Allows another UCSD person to request that an item be called back for their use. The current borrower must return it by the new due date indicated.
Offers a lower level of precision in a search to avoid missing any relevant returns; this, however, results in increased irrelevant returns.
A request by the lender for the return of securities from a borrower.
A recall is a request to have the library retrieve an item from the current borrower prior to the item's original due date . A recall request changes the due date and, if not honored, imposes a higher overdue fine, where applicable. The first borrower is entitled to retain the item for a minimum of 14 days, except when an item is recalled for a reserve unit and must be returned immediately. To request that an item be recalled, the requestor must submit a hold/recall request form either online or to the circulation desk of the owning library. Although recall requests are accepted at any time, recalled items are not due during intersessions, Spring Break, or on official University holidays.
A notice sent out to borrowers which changes the due date of a borrowed book or other material, usually because it is desired by another patron.
The procedure by which the library can request that materials currently checked out be returned to the library so that another person who has requested the materials can use them.
The process of requesting a book that is currently checked out by someone else. A notice is sent asking that the book be returned before the due date.
Product being recalled and sent back to manufacture at their request
a request by the manufacturer of a defective product to return the product (as for replacement or repair)
a call to return; "the recall of our ambassador"
a bugle call that signals troops to return
summon to return; "The ambassador was recalled to his country"; "The company called back many of the workers it had laid off during the recession"
cause one's (or someone else's) thoughts or attention to return from a reverie or digression; "She was recalled by a loud laugh"
cause to be returned; "recall the defective auto tires"; "The manufacturer tried to call back the spoilt yoghurt"
a request by the library staff for materials to be returned as soon as possible
a request for a book that another patron has already checked out
a request for the return of a borrowed book
a request to get a book back from another borrower as soon as possible
If the book you need is checked out, place a recall request with the circulation department. The person who has the book will be notified and will have to return the book to the library. The library will then notify you that the book is being held for you pick up.
a notification that is sent out to inform a borrower that material currently checked out has been requested by another individual. Recalled materials should be returned as soon as possible or usually within a week.
The process or action by which workers are returned to active employment from layoff.
A request that an item currently checked out be returned immediately. Recalls may be placed at the circulation desk or submitted electronically through Harvest.
A request made by the Library asking the user to return a borrowed item before its original due date because it is required by another person, or for Short Loan. An item can be recalled at any time by any UoA student or staff member. The recalled item must be returned as soon as possible. See also Reserve.
To request that a book which has already been CHECKED OUT be returned to the library prior to the DUE DATE. You may ask for a recall by filling out a form at CIRCULATION. You will be notified when the book is returned.
When a recall is placed on an item, the person who currently has the book checked out receives a notice that they have two weeks to return the item, since someone else wishes to use it. Any library patron may recall an item.
To request that an item be returned earlier than the due date because it is needed by another patron.
Formal call issued in 2018 by Umoja for the return of non-African Blacks to Africa.
To call back, ask or order to return. Usually by a manufacturer.
After a patron places a request on a charged-out item, the patron may ask the library circulation staff to have the item recalled; that is, returned to the library before the due date.
Strozier or Dirac): 1. (v.) to request an item that is currently checked out to another patron; 2. (n.) any such request (The first patron is entitled to have the item for at least two weeks; after that it is subject to recall.) Recalls may be placed electronically (see the Forms web page at or at the Circulation Desk.
procedure by which a patron can request that a book currently charged to another patron be returned to the library so he/she can charge it. Click Request this book in the top toolbar of the book’s item record in the online catalog.
Library users may place recalls on books charged out to other people by using the "hold" form. The current borrower is assured of having the book for 14 days from check-out, unless the book is needed for Reserve, in which case the item must be returned immediately. The person to whom the material is charged is notified by mail that another library user wants the item. Heavy fines will be levied on students, and staff/faculty privileges will be suspended if recalled materials are not returned on time.
