 2) In Windows, a method of moving from one button or field to another without using the mouse, but by pressing the tab key to move the focus
A mechanism for setting automatic stops or margins in order to line up text or items in columns. Also a key on the keyboard that moves the cursor or pointer to the next tab stop.
To move from one link or form field on the page to another. This can be done using the "tab" key or by using a switch or button.
The Tab key is used to move the cursor over to the right to a pre-set point. This is especially used in word processing to line up text vertically.
output: On manual typewriters literally a metal tab that momentarily stopped the travel of the carriage, used to create alignment inside the margins. Computers have expanded the function of the tab character. Now you can specify the alignment the text will take at the tab - right, center, left or decimal point - or attach leaders for better readability of tables. The tab key is also used to move from field to field in a database or where there are multiple text boxes in a dialog such as Page Setup. When exporting from a spreadsheet or database the tab is often used to delimit (separate) the cells in a row or fields in a record. You can see where the tabs are in a word processor by choosing a menu item such as "Show Invisibles" or "Show Paragraphs". A most useful character.
The character generated by hitting the TAB key on the keyboard. It usually expands to up to eight spaces upon output.
A special character represented by that causes text to continue at the next column, based on how wide columns have been defined. This character is used to format text for display.
a key you use to move the insertion point to a preset position
The keyboard key intended to emulate the action of the tab key on a typewriter.