Warrant; license; leave; permission; specifically, a written license or permission given to a person or persons having authority; as, a permit to land goods subject to duty.
A document issued pursuant to RCW 90.48.160 et seq., RCW 90.48.260 or both, specifying waste treatment and control requirements, and waste discharge conditions.
Written permission from a governmental agency to take certain action during the Transportation Project Development Process (relating to, for example, solid waste management underground storage tanks, coastal areas, etc.). Specifically, the US Army Corps of Engineers issues permits for the construction, excavation, depositing of material, etc. in navigable waters; and, for the discharge of dredged or fill materials into US waters. Also, the PA Department of Environmental Protection issues water quality certifications for actions that result in discharge into regulated waters.
Refers to either an Authority to Construct, Temporary Permit to Operate or Permit to Operate, whichever is legally in effect. For purposes of prevention of significant deterioration enforceability, the Permit to Operate will be considered a modified authority to construct.
or Licence An instrument granted by a sovereign government, allowing the holder the right in an area for a prescribed period of time for exploration, development or production under specific contractual or legislative conditions.
A printed indicia, instead of an adhesive postage stamp or metered postage, which shows postage prepayment by an authorized mailer. A permit requires an annual fee and mailings must be made at least once a year. A separate annual mailing fee may also be due, depending on the class of mail to be prepared.
Permits are required both for the operation of plants (operating permits) and for the construction of new plants. The 1990 FCAA Amendments introduced a nationwide operating permit system for air pollution control to be implemented by states/local districts. The FCAA operating permit program (Title V) includes requirements for permit applications, including provisions for members of the public to participate in state and U.S. EPA reviews of permit applications. Permits will have, in one place, all the applicable requirements for a source. Fed
A document that gives permission for an activity. An environmental permit sets the allowable amount of pollution and the standards that must be met in order to maintain the permit.
Basically, a license to fish for a particular species in a particular area employing a certain harvest method. For some regional fisheries permits are very limited, and thus can be expensive. A Bristol Bay salmon drift gillnet permit can cost upwards of $300,000.
An authorization to mail without postage affixed, using an indicia containing specific information
A license issued by government granting permission to engage in some activity, such as to export, import, or invest.
a permit to conduct surface coal and industrial minerals mining and reclamation operations issued by DMRM under the state program.
A permit to conduct . . . coal mining and reclamation operations issued by the State regulatory authority pursuant to a state program or issued by OSM pursuant to a Federal program
a legal document giving official permission to do something
the act of giving a formal (usually written) authorization
consent to, give permission; "She permitted her son to visit her estranged husband"; "I won't let the police search her basement"; "I cannot allow you to see your exam"
a collection of all the air pollution laws and requirements that a certain company must follow
a colored slip of paper required for permission to enroll in classes with no call numbers
a document granting a temporary right of occupancy(one year or less) of vacant quarters to a Federal tenant
a document which confirms that the foreign national is authorized to work or to study in Canada
a formal document authorizing commencement of some action or work subject to regulations
a formal written order empowering a person or other legal entity to do some act which, without such authority, would otherwise not be allowed
a license that allows you to practice driving, but you must have a
an official non-renewable document that authorizes (approves) a specific activity for a given span of time
a written license and authorization issued by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to carry on specified activities as regulated by the New York City Health Code
A written document that gives authorised permission to work at a calling at reduced rates (e.g. student's work permit or aged/infirm permit). The Industrial Registrar grants such permits.
A permission issued by federal, state, and local governments that allows an activity or condition to occur; usually with some form or restrictions or guidelines that must be followed for it to be legally valid.
Authority to operate issued by the PUC to telephone carriers who by statute are not regulated as public utilities.
Mail with printed indicia instead of a stamp, showing the sender has paid postage.
a written document issued by the department permitting the construction and/or development of a subsurface potable water source or waste water disposal systems.
Authorization from local or state government officials to perform work. Various types of permits are needed in order to begin a project, and may include zoning permits, building permits, electrical permits, plumbing permits, and more.
Embodies the rights and obligations extended by the municipality to an operator to own, construct, maintain, and operate its facility within the boundaries of the municipality.
An authorisation, license, or equivalent control document issued by a government body to site, build or operate a waste management facility or system.
Compare? A legal document issued by state and/or federal authorities containing a detailed description of the proposed activity and operating procedures as well as appropriate requirements and regulations. The permitting process includes provisions for public comment.
A legal document authorizing the construction to commence, issued by the authority having jurisdiction (typically the local building department). This document must be obtained prior to the Work beginning.
Franking by the imprint of a number and additional information that identifies a mailer's prepaid postage account, thereby eliminating the need to affix and cancel stamps on large mailings. The mailer must obtain a document (permit) that authorizes his use of this procedure.
A document issued pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes and Oregon Administrative Regulations specifying waste treatment and control requirements, and waste discharge conditions.
A license to use a registered permit number, given to the sender of bulk mailings to speed up the mailing process.
Formal governmental permission to engage in non-depository microlending activity that will not subject the permit-holding institution to prudential regulation and supervision.
