acceptance as satisfactory; "he bought it on approval"
() Conditional loan approval is based on information provided verbally or in writing on the loan application. The conditional approval is subject to the verification and/or receipt of the requested loan conditions. Once all requested conditions and lender requirements are satisfied, the loan will receive final approval.
the term used when an individual accepts a deliverable as fit for purpose so that the project can continue.
Acceptance by an officer of the company of an offer from an applicant or policyholder in the form of a contract for new insurance, reinstatement of a terminated policy, request for a policy loan, etc.
(1) Signifies the legal acceptance of forms by a state when policy information is filed; (2) signifies the insurer's acceptance of risks as set forth in an application for insurance (as originally made or modified by the insurer); or (3) signifies the acceptance of a request from an applicant or policyholder for new insurance, reinstatement of a terminated policy, a policy loan, or other request.
Conditional loan approval is based on information provided to verbally and as set forth on the application. The conditional approval is subject to the verification and/or receipt of additional information. Once all closing conditions and lender requirements are satisfied, the loan will receive final approval.
An acceptance of a payment. Usually in the form of an authorization code provided by the Issuing bank.
Acceptance of the borrower's loan application. Approval means that the borrower meets the lender's qualification requirements and also its underwriting requirements. In some cases, especially where approval is provided quickly as with automated underwriting systems, the approval may be conditional on further verification of information provided by the borrower.
all pesticide products must be approved before they can be advertised, stored, sold, supplied or used. An approval (normally applied for by a company wanting to market a pesticide) will only be given when all the required evidence and information on the safety, effectiveness, and (where relevant) the humaneness of the pesticide have been submitted, evaluated and considered acceptable. You can find full details of the approvals process on the PSD website ( ).
(1) When used in connection with the filing of policy and certificate forms and rates with a state insurance department, approval signifies the legal acceptance of the forms by the state's representative; (2) when used in connection with underwriting, approval signifies the insurer's acceptance of the risk as set forth in the application (as originally made or as modified by the insurer); (3) approval also signifies the acceptance of an offer from an applicant or policyholder in the form of a contract for new insurance, reinstatement of a terminated policy, request for a policy loan, or other event, by an officer of the company.
loan approval is the lender's formal OK on the loan. This event occurs 30-45 days or more after loan application.
See Instruments of acceptance, accession, approval or ratification