A charge or obligation imposed by a government upon property specifically benefiting from a local district activity.
Special charges by a municipality or neighborhood association for a set purpose and set period of time. For example, assessments might be charged for sewers, sidewalks, streetlights, and neighborhood facilities. Assessment may also refer to the valuation of the home for tax purposes.
Council Tax) Special and Local taxes imposed on the property to recognise services provided by the community.
Special and local taxes imposed on a property in the immediate vicinity of an improvement, such as street lighting districts or flood control.
Charges made to parties for actual services or benefits received. These are considered Direct Benefit Charge Revenues to the City.
Since the early 1990"s the city has installed utilities in various areas. This is an ongoing process that will continue to evolve as the city grows. The early installations were marked on maps and named the blue, green or orange area. Recent projects have been named southeast1, southeast 2 etc., depicting a particular area of the city. Current assessment charges range from $12,000 to $18,000 and the owners are given the option of paying the entire amount in full or having the principle and interest added to their tax bill. There are small balances due on some parcels of Cape Coral that had installation in the 90's and new areas have much larger balances. Basically the city wants to have water, sewer and irrigation available to all the lots south of Pine Island Road by the year 2010. Refer to the city website for the most recent information.
A city-determined tax on homeowners, use to pay for improvements to the city in which the homeowner lives.
An property tax or bond encumbrance.
An amount of money levied by a community association on its members for the maintenance and upkeep of the association and its property. Also commonly known as ‘association dues'. Regular assessments are those levied and paid on a regular schedule, usually monthly. Special assessments are those which are imposed for special purposed when needed, for example to finance a major repair or planned improvement to the property. Assessments can also include any interest or late fees due on unpaid assessments as well as penalties or fines for violation of association rules.
Special and local levies upon property in the immediate vicinity of an improvement. Assessments can be imposed by such entities as flood control districts, street lighting districts and air pollution control districts which serve an area.
Special impositions on property to pay the cost of a local work of improvement, e.g. sidewalks, curbs, sewers, street lighting.
Assessments usually refer to the annual fees levied by homeowners associations. Many subdivisions have mandatory homeowners associations. All owners in those subdivisions must pay an annual fee to pay for the upkeep of the subdivision and its amenities. At closing, any such assessment is prorated between the buyer and seller.
Specific and special taxes (in addition to normal taxes) imposed on real property to pay for public improvements within a specific geographic area.
An assessment is a charge for improvements completed by the local government that are beneficial to adjoining property (such as sidewalks or road work). The assessment is each benefited property owner's proportional share of the cost of the improvement.
Special taxes imposed to pay for public improvements beneficial to a limited area.
The amount of tax or special payment due to a municipality or association.
Local improvements on a property for sewer or water generally paid in full on all cash or new loan transactions.
Charges for a particular piece of property as determined by the municipality of the location of the property. Examples are real estate taxes, sewer assessments, water assessments, etc. Can also include charges on a particular piece of property as determined by a governing body of the property like a Condominium Association.
Local or special taxes that are imposed upon properties that have or will benefit from an improvement made in the area.
(Not recognized in Britain) Special and local taxes imposed upon property, which benefits from an improvement that has been made in the area.