Peripheral Artery Disease. Damage or narrowing to the blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart toyour arms, legs or organs.
Peripheral Arterial Disease. A disease of the arteries beyond the heart, that usually affects the blood supply to the legs and that results from clogged arteries. It is usually a sign that there is atherosclerotic disease elsewhere in the body such as the brain, heart or kidneys.
Peripheral Arterial Disease. A common disorder that occurs in the artery segments of the circulatory system (legs, pelvis, neck brain). The artery wall linings slowly become narrowed and rough clots formed due to built up cholesterol or plaque. It has major implications on a patient's life due to association with blockages in the heart and brain with potential for death from heart attack and stroke.
Peripheral Arterial Disease. is a condition that causes poor circulation in the legs. PAD affects millions of people in the United States, most of whom are not aware that they have the disease. Left untreated, PAD increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, amputation, or death. PAD is characterized by pain, aching or fatigue in the leg muscles.
PERIPHERAL ARTERY DISEASE. A condition similar to coronary artery disease and carotid artery disease. In PAD, fatty deposits build up along artery walls and affect blood circulation, primarily in arteries leading to the legs and feet. In its early stages, a common symptom is cramping or fatigue in the legs and buttocks during activity that subsides when the person stands still. People with PAD have a higher risk of death from stroke and heart attack, due to the risk of blood clots.
A protective device used to protect the legs of both batsmen and wicketkeepers from being struck by the ball. Can also describe the manner in which a batsman may deflect the ball away from the stumps by thrusting the leg and striking the ball.
Pulmonary Artery Diastolic. filling pressure of the left heart.
A protective covering for the legs of the batsmen and wicketkeeper. If a cricketer ever suggests "Your pad or mine", check what he's after before uttering your reply.
peripheral artery disease. See peripheral vascular disease (PVD).
a batsman's leg pad, designed to protect the leg from being hit by the ball. v.t. to play the ball with the leg pad rather than the bat, by deliberately pushing the leg in the path of the ball while keeping the bat away from the ball.