"Exercise of a power delegated by contract to a third party to resolve disputes on an interim or final basis as they arise without recourse to formal arbitration or litigation".
The act of giving a judicial ruling such as a judgment or decree. (http://dictionary.law.com)
the formal giving or pronouncing of a judgment or decree in a cause.
A decision or sentence imposed by a judge.
That portion of the hearing wherein the judge or Hearing Officer determines if the juvenile committed the crime or any portion of the crime with which he or she is charged.
The act or process of adjudicating. A judicial decision or sentence.
The solution to a particular conflict as determined by a judge or administrative hearing officer with the authority to rule on the issue in dispute. Generally speaking, adjudication also implies that judgements will be rendered according to objective standards, rules, or laws.
The process of examining the facts in a disagreement and rendering a decision.
A judgment or decision by a court.
The process for obtaining a water court decree for a conditional water right, a finding of reasonable diligence, an absolute water right, an exchange, an augmentation plan, a change of water right, or a right to withdraw nontributary water or Denver Basin groundwater that is outside of a designated groundwater basin.
The ability to automate a judgment based on background screening outcome. This judgment often results in "meets requirements" or "does not meet requirements" outcome. Once adjudication takes place automatic distribution and/or adverse action can occur.
The decision (decree or judgment) by the court concerning the defendant(s) involved in a case.
The formal decision of the court in a given case as to the guilt or innocence of the defendant.
the final judgment in a legal proceeding; the act of pronouncing judgment based on the evidence presented
a court action for the determination of existing water rights that results in a decree that confirms and defines each water right
a determination of the legal rights and duties of parties to a judicial or an administrative proceeding
an administrative or judicial determination of all rights to use water in a particular stream system or watershed, to establish the priority, point of diversion, place and nature of use and the quantity of water used among the various claimants
The process of being decided by a judge.
The process of making a determination (decision) on an issue to see if benefits can be paid. Montana Unemployment Insurance laws and rules are used to make these decisions.
Rapid resolution, it is quick, simple, cheap, rough justice. We can make it work for you. The law requires the parties to many construction contracts to have the right to adjudicate. The parties are normally at loggerheads. A third party such as an architect is employed to decide who wins and loses. Adjudication takes about 28 days. It is one of the fastest methods of dispute resolution but you cannot recover lawyers fees. Click here for a factsheet on Adjudication.
The legal process by which a case or claim is settled. May also be the final pronouncement of judgment in a case or claim.
Adjudication is a binding decision made by an appointed neutral party on the basis of submitted documents or after a hearing. It is designed to provide a speedy resolution, enabling parties to continue with work undertaken. Either party may appeal the adjudicator's decision to court or arbitration, or indeed settle the dispute by mediation. The Housing, Grants, Regeneration Act 1996 has greatly increased the use of adjudication.
The judicial process through which the existence of a water right is confirmed by court decree.
Judicial determination (judgment) that a juvenile is responsible for the delinquent or status offense that is charged in a petition.
Generically, a dispute resolution process in which a neutral third party hears each parties case and makes a decision binding on them. There are various forms of adjudication, for example litigation and arbitration .... ADR Principles & Practice, Henry Brown & Arthur Marriott
A judgment or decision of a court or jury regarding a case.
A quick and inexpensive method of dispute resolution resulting in an immediately enforceable, non-binding dispute settlement by an Adjudicator.
A court decision and the process of reaching that decision though a legal hearing or trial.
The phase of a delinquency hearing similar to a "trial" in adult criminal court, except that juveniles have no right to a jury trial, a public trial, or bail. ROR, or Release on Recognizance, is never used in juvenile systems.
is a process in which the parties present arguments and evidence to a neutral third party (the adjudicator) who makes a determination which is enforceable by the authority of the adjudicator. The most common form of internally enforceable adjudication is determination by state authorities empowered to enforce decisions by law (for example, courts, tribunals) within the traditional judicial system. However, there are also other internally enforceable adjudication processes (for example, internal disciplinary or grievance processes implemented by employers). (NADRAC's Definitions Paper).
A pronouncement or decree, rendered by an official of the judiciary; an award or judgment.
the process where the youth appears in court, but there is no jury and the judge will not make a judgment. It is really an evaluation of the case.
The judgment reached in a judicial procedure.
a binding decision about the outcome of an unfinished game, made by someone who is rated 200 points below you and who renders his judgment after spending a total time to only 5% of the the time that you devoted to the game.
The process of hearing and deciding a case; any dispute resolution process in which a decision maker hears testimony and renders a decision is an adjudicatory process.
A case that has been heard and decided by a judge. In the context of an adjudicated groundwater basin, landowners or other parties have turned to the courts to settle disputes over how much groundwater can be extracted by each party to the decision.
Adjudication refers to formal processes such as arbitration, quasi-judicial processes or litigation before administrative tribunals. For example, the Public Service Labour Relations Board (PSLRB) is an administrative tribunal, which is empowered to hear grievances and render binding decisions, subject to judicial review.
