Acronym: itMa ped Image Digital Video: An uncompressed bitmapped file format used with Microsoft® Windows®.
A computer graphics format "Bitmap IBM format" not generally used in professional printing.
Bumped, usually pertaining to the corners or edges of a book.
The standard Windows bitmap still image file format. Bitmap files are not compressed, and are therefore significantly larger than the same image stored in formats such as GIF and JPEG.
The BitMaP file format specified by Microsoft for use with Windows for saving graphics and digital images.
A DOS graphics format that not generally used in professional printing or online design.
bitmap, a format that graphics and pictures can be saved to for adding pictures to webpages; generally less space consuming than *.gif and *.jpg formats.
This is the standard bit-mapped graphics format for Windows computers.
itmap mage ormat. Developed by Microsoft, it is uncompressed; therefore the file sizes are much larger than those for other formats. Can store graphics from 1-bit (2-color, i.e. black and white) up to 24-bit (16.7 million colors).
Refers to a bitmap image or a bitmap image file. This acronym is sometimes pronounced "bump."
bmp is short for 'bitmap', which is the name of a file format for images. So if you see a file called something like 'dog.bmp', the chances are it'll be a computer graphic depicting a dog
(Bit MaP file) A Windows and OS/2 bitmapped graphics file format. It is the Windows native bitmap format. BMP files provide formats for 2, 16, 256 or 16 million colors (1-bit, 4-bit, 8-bit and 24-bit color).
Short for "Bitmap." It can be pronounced as "bump," "B-M-P," or simply a "...
The file extension given to Windows graphics files saved in an enhanced Device Independent Bitmap (DIB) format.
(Windows bitmap) Image format on DOS and Windows platforms and applications. Format can be 1 to 24-bit depth and may be RLE-encoded for compression.
The proper three-character file extension for a bitmap image or graphic, most often used on Windows-based PCs.
Windows Bitmap file format. The most common type of still image on the PC. There are also OS/2 BMP still image files. The OS/2 BMP file format is similar but not identical to the Microsoft Windows BMP file format.
The extension for a bitmap file, an image made up of little dots and stored digitally.
A popular format for bit-mapped files.
The standard bitmap image format on Windows-compatible computers. Bitmap images can be saved for Windows or OS/2 systems and support 24-bit color.
A graphics format that enables Microsoft Windows to display images on devices with similar capabilities in a consistent way.
Wallpaper Windows and OS/2 Source code language
Bitmap. One of the most widely used formats for storing graphics.
BMP is a standard format for graphic files in Windows. BMP stands for bit-mapped graphic.
(bone morphogenetic protein) – Related to TGF family. Can cause mesenchyme to differentiate into bone cells. Also plays a suspected role in specification of neural crest cells
Microsoft it image format. This is a fairly simple bitmap format that can be viewed on many different platforms but is directly supported by very few browsers. It is not used too much on the web (fortunately, as it is very inefficient) with GIFs, JPEGs, PNGs, and even X-bitmaps being preferred as they are much more portable. It is somewhat similar to the pict format.
Bitmap. An image format created by Microsoft.
File grafico Immagine o disegno in formato bitmap Comments: Microsoft Paint
A common kind graphic file.
A Microsoft Windows imaging format.
(pronounced "bimp") This is a 'bitmap', which is an image made up of square dots.
Windows bitmap. A common form of bitmap file in Microsoft Windows. Poorly supported by other operating systems and with limited support for colour. Should be avoided for print and web. PC suffix .bmp
Bitmap. A proprietary Microsoft Windows image format. This file format cannot be used on a Web page.
File type for bitmapped files - graphics files used for pictures & diagrams. Windows paintbrush produces bmp files. These files have a file extension of bmp.
BIT MAP GRAPHIC MS Windows Paintbrush C FILE An uncompiled source file used to create a C language program file.
File extension for bitmap graphics.
A Windows native format for a bitmapped graphics file.
