Descriptive information (e.g. title, description, audience, geospatial coverage, keywords) that can be used to describe, index and discover learning resources for particular user needs.
Data that is used to describe other data. Message Formats created using Format Builder are the metadata used to parse binary data.
Data that describes a parameter in an SQL statement or a column in a result set. For example, the data type, byte length, and precision of a parameter.
Information for indexing and defining CONTENTdm for an item.
Metadata are additional information about a dataset, including information about the data elements, sample design, and how weights were calculated.
Data used to describe or classify an electronic document. Metadata is not actually part of the document itself but is used to assist in document search and retrieval.
A description of a resource, either online or offline, and where to find it. Metadata can include attributes such as description, length and location.
Documentation explaining the characteristics of a dataset
detailed information about data. Go to LOJIC's metadata or Data Help.
Metadata is data that describes data.
File structure information such as file attributes, extent maps, and fileset attributes.
Represents information that is passed into the runtime's AppResource constructor.
An archived set of descriptive information about a scene and the parent sub-interval that provides a user with geographic coverage, date of acquisition, sun angles, could cover, gain states, and other quality measurements.
In a Windows Media Technologies system, information about content, such as the title, author or copyright. The information is contained in an .asx file.
Information that describes every element managed by the common language runtime: an assembly, loadable file, type, method, and so on. This can include information required for debugging and garbage collection, as well as security attributes, marshaling data, extended class and member definitions, version binding, and other information required by the runtime.
descriptions of data and identification of relationships among data.
Information describing how a particular field in a class is mapped into a table and row in a database.
Data which describes data
Structured data that describes data
Information about a publication as opposed to the content of the publication; includes not only bibliographic description but also other relevant information such as its subject, price, conditions of use, etc.
Information about data. If your "data" is a list of numbers gathered from a piece of equipment, the "metadata" would be things like the date you gathered it, the settings of the machine, details of the sample you were analysing etc etc. Catalogs are concerned mostly with storing metadata, along with links to the actual data files.
they are sets of information related to the data that build up a database. A set of metadata can be considered consistent when it describes thoroughly, in the most synthetic way possible, content, quality and characteristics of the data themselves.
Information which describes the technical attributes of the content, context and structure of a record. It is relevant to the process of intellectual control.
Information embedded into files which can be read by applications that support metadata.
Information about data, including attributes such as description, length and location. For example, the fact that a field in a given database is called "client number" and is five characters long is metadata. By comparison, a given instance of the client number "123456" in that database field is just "data."
NCL: Information used to describe data, such as dimension names, variable attributes, valid ranges, and so forth.
A written description for a data set. Metadata should conform to the ANZLIC Metadata Guidelines, 1996. ANZLIC, 1996
Metadata describes other data. It provides information about a certain item's ...
Data exist in two forms - primary data and metadata. Primary data are numbers or counts - for example, the number of adult fish counted in a given time period, interval and location. Metadata describe how those numbers were obtained, including the monitoring design (selection of times and locations), objectives, and methods.
Data describing data. Used in describing data's ontology or schema.
Metadata is Information about the data warehouse or data mart system. Metadata encompasses all aspects of the data warehouse or data mart system, including technical, human and data resources. ()
(also Metatag) Special tagged fields in a document that provide information about the document to search engines and other computer applications. Metadata will not display in the main window of a graphical browser. The search engine at the NRC Web site recognizes several operators for searching metadata fields: CONTAINS, STARTS, ENDS, MATCHES, and =. These operators force the search to find the exact search query (they disable stemming and proximity searching and force the search to be sensitive to the case of the search query). The HTML title is the only metadata field supported at the NRC Web site.
In the Incipient NSP environment, metadata is essential information about Network-Volume structures and the array storage used to construct those Network-Volumes.
An HTTP tag which defines certain top-level information about the web page or web site. Usually contains keywords for search engines, a description of what the site contains in terms of subject matter and audience, can contain information about the author and tools used to create the page or site. Is one of the highest priority elements of a website when used in conjunction with search engines. Search engines typically weight the text found in the metadata tags higher than the text found in the actual contents of the pages.
Metadata is used to describe what the object contains - much like alabel lists the ingredients and nutritional value of a box of cereal. Objects are catalogued using subject-specific metadata and can be indexed, searched, and reused. Metadata typically includes information about the educational content, such as how long the material will take to complete, the language in which it is written, and any prerequisite knowledge required to work with the object. Metadata may also be used to assign different levels of access depending on the sensitivity of the information contained within the object.
Structured information that describes and/or categorises a resource. Useful for indexing resources and enhancing their discoverability via structured searches.
Information about the source, definition, and characteristics of data stored in administrative systems.
Data that describes data including subject, date, and recipients of an e-mail.
Metadata is structured information about learning objects and files supporting management, description of educational purpose, technical interoperability, digital rights management and accessibility.
