Definitions for "LEARNING"
The kind of ignorance distinguishing the studious.
The acquisition of knowledge or skill; as, the learning of languages; the learning of telegraphy.
The knowledge or skill received by instruction or study; acquired knowledge or ideas in any branch of science or literature; erudition; literature; science; as, he is a man of great learning.
The strategic process of developing strategy by crafting, experimentation and feedback. Note that learning in this context does not mean rote or memory learning.
an essential stage in the processing of all messages, it is the rote acquisition of some part of a message's content, and can occur without conscious effort
Information about learning opportunities at Woodside. View page
Learning facilities at Woodside View page
A real-time, instructor-led online learning event in which all participants are logged on at the same time and communicate directly with each other. Synchronous learning is led by an instructor who maintains integrated classroom control, with the ability to "call on" participants who raise their electronic hands from a distant location. Students and teachers use a "whiteboard" to see work in progress and share knowledge. Content can be delivered using live online courses (virtual classroom), audio/video conferencing, Internet telephone, and two-way live broadcasts of lectures to students in a classroom.
a challenging, output driven brand designed to deliver market leading education for our students
an organisation which provides additional lectures, tutorials, personal evaluation, motivation and interaction with other students
disability-A disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or using language, spoken or written and which may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations. Abbreviation is LD.
The Learning Committee meets once a month to discuss the educational needs and programs of the entire congregation from baptism through confirmation, as well as Sunday School, teen and adult education. Volunteer opportunities include teaching Sunday School, helping/teaching at Summer Nights, organizing the Cradle Roll, making baptism banners, assisting at teen activities and trips, speaking and/or finding resources for the Adult Forum, organizing parish retreats, and more. This committee can always use more volunteers. Members:!-- mailtag("margiethenanny","","Marjorie Lundeen"); -- (co-chair), !-- mailtag("barb-ek","","Barbara Erickson-Kelly"); -- (co-chair), Susan Bertelsen, Sandra Dager, Debra Jacobs, Wendy Lundeen, Ken Schreiber, Penny Schreiber
A process of adaptation by which synapses, weights of neural network's, classifier strengths, or some other set of adjustable parameters is automatically modified so that some objective is more readily achieved.
is the process in which a feedforward network is forced to adjust its weights such that the network's response to a given input vector becomes closer to the desired response.
The phase in a neural network when new data is introduced into the network, causing the weights on the processing elements to be adjusted.
The process through which a remote control captures and stores infrared signals from other remotes for later use. Not all remotes are learning capable; these would be called preprogrammed remotes. Some factors which can affect the ability of one remote to learn another would be code length, signal frequency, type of signal and the amount of learning memory available. For help on learning IR codes view this page. See also: preprogrammed, frequencies, RF, VisionTouch, high frequency, IRDA, parity bit, two-way, infrared emitter, software.
An open and inclusive approach to learning which is neither restricted to formal nor informal learning.
Increasing mastery of factual, conceptual, and procedural knowledge Active—learning by doing Collaborative – learning based on informal teamwork Cooperative – learning based on formal teamwork Life-long—learning forever
Keywords:  profound, scholarly
profound scholarly knowledge
a provider of unique online interactive textbooks for Economics, Business, Accounting, Maths, English and Sociology as well as the innovative Maze Green Business Simulation
Enjoy your forests Links Employment opportunities Forest factfile Teachers Training
See Training.
Training models (estimating their parameters) based on existing data.
The capability of the IRAF cl to remember the value of a task parameter from execution to execution.
Keywords:  jet
LearnSkills Lear_Jet
An exercise of constructing personal knowledge that requires the learner to be mentally active rather than passive; interpreting rather than recording information.
Keywords:  advance
make an advance in knowledge
Keywords:  click, memory, return, list, see
See Memory/Learning. [Click Here To Return To List