a public certification that a student has successfully completed a specified set of learning outcomes with a particular purpose and of specified minimum volume of credit at particular level(s)
Qualification means, in the vocational education and training sector, the formal certification, issued by a Registered Training Organisation under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), that a person has achieved all the requirements for a qualification as specified in an endorsed national Training Package or in an accredited course. From AQTF Standards for RTOs
An official record (certificate, diploma) of achievement which recognises successful completion of education or training, or satisfactory performance in a test or examination; and/or the requirements for an individual to enter, or progress within an occupation. Source: Cedefop, 2003.
A qualification, also known as foreign qualification or certificate of authority, is a document allowing a foreign corporation or LLC to transact business in a state other than the incorporation state. The definition of "transacting business" is different from state to state. Make sure to consult a lawyer or an accountant to see how it applies to your business.
The academic title conferred upon a student who has successfully completed a programme of study (eg BSc Honours Psychology). Qualifications are at various levels requiring different amounts and levels of credit. A full table, Credit points by level for benchmark qualifications, of the credit point requirements is given in Section A of the Regulations; below is an outline of the most common awards: Diploma of Higher Education - 240 credit points of which a minimum of 100 credit points are at level 2 or above Degree with Honours - 360 credit points of which a minimum of 220 credit points are at level 2 or above and of which a minimum of 120 credit points are at level 3 or above Sandwich degree - as for an Honours degree with the addition of 120 credit points in respect of placement (usually in the third year) making a total of 480 credit points Postgraduate Certificate - 60 credit points, with a minimum of 40 credit points at Level 4 Postgraduate Diploma - 120 credit points with a minimum of 90 credit points at Level 4 Masters Degree - 180 credit points with a minimum of 150 credit points at level 4 or above. Some subjects will specify particular modules which have to be passed.
Formal certification, issued by a relevant approved body, in recognition that a person is assessed as having all the skills and knowledge required at a particular level.
A qualification is the formal certification, issued by a Registered Training Organisation, in recognition that all required competencies or learning outcomes have been achieved.
Formal certification, issued by a Registered Training Organisation under the Australian Qualifications Framework, that a person has achieved all the requirements for a qualification as specified in an endorsed national Training Package or in an accredited course where no relevant Training Package exists. The body responsible within the State or Territory legislative and decision-making framework for all decisions relating to the administration of the registration of training organisations and the accreditation of courses where no relevant Training Package exists.
A program designed to lead to a qualification specified in a national Training Package. Certification awarded to a person on a successful completion of a course or Training Package qualification in recognition of having achieved particular knowledge, skills or competencies.
The formal certification issued by the relevant approval body in a sector that confirms an individual has achieved either all the units of competency or the subject or module learning outcomes required of the qualification.
Qualification refers to the outcome of your chosen course. Nationally recognsed courses comprise of thirteen qualifications. These qualifications are shown in the list below, grouped according to the sector in which they are most commonly issued. Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Schools Sector Senior Secondary Certificate of Education Vocational Education Training Sector Advanced Diploma Diploma Certificate IV Certificate III Certificate II Certificate I Statement of Attainment* Higher Education Doctoral Degree Masters Degree Graduate Diploma Graduate Certificate Bachelor Degree Associate Degree, Advanced Diploma Diploma* This is not a qualification, please refer to Statement of Attainment definition for an explanation
The defined set of competencies that establishes a specified and identifiable point of achievement, relevant to industry and community needs, expressed in accordance with the titles of the Australian Qualifications Framework and recognised through endorsement as part of a training package or through accreditation. The credential awarded by a registered training organisation that demonstrates the achievement of the defined set of competencies.
the credential awarded upon successful completion of a programme that has been endorsed by the Academic Board, NZQA and/or other professional bodies.
the term 'qualification' had begun to be narrowly defined in terms of either NVQ or a VRQ or GCSE. In the mind of the public, accreditation and qualification are synonimous. In the NQF, this conflation is recognised; there are to be three types of qualification: vocational: sector subject specific - NVQ, VRQ progression: containing a combination of 'essential' skills (Basic Skills, Key Skills, sector specific) that lead to other qualifications general: Basic skills, Key Skills, GCSE, A level
Requirements for certification established by a recognised standard setting group.
i) higher education qualification: any degree, diploma or other certificate issued by a competent authority attesting the successful completion of a higher education programme; ii) qualification giving access to higher education: any diploma or other certificate issued by a competent authority attesting the successful completion of an education programme and giving the holder of the qualification the right to be considered for admission to higher education (see HIGHER EDUCATION, HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION and PROGRAMME OF STUDY). Also termed as any higher education award given for the successful completion of a programme of learning; a generic term that refers to the wide variety of higher education qualifications at different levels and across different countries.
The filing of required documents by a corporation to secure a certificate of authority to conduct its business in a state other than the one in which it was incorporated. Limited liability companies or similar business entities may also conduct this process.
Requirement to be eligible for an office, position or task by having the proper or necessary skills, knowledge, credentials, accomplishments or qualities.
an award for attainment as a result of formal learning from an accredited non-school institution.
The process by which a foreign corporation registers in a state of operation other than its state of incorporation.
A degree, diploma or certificate.
The formal recognition of the achievement of the required number and range of credits and other requirements at specific levels of the NQF determined by the relevant bodies registered by SAQA
Certification awarded to a person on successful completion of a course, in recognition of having achieved particular knowledge, skills or competencies. See also Australian Qualifications Framework.