A determination by a court of law that, in the case of credit, may require a person to fulfill an obligation -- to pay a debt, for example. When a judgement has been satisfied(i.e. the debt has been paid or settled), the consumer has fulfilled its requirements and is no longer liable. Information about judgements is recorded in the public records section of a credit report.
the legal document stating the reasons for a judicial decision; "opinions are usually written by a single judge"
an opinion formed by judging something; "he was reluctant to make his judgment known"; "she changed her mind"
the cognitive process of reaching a decision or drawing conclusions
ability to make good judgments
the capacity to assess situations or circumstances shrewdly and to draw sound conclusions
(law) the determination by a court of competent jurisdiction on matters submitted to it
the act of judging or assessing a person or situation or event; "they criticized my judgment of the contestants"
a court-ordered award, usually requiring individuals or other entities to pay a sum of money
a record of a debt, such as that made by a county court, entered on the public register to show that an individual has been taken to court for the recovery of a sum of money
a result of a court process and the ruling of a judge
The decision of a court of law. May end in a lien on real property of the defendant. (empty)
The next step after a default, where the lender applies to the court and obtains a judgement to recover the outstanding debt.
The formal decision of a court upon the respective rights and claims of the parties to an action or suit. After a judgment has been entered and recorded with the county recorder, it usually becomes a general lien on the homeownerâ€(tm)s property. (Also spelled Judgment)
Means any judgment, decree or Order of any Court.
The decision of a court of law. When recorded, the judgement becomes a lien on the real estate property of the defendant. A "vacated" judgement is a judgement that has been set aside or annulled and has no legal effect.
An Order of the District, Circuit or High Court confirming that the debt is due and directing that payment be made
The verdict of a court on a matter presented to it. A money judgement dictates that a party must make payments to another to settle a claim.
The decision of a court or a jury, or the reason for the decision.
An official and authenticated decision of a court.
The final decision by the court on any issues put to it during the trial. The formal piece of paper that describes who has been successful or not and on which issues.
The decision of the Court.
A formal decision, sentence or Order of a Court of Justice.
1. Recognition of a debt by a court. 2. Decision given by a court at the conclusion of a trial.
The official decision of a court finally determining the respective rights and claims of the parties to a suit.
The official decision of a court action or suit. When money or debts are owed, this information may be listed on a credit rating.
A court's official decision on the matter before it.
The final decree in a court. It can result in a lien being placed on a property.
1. The act or process of forming an opinion after consideration or deliberation. 2. A determination by a court of law or a judicial decision.
The decision of a court of law. Money judgments, when recorded, become a lien on real property of the defendant.
A sum of money which a borrower owes to an individual or other creditor, as decreed by a court of law. Judgements can result from past due debts or lawsuits. Judgements are shown on a borrower's credit report and must be paid before a lender can approve a borrower for a mortgage loan.
an official court order deciding the rights or claims of the parties in a legal proceeding.
The official authentic decision of a court of justice upon the respective rights and claims of the parties to an action or suit therein litigated and submitted to its determination.
a court order stating that a debt is owed, and giving the creditor the right to ask for a debtor’s exam, attachment or garnishment.
The official and authentic decision of a Court of justice upon the respective rights and claims of the parties to an action or suit therein submitted for its decision.
The decision of a court of law stating that one individual is indebted to another and fixing the amount of indebtedness. Judgements, when recorded, become a lien on real property owned by the defendant.
Judge and/or jury render a decision after considering all admissible evidence. Summary judgement is based solely on documentation and deposition testimony without a jury.
A ruling by a court of law. An example is the ordering of a court to a person to settle a debt to another.
the official court decision of an action or suit. this public record may be listed on your credit report in matters of money and debts owed.
The final resolution of a suit, which is a court decision regarding the parties rights and obligations.
A decision rendered by a court. If a monetary award is involved, it may become a lien on property owned by the losing party.
An order or decision of a court.
The decision of a court or law. If a court decides that a person must repay a debt, a lien may be placed against that person's property.