the description of the student task that leads to student performance.
A hands-on, laboratory-type activity or question requiring students to solve a specific problem using their knowledge of specific topics and processes.
A meaningful, real world learning activity that includes all of the components of performance for a standard and provides opportunities for development of all four dimensions of performance. A performance task informs all steps of the instructional planning, teaching, and assessment cycle. (Ananda, 2000; McGuire, 2000.)
a learning task that the child will do while the teacher assesses his/her performance
an activity that requires pupils to use skills and knowledge in the context of real life situations
A project, exhibit, portfolio, or other demonstration which shows an individual's ability to handle complex material and apply his or her knowledge to processes which have "real-world" applications.
A general term for an assessment activity in which students construct responses, create products, or perform demonstrations to provide evidence of their knowledge and skills.
An authentic, meaningful task that requires the students to synthesize knowledge and skills learned and apply them to construct a response, create a product and/or performance that demonstrates understanding.
A physical activity or production of some significance, which when carried out or brought to completion, displays a student's knowledge and judgement while engaged in the task.
an activity which students perform (with teacher assistance, and feedback) to acquire knowledge and or skill proficiency. Peripheral Plagiarism: the unethical practice of taking and using the work and/or ideas of someone else, and claiming them as one's own. luralistic: multicultural.
a real-world, highly robust problematic situation that requires students to use specified knowledge, skills, and processes in various content domains. It requires students to demonstrate the ability to integrate, extend, refine, and apply knowledge to situations that they are likely to confront in their own lives. Due to several concepts being assessed at the same time or within the same problem, the time needed for the task is usually several class periods. It is scored using a scoring guide.
An assessment exercise that is goal directed. The exercise is developed to elicit students' application of a wide range of skills and knowledge to solve a complex problem.
An assessment product that requires students to construct a response, create a product, or perform a demonstration. Evaluation of student product or performance is based on judgements guided by criteria.
An assessment task in which students show what they know and can do. These tasks are generally authentic insofar as they simulate authentic challenges and problems. A performance task usually focuses on process as well as product.
An assessment activity, or set of activities, related to one or more learning outcomes, that elicits one or more response to a question or problem. (McTighe & Ferrara)