BMP is a standard image format in which image data is stored as a bitmap without applying any compression.
or Bitmap Image - A graphic defined by specifying the colors of dots or pixels which make up the picture. Not usually used on web sites due to large file size.
A graphic file extension. The Windows '95 Paint program can create & edit BMP files. If you have a scanner you can scan in any graphic as a BMP.
(*.bmp) – Windows bitmap is the native format for Microsoft Paint. It is not well supported by other operating systems and should not be used.
bitmap file extension. See bitmap pictures
A Windows bit map (Raster Image) file format.
The three letter file-name extension that's given to files that store bitmap image data. If you use the Paint utility in Windows, you can save or open BMP files created in any other paint program
Pronounced ‘Bimp', this acronym stands for Bit Map, a commonly used graphics format for images. Usually stored as large files due to the number of bits stored per pixel, these are not popular image formats for transfer or use in web pages.
Bitmap, an early Microsoft Windows format for image files. File sizes are large and not generally suitable for internet distribution.
(BitMaP) A standard type of graphics file. An uncompressed format, so the files tend to be fairly big.
Stands for Bitmap. A simple graphics file format developed by Microsoft for its Windows operating system. BMP files can store graphics from 1-bit (2-color) up to 24-bit (16.7 millions of colors). But since the BMP format does not support any method of compression, images may consume quite a space on your hard drive.
Bit-mapped Graphics. One of several image formats acceptable for transmission via the Internet, such as TIFF, JPG, and GIF image formats.
Windows Bitmap. Usually uncompressed but can be compressed (lossless). Up to 32 bit depth. Standards for Windows Imaging. Large file sizes. Not supported in some browsers and some non-Windows applications.
Any image that is made up of pixels or dots. Referred to as a bitmap image, these images are often blurred when resized since "holes" are created in the unfilled areas.
Short for bitmap. A Win-dows based digital image format, BMP--often pronounced "bump"-- is really a file extension for a specific kind of bitmapped graphics file.
Bit Map file. It is a Windows and OS/2 raster graphics file format. It is Windows' native bitmap format.
Bone morphogenetic protein. Biologic material that enhances bone growth.
Windows Bit Map Microsoft
Bitmap or. bmp. All pictures used in Web pages are bitmaps. A bitmap converts the picture to be made up of many dots or "pixels". If you zoom in or try to scale up a bitmap, it will look blocky.
A standard format used for storing color or black-and-white images on Windows-based PCs. BMP images can either be compressed or uncompressed. This type of file also sometimes appears with the .DIB extension.
A Windows bitmap image file
Acronym for Bit Map (raster type) and also used as a file extension. *.BMP is a graphics file extension.
Bitmap Image; also called raster images; bitmap files use a grid of pixels to represent images. Every pixel in an image is given a specific location and color value. The number of pixels combined make up the image data. Dependent on resolution, bitmap images are best used to show gradations of shades of color. This is best shown in photographs and printed images. One thing to note about Bitmap images is that you cannot enlarge them without changing the resolution as well, or the image will blur.
it. A widely used graphic image format common in Windows applications.
An image file made up of little dots. This type of file would have a name ending with .BMP
A file format used to transfer graphic images within compatible applications. A BMP file is a neutral format designed for compatibility with all applications
Bit Mapped graphic file format popular with Windows computers. This is an uncompressed file format like TIFF.
Bitmapped file. A file format used for images that is based on pixels.
Stands for 'bitmap' and is a Microsoft Windows image format.
A bitmapped graphics file in Windows format.
Windows Bitmap file format was created by Microsoft® as the system standard format . RLE compression can be used with this format.
The bitmap graphic file format developed for Windows applications. Bitmap files are low resolution and produce poor image quality in printing.
(bitmap image). A basic image format (see also .gif, .jpeg and .tif).
