The number of copies that the media sells or issues each time it is printed.
The number of subscriptions for a publication.
The circulation of a publication is the number of copies it sells or distributes within a fixed time period. When assessing the circulation of a publication, media planners attach a value to whether copies of publications are free or paid for, or have a circulation which is a mix of free and paid for distribution. They are also interested in whether the title's circulation has been audited by an industry body such as ABC or BPA International or by independent auditors. Depending on the sector, analysis of circulations may be broken down into a variety of complex sub-categories by the auditing company. Bulk sales in national press are regarded currently as a particularly contentious issue. Links: Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC).
The total number of copies distributed by a newspaper or magazine.
In print, the number of copies sold or distributed, as contrasted with readership, which includes the number of readers regardless of how they obtained the newspaper.
For a newspaper or magazine, the number of copies sold or distributed. Cf. readership. Our page on measuring print audiences has more detail.
the number of copies distributed to readers – whether they are given free of charge or sold
The distribution and/or the rate of distribution of newspapers, magazines and other print publications.
The number of copies distributed either paid or non-paid. Paid circulation refers to the number of copies that are sold.
the number of copies a publication sells or distributes.
The number of copies of a vehicle distributed based on the average number of issues.
The total number of copies of a publication distributed to subscribers and vendors in one day.
the dissemination of copies of periodicals (as newspapers or magazines)
number of copies of a newspaper or magazine that are sold; "by increasing its circulation the newspaper hoped to increase its advertising"
The number of copies of a newspaper, both subscribed and over-the-counter sales, per printed edition during a given audit period. No price discounts (e.g. during sales campaigns) over 50 % are included in the calculation.
For publications, the total number of copies that are distributed, usually a total of subscriptions plus single copies sold.
The number of newspapers sold to customers each day ("paid circulation"). The Company keeps separate records of morning, evening and Sunday circulation.
The number of households that are estimated to be in the audience of a given television source at least once during a specified period of time.
The number of copies a newspaper sells.
Of a print publication, the total number of copies distributed.
In print, the number of copies sold or distributed by a publication. In broadcast, the number of homes owning a television or radio within a station's coverage area. In out-of-home media; the number of people passing an advertisement who have an opportunity to see it.
refers to your total net paid subscriptions AND single copy sales and/or requests.
The number of people passing an advertisement who have a reasonable opportunity to see the advertising message; potential viewers. Outdoor circulation is based on traffic volume. Traffic volume is made up of three modes of transportation; automotive, pedestrian and mass transit. Traffic volume is obtained by counting the number of pedestrians and automobiles passing any advertising structure during a specified time period and the number of persons riding in mass transit vehicles. Automobiles counted are converted to persons by the TAB occupancy factor of 1.75 persons per car. For the most part, outdoor circulation reflects people in vehicles.
The number of paid copies of a periodical, such as a magazine, a journal or a newspaper.
The basis of determining the value of outdoor advertising. Outdoor circulation is based on the number of vehicles and pedestrians that pass a given advertising structure during a specified time period. The TAB occupancy factor for passenger cars is 1.35 adults per vehicle. Circulation is the total number of potential viewers of the display.
The number of people who buy and/or receive a given publication. This can be either a closed circulation or an open circulation.
A magazine's total net paid subscriptions and single copies and/or re-quest and qualified recipients. Often expressed as an average per issue over six months, per auditing and rate base conventions.
The number of copies that a publication distributes or sells. Also refers to the number of people who have an opportunity to observe a piece of outdoor advertising, such as a billboard or poster.
Gross Daily - All the people including passengers in autos, public transportation, trucks, pedestrian, going in all directions, who pass given a point during a 12-hour daylight period or an 18-hour period in case of illuminated panels.
1. In print media, term used to refer to the number of copies sold or distributed. 2. In broadcast media, refers to the number of homes with a TV or radio within the station's coverage area. 3. In outdoor media, number of people who pass by the advertisement and have an opportunity to see it. 4. In cable, the number of subscribers to a given network.
The number of copies of a newspaper or magazine that are produced on a regular basis.
The total number of copies of the newspaper distributed in one day
The number of households to which a newspaper is delivered plus the single-copy sales (street sales.) It is a measure of the number of physical units sold on a single day not the number of adults reading the publication.
The total number of people moving in any direction past a transit advertisement.
It is the number of copies of print publication distributed. For outdoor advertising, it means the total number of people having the opportunity to view a billboard or poster.
In print, the number of people reading a single edition of a publication. In outdoor advertising, the number of people viewing the ad message, based on a month's time. In broadcast, the number of set-owning families within range of a station signal.
Average number of copies per issue sold or distributed.