The pronouncing of a judgment in a case. As an example, the judge adjudicates a case when the judge decides whether the allegations in the petition are true or not.
Adjudication is the court process that determines (judges) if the juvenile committed the act for which he or she is charged. The term “adjudicated” is analogous to “convicted” and indicates that the court concluded the juvenile committed the act.
Every society creates and enforces rules and laws regarding the proper forms of behavior for individuals and groups. The adjudication function attempts to interpret and apply the relevant rules or laws to a given situation. Most political systems have established judicial structures (e.g., criminal courts) whose primary role is adjudication.
A judgment or decree Adversary system - Basic U.S. trial system in which each of the opposing parties has opportunity to state his viewpoints before the court. Plaintiff argues for defendant's guilt (criminal) or liability (civil). Defense argues for defendant's innocence (criminal) or against liability civil).
Giving or pronouncing a judgment or decree. Also the judgment given.
a court determination of water rights for a groundwater basin or a stream; adjudication sets priorities during shortages
When a decision is made by the courts. Similar to a finding of guilt or innocent in the adult system.
Giving or pronouncing a judgment or decree, or the rendering of a decision on a matter before a court.
hearing and settling a case by judicial procedure
A judicial decision or sentence; to hear or try and determine judicially
the formal decision by Family Court that a child is dependent, delinquent, or unruly.
A final judicial determination by the giving of a judgment or a decree in a civil case.
A hearing to figure out if there has been a crime.
or 'adjudication for debt', the legal action by which a debtor's property was passed to his creditors. Adjudication in implement on the other hand, is a decision by a court to implement a defective title to land.
Judicial determination of a case or controversy.
The act of determining an issue or settling a dispute in court.
The legal process of resolving a dispute; the process of judicially deciding a case.
The judicial decision that ends a criminal proceeding by a judgment or acquittal, conviction, or dismissal of the case.
The act or process by a Judicial Officer of making a decision.
Any form of dispute resolution where the parties to the dispute present evidence and arguments to a neutral third party who has the power to deliver a binding decision.
The formal process of making a decision on a claim or resolving a disputed claim in claims administration.
The pronouncing of a judgment or decree in a lawsuit. In Bankruptcy the term refers to an order of the court declaring that the debtor is bankrupt.
A hearing where the alleged abuse or neglect is proven or discounted
This is the act of giving a judicial ruling, such as a judgment or decree.
The initial phase of the court proceeding, wherein the court must find, by clear and convincing evidence, that the child is an abused, neglected, or dependent child. Only if the court so finds does it have the power to change custody or to order the parents to participate in services.
A decision by the judge or magistrate that a child has committed a delinquency act(s). A finding of guilt.
The entry of a decree or an order by a court. The legal process of resolving a dispute.
pronouncement of judgment, especially used in juvenile proceedings
If you cannot meet liabilities and are made bankrupt either by self-petition or by the petition of the creditors, a judge will decide you are bankrupt and your affairs will pass under the control of a Trustee.
A delinquency hearing that is similar to an adult criminal trial but with different rules for the minor. Hearings for minors do not allow bail, ROR, a public trial, or a jury trial.
The entry of a judgment, decree, or order by a judge or other decision-maker such as a master, referee, or hearing officer based on the evidence submitted by the parties.
The process by which a court arrives at a decision regarding a case; also, the resultant decision.
The determination of a controversy and a pronouncement of a judgment based on evidence presented. Implies a final judgment of the court or other body deciding the matter, as opposed to a proceeding in which the merits of the cause of action were not reached.
A judicial or quasi-judicial proceeding in which a priority is assigned to an appropriation and a decree or certificate issued publicly recognizing the defined water right and conveying property-right status on the appropriation.
Adjudication includes any of the forms of dispute resolution in which the parties to the dispute present proofs and arguments to a neutral third party who has the power to deliver a binding decision, generally based on objective standards. The term subsumes arbitration and litigation.
Final finding on a case. Giving a judgment or decree, also the name of the judgment given.
(1) A process in which a neutral is required by contract or statute to make summary binding decisions on contractual disputes without following the procedures of litigation or arbitration (2) A broad term describing a category of dispute resolution processes in which a third party neutral makes some form of decision on the outcome of the case.
The formal pronouncing or recording of a judgment or decree by a court.
The formal court decision taken in an action, which has been brought reaching a final determination for all parties, involved.
The determination of guilt or innocence; a judgment concerning criminal charges. Most offenders plead guilty as charged. The remainder are adjudicated by a judge and a jury or by a judge alone, and others are dismissed.
The procedures and hearings associated with a Committee reviewing a Misconduct Report to determine if the Card will be upheld or not. Adjudication also includes the determination of any penalties, suspensions, etc.
A form of dispute resolution in which the parties to the dispute present arguments and evidence to a neutral third party who has the power to deliver a binding decision. The term includes arbitration and litigation.
The judicial resolution of a dispute or part of a dispute.
Adjudication is the legal process by which an arbiter or judge reviews evidence and argumentation including legal reasoning set forth by opposing parties or litigants to come to a decision which determines rights and obligations between the parties involved.