Designating certain morbid conditions, as hemorrhage or dropsy, characterized by relaxation of the vessels and tissues, with deficient vitality and lack of reaction in the affected tissues.
Without using electricity. Passive components include splitters and isolators. A key goal of the fiber optic industry is to increase penetration of passive components because they do not require power, they are reliable, and they are faster than active components because they stay within the optical realm.
In terms of sexual activity, the one who is penetrated.
an instrument's electronics which has no power source (like a 9 volt battery) or active circuitry.
Verbs in English are either active or passive: I've fed the goldfish. active The goldfish have been fed by me. passive An active verb usually has a subject that is the source of the action, and an object that shows where the action is directed. A passive verb has the same elements, but they come the other way round.
There's a big difference between being passive [from the Latin for "acted upon"] in the sense of "not taking an active part" or being "non-cooperative" on the one hand, and in the sense of "lacking in energy or will" on the other. As we know from the phenomenon of "passive resistance," sometimes not acting can require a whole lot more energy and will than acting can. See: BARTLEBY, DO-NOTHING, SIT BACK.
An electronic circuit composed of passive elements, such as resistors, inductors, or capacitors, without any active elements, such as vacuum tubes or transistors generally resulting in a signal loss.
An inactive move that does nothing to fight for the initiative. A passive position is a position without counterplay or active possibilities.
speakers or sub-woofers that react to an amplified signal from a separate amplifier. They contain no amplification themselves. Active speakers and sub-woofers have built-in amplification and require only a Line Level input signal from a source component or amplifier.
Lacking any active devices or active circuitry.
A circuit or component which does not amplify the signal or is not powered.
If a system component is non-powered, it is considered passive.
Containing no devices which require a power supply. Passive devices include resistors, capacitors and inductors
unresisting, submissive, complacent
A circuit or component which does not amplify the signal. Introduces very little distortion.
A component that handles signals but that requires no power of its own. Examples are taps and power inserters.
A move that does nothing to fight for initiative; or, a position lacking activity.
the voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject of the verb is the recipient (not the source) of the action denoted by the verb; "`The ball was thrown by the boy' uses the passive voice"; "`The ball was thrown' is an abbreviated passive"
lacking in energy or will; "Much benevolence of the passive order may be traced to a disinclination to inflict pain upon oneself"- George Meredith
expressing thatthe subject of the sentence is the patient of the action denoted by the verb; "academics seem to favor passive sentences"
Not requiring an external source of power; containing resistors, capacitors, inductors, etc., but no tubes or transistors; provides no amplification.
An inactive move or plan that doesn't fight for the initiative. A passive position has no hope of counterplay or active possibilities. A passive player favours defense rather than attack.
An English expression that turns the verb around to make the object into the subject and skips or plays down the original subject. "A canoe was built by two men" is the passive version of "two men built a canoe."
asserting that the person or thing represented by the grammatical subject is subjected to or affected by the action represented by the verb. In the last sentence, the subject "person or thing" is acted upon by the verbs "subject" and "affect", so the sentence is in the passive voice. In the last sentence, the subject "subject" is acted upon by the verb "act", so the sentence is also in the passive voice. (Repeat last sentence ad infinitum.)
A component unconnected electrically to the signal source, such as an Auxiliary Bass Radiator. Or a component unconnected to a source of mains power, such as a passive pre-amplifier which acts purely as a source signal switching/routing device providing control functions for a power amplifier.
The transmission of radio frequency signals without the aid of powered electronic devices to boost their level, thus providing an unaltered delivery of the service provider’s signals.
A syntactic or morphological category of voice. In English and Spanish, the passive is formed syntactically by making the object of the active verb its syntactic subject; the subject, if expressed, appears in a prepositional phrase introduced by English by and Spanish por respectively: it is known as the agent of the passive sentence. Morphologically, the form traditionally known as the passive in Spanish is formed from the verb ser + the past participle of a transitive verb.
Unable to amplify or produce energy.
A device with no power supply. This type of audio circuit will always have some insertion loss.
Device neither having nor requiring power.
Neither spontaneous nor active, not produced by active efforts.
Non-emitting sensor or detection device, either something like an active radar in standby mode, or a passive device such as IRST
Income or loss from business activities in which a person does not materially participate, such as a limited partnership.
A component of an electrical system that cannot deliver power to an external source continuously, such as a resistor or capacitor. In contrast, an active device such as amplifier can deliver continuous power.
The passive is a transformation of an active sentence in which the agent is not the subject and the patient is not the object.
Not active. A passive crossover uses no external power and results in insertion loss. A passive speaker is one without internal amplification.
Voice In the passive voice, the grammatical subject is the person or thing which experiences the effect of an action, rather than the person or thing which causes the effect: For example: When changed into the passive, the active sentence; 'The dog chased the cat' becomes 'The cat was chased by the dog'. See also Active Voice.
Pertaining to electronic circuits that generally subtrack from a signal, and which require no power source. See Active.
Description of a move which contains no threats. Also, refers to a piece with limited mobility, i.e. a piece which is not active.
the "be done by" form of a verb - see reflexive
A piece that is able to move to or control relatively few squares. See also active.
RFID systems are called "passive" when the transponders do not contain a battery for power supply. Passive RFID systems receive all the power by RF transmission from the read/write unit.
In surveillance, an adjective applied to actions or equipments which emit no energy capable of being detected.
Where a taxpayer participates in the management and operation of a business, but not at the level necessary to qualify as material participation; the second-least active level of participation in an income-producing activity. Gain (or loss) from this level of activity is termed passive gain (or loss). Management expenses, property taxes, and interest on indebtedness for timber held at this level business activity are deductible only to the extent of passive income. Also see “Business,” ‘Income,” “Investment,” “Material participation,” and “Passive income.
A non powered element of a system.
Usually describes a guitar that does not use pickups which require power (active pickups).
An electronic device alters or controls a signal but does not contain any transistor stage for amplification, oscillation or modulation.
Passive Activity Loss Passive bond
1. Inactive. 2. Not utilizing outside sources of power to actuate.
equalizer A variable equalizer requiring no power to operate. Consisting only of passive components (inductors, capacitors and resistors) passive equalizers have no AC line cord. Favored for their low noise performance (no active components to generate noise), high dynamic range (no active power supplies to limit voltage swing), extremely good reliability (passive components rarely break), and lack of RFI interference (no semiconductors to detect radio frequencies). Disliked for their cost (inductors are expensive), size (and bulky), weight (and heavy), hum susceptibility (and need careful shielding), and signal loss characteristic (passive equalizers always reduce the signal). Also inductors saturate easily with large low frequency signals, causing distortion. Rarely seen today, but historically they were used primarily for notching in permanent sound systems.