A statement of the importance of a user or a program. Often expressed as a relative priority, indicating that the user doesn't care when the work is completed so long as he is treated less badly than someone else.
A gauge of the severity, urgency, or scope of a problem. The higher the priority, the more severe or the broader the scope of a problem.
Legal precedence; having preferred status. Generally, upon foreclosure, lenders are repaid according to priority.
Priority is a user-defined setting that the determines the importance of each Resource with or from which a Jabber User is connected to a Jabber Server. The server will send messages and presence information to the highest-priority resource, which is known as the Primary Resouce. This enables a user to be connected to the server from multiple locations or using multiple devices, but receive information only at one device or location if desired.
The value given to an Incident, Problem or Change to indicate its relative importance in order to ensure the appropriate allocation of resources and to determine the timeframe within which the action is required. Priority is based upon a coherent and up-to-date understanding of business impact and urgency and, sometimes, technical severity.
The privilege of the first broker in the trading crowd at a particular price to execute his order before any of his competitors. If no priority exists, then parity, precedence, or preference may be used to award the execution.
The importance of a project relative to other projects including resource conflict and availability. Priority is either quanititative or qualitative.
status established in order of importance or urgency; "...its precedence as the world's leading manufacturer of pharmaceuticals"; "national independence takes priority over class struggle"
A parameter that identifies the relative importance of traffic on a particular Pipe or Virtual Channel compared to other Pipes or Virtual Channels. Priority does not explicitly define the speed of communication, but assigns a weight value, for example, for every 2 bytes of priority 3, send 4 bytes of priority 7. It does not define how long it takes to send priority 7 or priority 3 bytes. Process Watchdog A software process that is responsible for keeping the system in a normal operation state. It watches the aliveness of processes and restarts a process or the whole system when required.
alg. sem.] A partial ordering based on importance. If one constructor constructs the most important signs of a given sort, we call it the primary constructor for that sort. There may be other constructors with less priority, but constructors may also have equal priority (which is why in general the ordering is only partial). For example, there may be several constructors for text elements in a window; in particular, one whose parameters are capitalized words and whose value is a title might have higher priority than certain others because it constructs relatively more important signs.
The relative importance of a thread, which you express as an integer from a well-defined range of values.
The overall ranking of a task which determines its position in your To Do List. Priority is computed by the software automatically based on importance, balance, and urgency. Priority changes dynamically as time and other factors change.
The importance assigned to a ticket, either critical, high, normal, low or junk.
the level of importance of an event. Most often, interrupts are assigned priorities.
A number assigned to a rule to indicate the importance of the rule and is used in reporting and filtering.
The ranking or importance assigned to a project, typically used to determine access to the drum resource.
In the context of operators a synonym for precedence.
how important a ticket is, represented as numerical scale from 0-99, with 99 being the highest priority. See also final priority.
A precedence ranking that determines the order in which the threads of a process are scheduled for the processor.
Priority, unless specifically qualified, is the right to occupy a specific frequency for authorized uses, free of harmful interference from stations of other agencies. In DOD record communications systems, one of the four levels of precedence used to establish the time frame for handling a given message. In DOD voice communications systems, one of the levels of precedence assigned to a subscriber telephone for the purpose of preemption of telephone services.
Level of importance. Saving must become a priority and you should always pay for your priorities or necessities first.
The relative level of importance of a job compared to others.
Each new or updated ticket is given a priority level. The priority level tells the person assigned the ticket how important the request is and suggests a time span in which it needs to be resolved.
The order of precedence of liens against property or assets. Priority is usually established by filing or recordation of liens but may be established by statute or agreement.
describes something that is most important and urgent
Give your Tasks priority levels to indicate their relative importance. Use letters A-Z or numbers 1-9, depending on the importance of the Task and the convention used in your work environment.
Sequence in which an Incident or Problem needs to be resolved, based on impact and urgency.
Give your Tasks Priority levels to indicate their relative importance. Use letters or numbers, depending on the importance of the Task and the convention used in your work environment. Back to the top
The "score" given to an incident or problem to indicate importance and time frame based upon impact + urgency
something that is more important than other things
An issue property, giving the importance of addressing the issue. Specified by the reporter that created the issue, but may be changed later. Possible values are: None Low Normal High Urgent Immediate
What should come first; what is most important
Precedence: status established in order of importance or urgency.
Something having a higher level of importance or ranking. Preference, precedence.
The assigned importance of a maintenance job.