Any authorization required for specific types of preparation or postage payment. Specifically, an authorization to mail without postage affixed by using indicia or an imprint. Payment is made against an advance deposit account that is established with the USPS for postage and services. Permits also are required to participate in certain programs such as business reply mail.
A document that resembles a license, required by the Clean Air Act for regulated sources of air pollution. Permits are required for both the operation of existing plants (operating permit) and for the construction of new plants or modifications to existing plant (construction permit).
Authorization from a government organization to remodel.
A petroleum tenement, lease, licence or block.
Use-authorization forms issues by agencies to control the amount of use along trails or in wilderness areas. Permits may be obtained from the agency office, by mail, over the phone, or in person, or they may be self-issued; self-issued permits are usually obtained at the trailhead or immediately outside agency offices. They can be used to increase visitor knowledge about regulations, recommended low-impact behaviors, and potential hazards.
In the Sea Cadets, a certificate, issued under the authority of the Director of Training at Sea Cadet Headquarters, by the the HQSO(C) which permits Radio Stations to transmit of Sea Cadet frequencies. Transmission on most frequencies (and ALL Sea Cadet Frequencies) without a permit or licence is an offence in International Law. Pages with more information about Sea Cadet Transmitter Permits can be found on this website.
The government body's written permission to do something which is regulated by that body. /PERPETUITY
a legal document granting usually temporary permission to carry out a planned action.
A document issued by a local government agency allowing construction work to be performed in conformance with local codes. Work may not commence until permits have been obtained, and each permit issuing agency must inspect the work at certain specified points during construction.
A license granted by the appropriate authorities to allow a sign to be erected. See also sign code.
A document issued by the regulatory authority that gives approval for the operation of a surface coal mine under conditions set forth in the Surface Mining Law and the implementing regulations.
A certificate granted by a local government agency permitting construction to be performed within the criteria of the local codes. Permits must be obtained before work begins and each agency granting permits must inspect the work at specified points of construction.
An official authorization.
An official document or certificate issued by the building official authorizing performance of a specified activity such as construction.
A license granted by the state and/or locality to authorize a sign structure on a site. All states have laws requiring state permits for billboards along the Interstate, Federal-Aid Primary highways and the National Highway System. Localities may also require permits for billboards.
Authority granted to contract carriers and forwarders by the ICC to operate in interstate commerce.
A license that authorizes permission to do work on your home. Minor repairs and remodeling work usually do not call for a permit, but if the job consists of extending the water supply and the drain, waste, vent system, adding an electrical circuit, or making structural changes to a building, a permit may be necessary.
A document, issued by a government regulatory authority, that allows the bearer to take some specific action.
A document that resembles a license that is required by the Clean Air Act for big (major) sources of air pollution, such as power plants, chemical factories and, in some cases, smaller polluters. Usually permits are issued by states, but if EPA has disapproved part or all of a state permit program, EPA will issue the permits in that state. The 1990 Clean Air Act includes requirements for permit applications, including provisions for members of the public to participate in state and EPA reviews of permit applications. Permits contain information on all the regulated pollutants at a source. Permits include information on which pollutants are presently released, how much pollution the source is allowed to release, and the control measures necessary to meet pollutant release requirements. Permits are required both for the operation of plants (operating permits) and for the construction of new plants. The 1990 Clean Air Act introduced a nationwide permit system for air pollution control.
an area of specified size within a sedimentary basin which is licensed or allocated to a company or companies by the government for the purpose of exploring for and producing oil and gas. In Australia separate licences are issued for exploration and production.
Written authorization from a government agency (e.g., an air quality management district) that allows for the construction and/or operation of an emissions generating facility or its equipment within certain specified limits.
A governmental authorization to perform a building process as in: Zoning\Use permit - authorization to use a property for a specific use e.g. a factory, a single family residence etc. Grading permit - authorization to change the contour of the land. Septic permit - a health dept. authorization to build or modify a septic system. Building permit - authorization to build or modify a structure. Electrical permit - a separate permit required for most electrical work. Plumbing permit - a separate permit required for new plumbing and larger modifications of existing plumbing systems.
A document that resembles a license, required by the Clean Air Act for big (major) sources of air pollution, such as power plants, chemical factories and, in some cases, smaller polluters. Usually permits will be given out by states, but if EPA has disap
An authorization, license, or equivalent control document issued by EPA or an approved state agency to implement the requirements of an environmental regulation; e.g., a permit to operate a wastewater treatment plant or to operate a facility that may generate harmful emissions.
issued by a local government agency, this document allows construction work to be executed according to specified codes. The work is inspected periodically to ensure compliance.
Authorization from a regulatory authority to conduct permitted activity.
Issued by the government and used to take a form of consent, e.g. an occupancy permit grants permission to the owner to occupy or rent property.
A governmental municipal authorization to perform a building process as in: * Zoning\Use permit - Authorization to use a property for a specific use e.g. a garage, a single family residence etc. * Demolition permit - Authorization to tear