A collection of information describing a GIS data set.
information describing a collection of data; includes source, access issues, format, schema and data quality.
Structural data describing the attributes of files on a disk.
Metadata is binary information that describes and annotates the CIL in an assembly. See the ECMA-335 CLI standard for specific details.
Metadata is terminology or jargon, used as a business language to communicate a specific meaning. For example, accountants use a special jargon for accounting, while doctors and hospital staff use a different jargon to communicate a medical meaning. This meaning must be understood for effective communication. Metadata tags are used by XML to surround data content and identify the data meaning.
The data stored by the server that describes the files in the depot, the current state of client workspaces, protections, users, clients, labels, and branches. It includes all the data stored in the server except for the actual contents of the files.
A data road map on a computer program that informs the user of what other data is available in a data warehouse, where it is stored and how it relates to the other information.
Data that describe a dataset to allow others to find and evaluate it.
a detailed data of the information produced, this being a value added to the information, which permits the documentation of data that will serve to support those who use the information that the project has available
a pair of values (key,data) that can be associated to a program unit
html (hypertext markup language) tags used to better describe a World Wide Web document. Their purpose is to assist in the better retrieval of information on the World Wide Web via robot-driven search engines. Also known as metatags.
Data that describes a parameter in a text command or a column in a rowset. For example, the data type, length, and updatability of a column.
Data that describes the structure of other data. Created and maintained by Internet Information Server (IIS) and stored in the metabase.
Data that describes other data. For example, the words in a document are data; the number of words in the document is an example of metadata for that document.
data describing a GIS database or data set including, but not limited to, descriptions of data transfer media, formats, and contents, source lineage data, and any other applicable data processing algorithms or procedures.
A collection of similar data, or information that describes data or databases. Metadata are used to compare among sets of data or one database with another. Ideally, metadata have commonality (i.e., standard collection methods, data entry fields, and criteria for completing fields).
Metadata is a set of words, phrases or sentences that summarises and describes what is on a website, or on individual pages or sub-sections of that web site, for the benefit of searching agents.
Information about something, usually arranged in a structured way that can be used by computer systems.
Description of the storage layout of the database, hold in system tables.
an abstraction, or summary, of data.
A description of a resource, either online or offline, and where to find it. Metadata can be compared to a library card that tells you where to find a library book.
Information about data. A good example is a library catalog card, which contains data about the nature and location of a book.
Meta is a prefix that in most information technology usages means 'an underlying definition or description.' Thus, Document metadata - as it relates to document management - is a definition or description of the document it relates to. When using document management software this information is typically entered by a end user or a scanning operator. The Metadata Information can include physical location information (e.g., where the document is stored) and document identification information (e.g., date archived, creator, and contents).
CLICK HERE for definition definition of metadata defined Tim Berners-Lee's definition of meta data defined
ISO 15489 defines metadata as data describing context, content and structure of records and their management through time.
Information about the data in a document. For example, the name of the author.
Descriptive information about a record, generally not seen but searchable, things like descriptors, publication type, and author statements. Confusion Note: Syn.
Summary information indicating the content, lineage and quality of a dataset
Information 'about' the subject content within the Curriculum Repository: Object Type, Title(s), Date(s), Author Information, Copyright, Use Permissions, Content Description, Abstract, Keywords, Spoken Language, Location, Categorization, and other related items.
structured information that describes, explains, locates, and otherwise makes it easier to retrieve and use an information resource.
Metadata is information that describes the data structure of a system. The LDM is a visual representation of metadata and is not implemented. When a database is implemented from the PDM, the data definitions for the tables, columns and relationships, as well as their physical characteristics (data type and length and indexing, etc.) are stored physically on the system. These are metadata. The tables that house these structural descriptions are also considered metadata because they define and the implemented system.
Metadata provides information about the content and origins of a particular set of data.
Metadata describes and indexes web pages to make retrieval by search engine easier.
Formal documentation describing the characteristics of a specific geospatial data set.
data used to identify, describe, and locate resources. For instance, subject gateways provide information (metadata) about individual Web sites, typically including the author, the title, the URL (Web address) and a brief description. A library catalogue contains metadata about books and other resources in the library.
Data describing data and data systems. In records management, recordkeeping metadata is data that describes the context, content and structure of records and their management through time. (AS ISO 15489 Part 1 Clause 3.12)
The information that is contained within the meta tags of a web site.
Additional identification information that is assigned to a movie or image using a series of protocol standards or hidden watermarks.
information about a data object; a bibliographic catalog record describing the data unit.
In the context of the NetKernel MetaData is data about a resource that is not the resource itself. Representations of a resource expose an IURMeta interface which gives information on type, validity and cost of creation.
Metadata provides information about the content, quality, condition, and other characteristics of data.
