raphic nterchange ormat. A widely supported image-storage format promoted by CompuServe that gained early widespread use on on-line services and the Internet. Due to it's limited color range, GIFs are used primarily for lineart, cartoons, and background graphics. GIF is generally not suitable for photographs
The most common type of image file used on the internet. These files are compressed so they take up the minimum amount of space & can therefore be downloaded a lot quicker than other graphics files. GIF files are typically used for: backgrounds, displaying banners, advertisements and buttons.
"Graphics Interchange Format", a type of image file (extension .gif) supporting animation and transparancy but only 256 colours.
Also called CompuServe GIF, it is a common way that images are stored on Web sites. Another popular type of image is JPEG. Some sites limit the number of GIFs that a banner can have, so pay close attention to this.
a bitmap that utilizes the GIF format
a compressed graphics file
a good compression format for logos and pieces of art, photos are better compressed as JPEG files
GIF stands for graphics interchange format, which is a type of bitmap image file that supports for artwork upload. It also includes data compression, making it especially for scanned photos.
Stands for Graphics Interface Format. A commonly-used format for storing images and bitmapped colour graphics. Originally developed for the CompuServe online system, but now one of the most popular formats for images stored on the Internet. Most paint program can read and write to the .GIF file format.
Compuserve's graphic file format. Only advantage it has over JPG is that you can create animated GIF pictures.
Graphic Interchange Format; a standard format for storing and displaying graphic images used on the World Wide Web. Back to the top
A graphic file of a specific format: the raphic nterchange ormat. This format was developed by Compuserve and has become an Internet standard for exchanging files across multiple platforms. All graphical Web browsers will load and place valid GIF files.
A type of image file for use on the Web. These files end with the .gif file extension. SiteCLERK's Image Kit supports .gif files.
A type of bitmap image file that Branders.com supports for artwork upload. Files of this type have a .gif suffix.
An image file format that was developed by CompuServe.
Graphic Imaging Format; a type of picture file.