The Toolkit provides a framework on which to develop complex PHP5 web applications. The features it offers are; authentication, authorisation, session handling, and logging. The MVC pattern is used, and Smarty templates separate design and development.
Set of strategies (blitz enumeration, paired enumeration, and the like) available to LCOs in order to develop their HTE plans.
A manual or a set of guidelines and instructions for use by development professionals, designed to address a specific challenge in project design.
a complete guide and handbook for developing a Safe Routes to School program
a complete, state-of-the-art, flexible set of tools, guides, checklists, and templates to be able to conduct a comprehensive analysis of human performance for any position
an incredibly versatile and powerful training tool that can be used to demonstrate and develop many serious learning points
a step-by-step guide to help you understand and prepare for the battle against defined benefit pension plans