Structured information that describes, explains, locates, or otherwise makes it easier to retrieve, use or manage an information resource.
(1) Information about a data set which is provided by the data supplier or the generating algorithm and which provides a description of the content, format, and utility of the data set. Metadata provide criteria which may be used to select data for a particular scientific investigation. (2) Information describing a data set, including data user guide, descriptions of the data set in directories, and inventories, and any additional information required to define the relationships among these. Source: ESADS, EPO, IWGDMGC.
The data that an inode stores concerning file attributes and directory entries.
Metadata is a definition or description of data. On the web, metadata is used to provide information about documents and content items which does not necessarily need to be displayed on the screen. This information can then be used by software such as search engines or management systems. Examples of information commonly stored as metadata include authorship, publication date, modification date, copyright information, and subject keywords. For more information on the specific use of metadata in LSE web pages, please see Metadata.
Metadata is simply data used to describe other data. It can be used to describe information such as file type, format, author, user rights etc. and is usually attached to files but invisible to the user.
A simple term for a powerful concept, metadata is most easily defined as information about information. One of the most common examples is that of the information in libraries´ card catalogues. That content is metadata. Another example is the information on any packaged food item that tells you what is inside, to who makes it, and a full breakdown of every part of the contents. Metadata learning standards are for the categories or "elements" for all the information you would want for every "learning object" or content out there and having an agreed upon standard set of metadata elements so that the person or system receiving this information can read and understand.
Data that describes other data. Metadata about an XML document is described in the DTD or in the XML document itself, enabling other applications to interact with it.
Information that describes a file, such as the file's name, size, location, and permissions.
n. Data that describes the characteristics of stored data; descriptive data.
"The information about an object: its methods, parameters, return types, etc."
Data that describes attributes of the data itself; for example, type, category, date, author, last modified, etc.
Information about data that facilitates access and use of the data.
All datasets on Neighbourhood Statistics come with information on who supplied the data (including contact details), how and where the data were collected, the variables in the dataset, and any other important supplementary notes. This information is often called metadata. Metadata is automatically downloaded with a dataset. In addition, when selecting data to view or download, you can view the metadata by clicking on the blue information icons next to the dataset or variable names. Detailed guidance on the content of Neighbourhood Statistics metadata is available here.
Information about data set. Metadata for geographical data may include the source of the data; its creation date and format; its projection, scale, resolution, and accuracy; and its reliability with regards to some standard. See data dictionary.
information about data, e.g., their source, lineage, content, structure, and availability
is information about data (a ressource, an object,...), be it physical or digital. Provides, e.g., a description of the content, format, or utility of the data (ressource, object,...)
Shibboleth relies on metadata to identify trusted Identity Provider, Service Provider, and certificate authority information. Prior to Shibboleth 1.3, the metadata consisted of the files sites.xml and trust.xml; now only metadata.xml, based on the new SAML 2.0 metadata standards, is used. SWITCH provides official metadata for the SWITCHaai and AAI Test Federations.
As used on this site, the metadata is information supplied in the meta tags.
(2K8T) Represents information about the data and could include value constraints, naming rules, etc. (2IYG)
Metadata are non-content information included within a module or a course. Module metadata include the module ID, license type, version number, creation date, revision date, authors, maintainers, copyright holders, module name, keywords, and abstract. Course metadata include the course title, institution, course code, instructor, course home page URL, keywords, and abstract.
Information about content that enables it to be stored in and retrieved from a database.
Metadata is structured information that describes and allows us to find, manage, control and understand other information. In a web environment metadata acts like a virtual library catalogue – it helps government search engines to accurately and efficiently identify and retrieve web-based resources in response to search requests. To ensure that metadata is as useful as possible, it is important that it is applied consistently by agencies across the Australian Government. Recognised resource discovery metadata schemes that are in active use by government in Australia include AGLS and its extensions and ANZLIC (geo-spatial).
Information about a component, such as its name, and specifications for its behavior.
Data about the asset. A DAM system should handle standard embedded metadata formats like IPTC and EXIF - and should also allow you to create your own metadata fields.
Descriptive information pertaining to a dataset
Data that describes data and other structures, such as objects, business rules, and processes. For example, the schema design of a data warehouse is typically stored in a repository as metadata, which is used to generate scripts used to build and populate the data warehouse. A repository contains metadata. Examples include: for data, the definition of a source to target transformation that is used to generate and populate the data warehouse; for information, definitions of tables, columns and associations that are stored inside a relational modeling tool; for business rules, discount by 10 percent after selling 1,000 items.
Data which provides information about a resource.