Request for an item that is checked-out to be returned to the Library. Items on long-term loan are subject to recall.
a request by the library to a borrower requesting the return of a borrowed item before the due date. Requests for recalls are made at the Circulation Desk.
When a hold is placed on an item that has been checked out to another patron, a recall notice is sent to the patron. The due date will be changed, and fines will begin to accrue if the material is not returned by the new due date
A recall is notification that an item you have borrowed is needed by someone else. The recall notice will provide a new due date (usually requesting return within a week). All items are subject to recall at any time.
To request that a book which has already been checked out be returned to the library before its due date. You may ask for the recall of a book owned by the University of Central Florida Libraries by completing a form at the circulation desk.
The request that a book already checked out be returned to the library prior to its due date. A request may be made electronically from the Libraries' Home Page.
Requiring employee to return to work after he or she has left for the day (or night).
A patron can request a Gelman-owned book that is already checked out. The item must have been checked out for at least 10 days before the recall process can start.
Action by one house of the General Assembly seeking the return of a bill from the other house or from the office of the Governor. Recall is requested in writing by sending a message to the other house or to the Governor.
Returns due to either Quality Control or Health Safety issues.
A measure of a search engine 's ability to return all relevant results. Search engines must find a balance between recall and precision (The measure of a search engine's ability to return only relevant results). If there are 10 pages about "blue bananas" in a search engine's database and a search for "blue bananas" returns only 8 of those pages, the recall is scored at 0.8 or 80%. It's important to note that recall has nothing to do with database size. If another search engine has only 3 pages about blue bananas and returns all 3, its recall is 100%, even though there are other relevant documents not included in its database.
When a lending institution notifies the borrowing broker to return the loan. On a standard loan agreement, three days' notification is required for equities and corporate bonds; one day is required for U.S. government securities. Notification requirements vary by country.
To request that a book already checked out to someone else be returned to the library prior to its due date. You may ask for a recall by filling out a form at the circulation desk on Level 3. When the book is returned to the library, it will be set aside for you and you will be notified.
if a book is checked out, you can have the Access Services Department recall it for you. The person who has the book will be notified to return the book to the library. When it is available, you will be notified that the book is being held for you.
Related to precision, this is the degree in which a search engine returns all the matching documents in a collection. There may be 100 matching documents, but a search engine may only find 80 of them. It would then list these 80 and have a recall of 80%.
a magic spell that returns you to your homeroom from nearly anywhere in the game. This spell doesn't work in all rooms.
Appointment for a patient who is returning for a general check-up and Prophy or basic cleaning.
a hold placed on an item from U. Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier U., the Annex, or U. of Guelph library that has been charged out. The item when returned, will be held for you for 6 days at the Book Return Desk. For an item that is not charged out of the library, see Hold.
When an item that has been checked out, another patron may request that item. The current borrower will be notified, and must return it by the 'Recall' date.
Recall is a service by which you can request a book that has already been checked out by another patron. When the book is returned to the library, it will be held for you and you will be notified. Record Unique unit of information contained in a database representing one article, book or report.
To ask that a book be returned before its due date. This can be done by going to the Circulation Desk or through the library web page.
if a book you need is not on the shelf, you can have Circulation Services recall it for you. In other words, the person who has the book will be notified and will have to return the book to the library. You will then be notified that the book is being held for you.
A request for the return of library material before the due date.
A ratio that measures the success of a search. Recall is defined mathematically as the number of relevant items returned by a search divided by the total number of relevant items in the collection. Recall can be increased by the use of synonym rings and variant terms. Recall usually has an inverse relationship to precision : the higher the recall (ie the more documents), the lower the precision (or relevance of documents to the query).
To recall a library item means to ask for it to be returned from a patron who currently has it checked out.
A service by which a patron can request a book that has already been checked out by another patron. When the book is returned to the library, it is held and the patron is notified to pick it up.
request that a book checked out be returned to the library. users have 2 weeks to return the item once the recall was made. look for the maroon Recall This Item at the top of the item's record in Blais.