mintmark is a letter on the coin indicating where the coin was made. For example, the letter "P" on a coin tells us the coin was made at the Phildadephia Mint.
A letter, character, symbol, emblem, privy or other mark placed in the design of a coin to indicate the mint of origin.
Sometimes called a privy mark. Any kind of mark put on a coin when struck to indicate usually the place of striking, the person in charge of striking it, the company responsible or even the die type used. The best British examples are some of the Pennies of George V which have either an 'H' or 'KN' next to the date to indicate they were not struck at the Royal mint. (See Heaton Mint and Kings Norton mint)
a mark on a coin that identifies the mint where it was produced
Any letter or other symbol placed on the design of a coin to identify the mint where it was manufactured. May also be used to describe other marks used by a mint for control purposes, such as the dating the coin (before coins had their year of issue inscribed on them) or identifying the mint officials respoonsible for its issue.
A letter or symbol designating the mint which produced the item bearing it
Small letter stamped into the dies to denote the mint at which a particular coin was struck.
A symbol, usually a small letter, used to indicate at which mint a coin was struck. The Heaton Mint mark, “H”, can be found on the 1877 issues.
The letter identifying the mint of origin of a coin.
A device appearing on a coin to denote the place of minting.
Letter(s) stamped into a coin to denote the mint at which it was struck. More information on mints.