Definitions for "TIF"
Keywords:  aldus, ile, tag, macintosh, redmond
Graphics Common vector format
Tagged Image File format (.tif).
Tax increment financing. A tool that redirects a portion of a business's property taxes to the benefit of the business. As the property value increases for a TIF-designated business, the taxes generated by this value "increment" go toward paying the debt incurred for capital (property) improvements made to the area where a business is located, rather than having it go to the general funds of various taxing authorities like cities and school districts.
This tool is used by municipalities to capture future increases in property tax revenue and make these dollars available as a development incentive, subsidy or investment.
Tax Increment Financing. A public financing tool used to assist economic development projects by capturing the projected property tax revenue stream to be created by the development and investing those funds in improvements associated with the project.
Keywords:  nonweighted, rif, sine, influence, rms
Telephone influence factor. for a voltage or current wave in an electric supply circuit, the ratio of the square root of the sum of the squares of the weighted root-mean-square values of all the sine wave components to the root-mean-square value (nonweighted) of the entire wave.
A measure of the inductive effect exerted by a power system on nearby telephone circuits, represented by the noise level in the telephone receiver.
Telephone Influence Factor. The higher harmonics in the voltage wave shape of a generator can cause undesirable effects on telephone communications when power lines parallel telephone lines. The telephone influence factor is calculated by squaring the weighted RMS values of the fundamental and the non-triple series of harmonics, adding them together and then taking the square root of the sum. The ratio of this value to the RMS value of the no-load voltage wave is called the Balanced TIF. The ratio of this value to three times the RMS value of the no-load phase-to-neutral voltage is called the Residual Component RIF.
Transportation Impact Fee. TIF is the traffic impact component of a development impact fee. An impact fee is a fee levied on a developer by the county as compensation for expected effects of the development.
Transport International par chemin de Fer
Transport Innovation Fund. A new Central Government fund to support additional and coherent transport measures.
Technology in Industry Fellowships.