An irregular mode of carrying on war, by the constant attacks of independent bands, adopted in the north of Spain during the Peninsular war.
One who carries on, or assists in carrying on, irregular warfare; especially, a member of an independent band engaged in predatory excursions in war time.
Pertaining to, or engaged in, warfare carried on irregularly and by independent bands; as, a guerrilla party; guerrilla warfare.
Rebellious forces usually armed.
soldier who fights individually or in small groups. They wage a 'hidden' war, attacking suddenly and without warning, and then disappear again into hiding.
(guh-RIL-uh): A member of a small group of fighters that attacks an official army.
a member of an irregular armed force that fights a stronger force by sabotage and harassment
used of independent armed resistance forces; "guerrilla warfare"; "partisan forces"
an irregular soldier fighting in a small unofficial unit, typically against an established or occupying power, and engaging in sabotage, ambush, and the like, rather than pitched battles against an opposing army
a member or members of a small independent group taking part in irregular warfare. From the Spanish meaning 'little war'.
Member of an irregular - usually politically motivated - armed force that fights against regular forces. An armed force is one which identifies itself through the wearing of a military uniform or distinguishing insignia, such as an armband, to set them apart form the civilian population. Any weapons carried must be displayed openly and not concealed. Under the various Geneva Conventions, members of such a force quality for Prisoner of War status if captured.
Guerrilla is a 2007 biopic about Argentinean-born doctor and revolutionary leader Ernesto "Che" Guevara (1928-1967), most famous for leading Fidel Castro's forces against Batista. After his work in Cuba, Che moved on to other causes in Africa and Latin America, eventually being captured and executed by counter-insurgency rangers in the mountains of Bolivia.