The individual, group of individuals, corporation, or government agency being charged in a lawsuit. Compare plaintiff.
The party against whom a legal action has been brought.
In criminal cases, the person accused of the crime. In civil matters, the person or organization that is being sued.
A defendant is a party against whom an action or charge has been brought. Once a defendant in criminal proceedings is committed for trial before a judge and jury, he/she is referred to as the accused.
A person sued in a civil suit or accused of a crime.
the person charged with breaking the law
The alleged debtor against whom action is brought.
The person against whom you make your claim
A person required to appear in court to answer pending charges.
In a civil case, the defendant, also known as the respondent, is the person against whom relief or recovery is sought in an action suit. In a criminal case, the defendant is the accused.
In a civil case, the person being sued. In a criminal case, the person accused of the crime.
The person against whom a legal action or suit is instituted. In some types of cases, the word "respondent" is used in the same sense.
an accused person in a criminal case
A person against whom a lawsuit is filed.
An insurance company or an employer defending itself against a claim brought by a plaintiff or an applicant.
The person or business who is sued in a lawsuit
The party against whom a lawsuit is brought by a plaintiff or who is accused of crime.
Any person or entity that is being sued.
The person charged with having committed a crime. to top
Party against whom a legal action is taken; party who is defending.
the person required to answer a complaint in a law suit.
In a civil case, the defendant is the person against whom the lawsuit is brought. In a criminal case, the defendant is the person accused of committing the crime.
The party against whom a claim is brought. In property tax disputes, this is the county that assessed or classified the property.
Civil law uses this term to describe an individual or organization who defends a lawsuit; a plaintiff seeks to recover damages from a defendant.
The person whom the complainant is complaining about (usually the man). In AVOs the person against whom the AVO is to be made. In criminal matters like assault, the defendant is the person who is charged with committing an offence. In civil matters the defendant is the person who has to answer the claims made by the other party.
The party against whom a claim is made.
The defendant is the party sued in a civil proceeding or accused in a criminal proceeding.
The accused in a criminal case or, in a civil case, the person or organization against whom the plaintiff brings an action.
a person accused of a crime or wrongdoing.
A person against whom a claim is made.
the person the case is brought against.
a person is accused or sued
means any person, partnership, company or organization against whom a charge or complaint has been laid, relative to the contravention of these rules, regulations, procedures and policies of The Canadian Kennel Club.
The former term for a person who receives court papers from his/her spouse, other parent, or another family member. This person is now called the respondent.
The person or entity who is sued in a lawsuit.
The person against whom a lawsuit is started or a crime charged.
A person against whom recovery or relief is sought in a civil case or the accused in a criminal case.
In a civil action, the party denying or defending itself against charges brought by a plaintiff. In a criminal action, the person indicted for an offense.
A person against whom a criminal case is pending.
A person against whom a legal action is taken.
the party being sued in a civil case or the accused in a criminal proceeding.
The person (or entity) against whom a legal action is brought by the plaintiff. Class
The person against whom legal papers are filed, also sometimes referred to as the respondent.
Party (whether company, individual, partnership, sole trader being sued/defending proceedings brought against it by the claimant
The party against whom a legal action is brought, for example, the automotive manufacturer in a lemon law case.
a career offender if he has at least two prior convictions of a crime of violence
a person against whom proceedings for an offence have been started (whether or not he has been convicted)
Individual or organization against whom a lawsuit has been brought.
The person who defends against a claim asserted in a Court action.
In a civil case, the party denying or defending itself against charges brought by a plaintiff. In a criminal case, the person charged with an offense.
A person against whom an action or claim is brought in a court of law.
Person who starts an action against someone in the civil courts. (Since the introduction of the new Civil Procedure Rules in April 1999, ‘claimant' has replaced this term.)
The person or persons that are being accused by the petition before the court. In most abuse cases, this would be the parent(s). In divorce proceedings, the plaintiff can be considered the party that brings a petition of divorce or the contested element of that process to the court and the defendant is the other spouse.
A person against whom a cause of action is taken.
In criminal cases, the defendant is the person charged with an offense.
Person who is sued in a civil case or accused in a criminal case.
The person sued in a civil action or charged with a criminal offence.
One called upon to defend, deny or answer a legal action, also known as "respondent" in special proceedings.
A person who has been sued in a court of law; the person who answers the persons complaint.
The accused in a criminal trial.
The party against whom legal action is brought; the debtor by whom the money is owed
A person, against whom legal action or lawsuit is filed, also called the respondent.
A person against whom legal action is initiated for the purpose of obtaining criminal sanctions (criminal defendant) or damages or other appropriate judicial relief (civil defendant).
the person who is the "absent parent"; the one who pays support; also called the "non-custodial parent."
is a legal term given to the person against whom the AVO is to be made (that is, the perpetrator of domestic violence).
In a court case, the accused person or organization
The person against whom legal proceedings are brought.
A person who appears in court because they are being sued, standing trial or appearing for sentence.
An individual or entity against whom a civil or criminal action is brought.
The party sued in an action at law. In a foreclosure action, this is the person or persons who borrowed money and have defaulted on their mortgage.
