The coin, or other production, made in a mint.
The duty paid to the mint for coining. At one time people could bring precious metals, as gold or silver, to a mint and receive in return coins of the same value, minus the commision charged by the mint, which was the mintage.
The act or process of minting{1}; as, a coin of recent mintage.
The quantity of coins of a specific type made by the mint; as, coins of low mintage tend to be more valuable as collectors' items.
the total number of coins produced for a specific programme
A number that is a count of the number of coins struck. For example the mintage of the 1888 Shilling is 4,526,856.
fee paid to a mint by the government for minting a coin
act or process of minting coins
the number of coins produced (the quantity made for that country, date, mintmark, and type of coin)
The quantity produced of any particular coin.
The number of coins produced by a mint for a specific time period.
The total number of coins of a particular denomination, date and/or type produced by a mint.
The number of coins of a particular date struck at a given mint during a particular year.
the total number of coins produced at a specific mint in a specific year
The process of striking coins. Quantity coined. Most of the mintages of Jersey early coins are in multiples of 1,000 pounds.
Is the amount of one particular coin which was produced during a period of time (usually 1 year).
the quantity of coins produced.
The number of coins originally struck at a particular mint with a particular date on the coin.