The Windows bitmap file format (.bmp files) was developed as a standard for representing graphic images as bitmapped images. Bitmapped images, also called raster or paint images, are made of individual dots, called pixels (picture elements), that are arranged and colored to form a pattern. Increasing the size of a bitmapped image has the effect of increasing individual pixels, making lines and shapes appear jagged.
Pronounced "bimp." It's a bitmap, an image made up of little dots.
Bitmap file; a common image format on Windows computers. Files of this type usually have the suffix ".bmp" as part of their name.
Microsoft Windows bitmap graphics file format.
Files ending with the .BMP extension are bit-map files and tend to be very large in size. PhotoCenter's photo attendant will automatically change bit-map files to a JPEG format to reduce the file size.
A Window BitMaP format. The images that are visible when Windows starts up and closes down and the wallpaper that adorns the Window desktop are all in BMP format.
The bit-mapped file format used by Microsoft Windows. The BMP format supports RGB, indexed-color, grayscale, and Bitmap color modes.
An acronym for Microsoftâ€(tm)s version of a bitmap file.
A file format for images used in Windows. BMP files have a .bmp extension.
A native file format of Windows for storing images called “bitmaps.
A file that contains a collection of structures that specify or contain the following elements: A header that describes the resolution of the device on which the rectangle of pixels was created, the dimensions of the rectangle, the size of the array of bits, and so on. A logical palette. An array of bits that defines the relationship between pixels in the bitmapped image and entries in the logical palette. Bitmap files usually have a .BMP filename extension. See also bitmap, device-independent bitmap file.
(bitmap) The standard graphics file format on Windows-compatible computers. Bitmap graphics support 24-bit color and can be saved for Windows or OS/2 systems.
The BMP format is compatible with most graphic software for Windows PCs. Images can be saved either in full color (16.77 million colors) or in 256-color formats. However, as data is not compressed, BMP image files are very large.
Bit Mapped is a graphic file format. It is an uncompressed format unlike JPEG.
The Windows bitmap file format (.bmp files) are bitmapped images.
File format extension for bitmap images.
A computer graphics format, which is not generally used in professional printing.
A bitmap resolution-dependent file format for images created by Windows Paint, PaintBrush, and other applications.
Bitmap Picture (file name extension)
Batch Message Processing program. An IMS application region run under control of the IMS control region, having access to online data bases and mesage queues. Bean-managed persistence. An EJB entity bean which manages its own state. A type of graphics image file. Bit map
it graphic files (.bmp Windows Bitmaps graphics file extension; also see Bitmapped images).
Standard image format on DOS and Windows-compatible computers. The BMP format supports RGB, indexed-colour, greyscale, and bitmap colour modes.
Bone Morphogenic Protein. naturally occurring chemicals in the body- that play a major role in bone growth. BMP-like products are proteins that enhance mineralization and which can increase bone formation during fusion operation.
Bone Morphogenic Protein. Bone derived protein extracts that are capable of inducing the formation of new bone. Growth factor products use rhBMP or recombinant BMPs.
a common graphic ( it) file format (pronounced "Bee-Em-Pee" not "bimp") under Windows, also used on the Macintosh. See PIC, PCT, PICT, TIFF.
(pronounced "bimp"): Its a bitmap, an image made up of little dots.
A bitmap graphic format used in the Windows environment. BMP files end with a .bmp file extension. See bitmap graphic, GIF, JPEG.
A Microsoft Windows image file format called bit-map in which the image is stored in the same format in which it is stored in video memory, typically one byte (for monochrome images) per picture element or three bytes (for color images) per picture element.
A native file format of Windows for storing electronic graphics files.
bitmap file; the official file format for Microsoft Windows images. BMP is an RGB-only format; it supports Indexed 256 colors, Grayscale and 24-bit RGB documents; does not support CMYK documents.
BMP is the file extension for saving Windows bitmap files (Microsoft Paint). A bitmap is an image that is made up of lots of rows of little dots (pixels). A GIF is another type of bitmap, but is a better format for the web than normal BMPs.