In a civil action, the defendant is the party called to answer claims brought by the plaintiff. In a criminal action, the defendant is the party accused of committing a crime.
the person defending or denying the plaintiff's allegations in a lawsuit.
One who is charged with a crime or sued in civil action. See also plaintiff.
The person or business being sued.
A person who is sued or accused in a court of law.
The party the plaintiff claims is responsible for his/her damages and from whom the plaintiff seeks some form of relief.
In a civil case, the person or organization against whom the plaintiff brings suit; in a criminal case, the person accused of the crime.
The person who is sued in a case. In paternity and child support cases, this person is also referred to as the respondent.
The person in a criminal case who is accused of committing a crime. The party in a civil action against whom suit is brought.
a person charged with a criminal offense.
A person arrested and charged with committing a crime.
The subject of a court action, against whom relief or recovery is sought through suit.
The person or organization who has to defend the lawsuit.
The individual charged with a crime. The person who is being prosecuted. The person, company or organization against whom a criminal proceeding is pending.
a person or institution against whom an action is brought in a court of law; the person being sued or accused.
In a workers compensation case, the defendant is the employer, the insurance carrier, and, in certain cases, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
a person accused of offences in the summary jurisdiction of the District Court.
A person who is the subject of legal action initiated by a plaintiff.
Person against whom a civil or criminal proceeding is begun
A person defending or denying an accusation. Also, in a civil case, the person against whom a complaint is filed.
Someone accused of violating the law. The defendant in a civil suit is accused of being liable by the person who's rights have been violated and/or who has been harmed, the plaintiff. An attorney, called a defense lawyer, usually represents the defendant. Most of the time, this lawyer is provided by the defendant's insurance company who, as a part of the insurance that the defendant bought, has a duty to defend them against any legal action.
the person being sued in a personal injury claim, accident compensation or other compensation claim case.
the person charged with committing a crime in a criminal proceeding (compare respondent)
A person against whom an action is brought, a warrant is issued or an indictment is found.
the asbestos companies that you are suing for damages.
the person against whom relief or recovery is sought in a lawsuit; the one that defends against a lawsuit.
The accused person or party; the person named as the wrong-doer in a civil or criminal action.
A person or entity against which an action has been commenced
The person (or entity) being sued by another.
person charged with a crime or complaint
A person accused of a crime and charged by the Office of the Prosecuting Attorney.
Someone charged with committing a criminal offence; also called the accused. party against whom a claim is filed in a civil case.
In civil law, the party defending a lawsuit ; the party against whom the plaintiff seeks to recover damages from.
A person, company or entity against whom someone brings a lawsuit.
1 a person against whom civil proceedings are brought; 2 a person charged with a criminal offence in a lower court;
a person or organization who is defending against a legal charge that has been filed against them.
A person who is accused of committing a crime.
The person alleged to have caused the injury. The person being sued.
a person against whom a civil proceeding is brought or a person charged with a criminal offence.
The party against whom the court has been asked by the plaintiff to order damages or specific corrective action to redress alleged unlawful or improper action.
1 (criminal) Person charged with a crime. 2. (civil) Person against whom a civil action is brought.
The person against whom a lawsuit is filed.
the spouse that is sued for divorce.
Person you are making a claim against.
The person who defends against a lawsuit brought against him or her by another. The Defendant may also be called the Respondent.
a person accused of a crime or a person being sued in a civil action.
Person against whom legal action is being taken.
In a civil case, the person being sued. In a criminal case, the person charged with having committed a crime.
A party against whom a lawsuit has been brought.
The party accused of committing an offense.
In a civil case, the party denying the allegations of the plaintiff; in a criminal case, the person accused.
A person being sued in a civil matter.
The person against whom a claim is asserted in a Court action.
The spouse who defends against the lawsuit brought against him or her by the other spouse.
a person who has been formally charged with committing a crime.
In a court of law, the party that a case is brought against.
A person who is charged with a crime in a criminal case, or who has a claim against them in a civil case.
This is the person who is being sued in a court case. If you are the injured person, the other driver is the “defendant” in your court case.
a person against whom an action is brought; a person charged with a criminal offence.
In a criminal or traffic case, the person accused of a crime. In a civil case, the person or company being sued.
The person defending or denying; the party against whom relief or recovery is sought in an action or suit.
In a civil suit, the person complained against; in a criminal case, the person accused of the crime.
The person or entity you are making the claim against and whom you believe is responsible to compensate you for your damages arising from their fault or actions. Almost all defendants have insurance coverage, and it is from this insurance coverage that a client gains his / her monetary compensation for injuries and the associated damages.
The person(s) or other entity against which a claim is filed.
A person charged with a crime or person from whom civil relief is sought, usually a money judgment.
The person or organization named in a lawsuit by the plaintiff or the person who has been charged with a violation of the criminal laws.
The person alleged to have caused an injury in a malpractice action (TORT).
in a criminal case this is the person charged with committing a crime. In a civil case it is the person(s) or corporation from which the plaintiff wants to collect damages.
the person defending or denying; the accused in a criminal case.
refers to a person issued with an infringement notice.
The person responding to a court action. If you start a divorce action, you are the plaintiff and your spouse is the defendant.
The person or party sued in a civil case or accused in a criminal case.
The party against whom a criminal or civil action is brought: see also answer codefendant compare accused plaintiff
the party or person who is being sued.
The party, either a person, company, government or other entity that is being tried in a criminal trial or sued in a civil trial by a plaintiff.
A Party against whom a Legal Action is brought.
The person or entity against whom the plaintiff has commenced a court action.
A person charged with a crime or a person against whom a civil action is brought.
the accused person, who must defend himself or herself against a formal charge. In criminal cases, this means the person officially accused of a crime.
The person accused of or charged with a criminal offense. This is the person alleged to have committed a particular crime.
The spouse against whom the case is brought.
1) Civil case - the party being sued; (2) Criminal case - the party accused of committing the offense charged.
the person or party for whom relief or recover is sought in an action or suit. The party that is being sued. Usually the borrower.
A person against whom an action is commenced.
The person against whom a civil or criminal action is brought. This person is "defending" against the suit brought against him.
The person, company or organization defending a legal action taken by a plaintiff. The court will be asked to order damages or specific corrective action to redress some type of unlawful or improper action alleged by the plaintiff against the defendant.
An individual (or business) against whom a lawsuit is filed.
The person defending or denying a claim; the party against whom a suit or a charge is brought in court.
the person or entity sued or accused
A person who has been charged with an offense.
A person who has been charged by the police with a criminal offence.
A party against whom civil proceedings or summary criminal proceedings are brought. In Scots law called the defender.
A person or corporation charged with committing an offense.
is the person who got the court papers (the Complaint) from the Plaintiff in the original case. Even if you are the one who is bringing the case back to court, you will still be the defendant if you were the defendant before.
A person about whom a civil complaint has been laid.
The person (either husband or wife) who is being sued for divorce. Return to List
A person required to answer a legal action or suit.
In criminal justice usage, a person formally accused of an offense(s) by the filing in court of a charging document.
The person against whom a claim or action is taken.
party against which a case is brought in a criminal or civil trial.
The party against whom a charge or violation was filed.
A person who is being sued or accused of breaking the law.
(noun) The party against whom a criminal or civil action is brought Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Law, © 1996 Merriam-Webster, Inc.
a person or entity charged with committing a crime.
The person or entity charged with having committed an offense.
A person required to answer a complaint in a civil case. Also referred to as the respondent.
An accused person charged with committing a crime.
A person who has been charged with a crime and is now on trial.
in a trial, the person accused of a crime.
in a civil case, the person who is being sued and in a criminal case may be used in place of the "accused";
person with charges or a lawsuit against him or her. This term is used in both criminal and civil cases. (The defendant is also sometimes called the "respondent.")
The person against whom (the person who is served) the divorce action is brought.
A person or company defending legal action from any other person or company.
A person formally accused of a crime.
The person against whom a lawsuit (cause of action) or criminal action is brought.
The defendant is the party who is being accused of causing the losses endured by another person. In a personal injury claim, the defendant or their insurance company can be held accountable for compensating you for your losses.
Person against whom an action is filed.
the party against whom a complaint (or criminal charge) is filed.
The person who is charged with a crime
An individual charged with a crime.
the one being sued. This party is called the "respondent" in a summary proceeding
The person against whom an action is brought.
In a civil case, such as an car accident lawsuit, the defendant is the person against whom a civil action is brought.
The party sued in a civil lawsuit or the party charged with a crime in a criminal prosecution.
A person who is charged with a summary offence (criminal) or a person against whom an order is sought (family/civil). Also called the respondent.
The person or insurance company being sued in a civil action.
the party against whom relief or recovery is sought in a legal action.
A party against whom a legal claim is made in a civil law suit.
The person, company or organization who defends a legal action taken by a plaintiff and against whom the court has been asked to order damages or specific corrective action redress some type of unlawful or improper action alleged by the plaintiff.
The person being sued in a court action.
The term that refers to the person or entity being accused in a court case.
The party from whom the plaintiff is seeking damages or corrective action because of a negligent, unlawful or improper act
The person against whom a claim is brought.
Person against whom a criminal charge is made.
The person, company or entity required to answer a legal action or suit. (Contrast, Plaintiff.)
The party in a court action who is being sued.
Person against whom legal proceedings are bought.
In a Civil Court, it is an individual against whom a court action is brought by a Plaintiff for restitution of property or satisfaction of a complaint. In a Criminal Court, it is an individual accused of a crime.
Someone who is accused in a legal action. See 'Plaintiff' Deferred Annuity. An annuity on which payments will be made at some point in the future - often as a pension.
In civil matters, the defendant is the person or organization that is being sued.
A person sued in a civil lawsuit or accused in a criminal proceeding.
Typically a criminal defendant against whom legal action is initiated for the purpose of obtaining damages or other judicial relief.
is the person who has charges to answer (criminal), or is being sued (civil)
A defendant or defender is any party who is required to answer the complaint of a plaintiff or pursuer in a civil lawsuit before a court, or any party who has been formally charged or accused of violating a criminal statute.