Descriptive information embedded in web pages
In digital photography, it is the information about an image, such as resolution, dimension, color space, bit depth, etc. This data is either stored in the image file itself or stored in a separate file.
structured information that describes and/or enables finding, managing, controlling, understanding or preserving other information over time.
structured data describing information or characteristics of information items
A common set of attributes that contain critical information to describe and catalog content. The basic concept behind metadata has been used to organize content since the beginning of clay tablet and papyrus scroll collections 3000 years ago. Card and book catalogs and bibliographic databases have used a commonly understood metadata standard to organize large collections. Dublin Core metadata example Dublin Core Elements Asset metadata— The Who, Where and When Title, Creator, Publisher, Contributor, Date, Type, Format, Identifier, Source, Language Subject metadata— The What and Why Subject, Description, Coverage Relational metadata— Links between Assets Relation Use metadata— How to Monetize Assets Use
(Data Warehousing Guide; search in this book)
(voir Metadonnée) Structured data used to describe characteristics of a learning resource, a data object, or a component of a technological learning system.
Structured information that describes and/or allows users to find, manage, control, understand or preserve other information over time.
Information about data or data sets. Metadata is essential for the user to determine correct use of a data set, whether in digital or analogue form.
a description or definition of data or information.
Any data maintained to support and define the operations or use of a data warehouse. It provides the meaning and context of data - its business definitions, sources, currency, and update process
Description of data. Generally used to refer to a descriptive schema to add in discovery of electronic resources.
Information about data. Metadata describes how and when and by whom a particular set of data was collected, and how the data are formatted. Metadata is essential for understanding information stored in data warehouses.
Literally data describing data. The term describes all information that describes and defines a system which is used for storing data.
The data about the structure of a database that describes the relationships between entities.
is information about data. Metadata can exist for datasets, web services and project information. Metadata can be searched through a common web interface known as the Australian Spatial Data Directory (also known as the ASDD).
Information about data or a data set; usually, but not restricted to, details of access, quality, ownership, and history.
Text in your document that is not important for understanding the subject, but that should be there anyway, such as version information, co-authors, credits to people etc.
Data that describes other data. Often deals with the format or authorship of the underlying data. See Dublin Core and
the reference information about how the data is collected
Information that describes the content, quality, condition, and other characteristics of data [Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC)].
Ancillary information associated with an NCL variable. There are three types of metadata: attributes, named dimensions, and coordinates.
Information that describes another set of data
The data in a Perforce system that describes workspaces, file histories, users, changelists, etc.
A resource that provides information about another resource.
The description of what type of data is contained in a document or file. Used on web-sites so that search engines can determine the type of data stored there. See also File, Web-Site and Search Engine.
Information, such as location, time, message size, and/or exception information, often accessed as a promoted property of a message context.
Data used to describe other data. For example, Index Server must maintain data that describes the data in the content index. This data that Index Server maintains is called metadata because it describes how data in the index is stored. National Language Support (NLS) Helps applications developed for the Win32 application programming interface (API) adapt to the differing language and locale-specific needs of users around the world.
"data that describe other data. Generally, a set of metadata describes a single set of data, called a resource." ( WP)
The information associated with a file but separate from the data in the file; required to identify data in the file and its physical location on a disk.
Electronic catalogue entries that describe information and services in a structured way. The information in a library card system is metadata that helps you find the books you want.
The set of descriptions of the forms of data used to describe managed objects in a network (as distinct from the data itself).
Information about a database or a DBMS. Examples: the kind of functionality a DBMS provides, the types of data in the database, or information about a result set. In JDBC, you call the methods of the DatabaseMetaData or the ResultSetMetaData class to get this information.
In Bento containers, the information about an object. Contrast with value.
Metadata is data or information that identifies and describes an information object and makes it possible to understand, manage and use the object. Metadata can also document how that object behaves, its function and use, its relationship to other information objects, and how it should be managed. Metadata is primarily used in database applications to identify, locate and retrieve information objects. For example information objects might be web pages, documents, audio and video files. Metadata can include such elements as author, title, language, copyright.
Information about the structure of the data in a database -- such as the origin, size, formatting or other characteristics of data items.
Data that describes data and other structures, such as objects, business rules, and processes. See also OLAP Catalog.
Non graphical information contained within or associated with standard graphical files, in WebCGM metadata supports such ancilliary functions as hierarchical picture structuring, object identification and navigation, and association of application-specific non-graphical data with graphical objects.
data that describes other data. In the field of Semantic Web, metadata are used to describe resources.
Data describing stored data, that is, describing the structure, data elements, interrelationships and other characteristics of electronic information. [DoD 3.2.55] The DoD uses the terms "record profile data" and "metadata" interchangeably, which we have also adopted in this paper. We have used the term metadata to refer to transmission and receipt information, such as sender, addressee, cc, path, subject, date, and time. We assume that metadata is the information entered into a document management system to describe or profile a message, and that it provides descriptive indexing terms used for searching and retrieval of messages stored in a database. Metadata is not index terms drawn from a controlled vocabulary. For more information see ( and (
Data describing stored data; that is, data describing the structure, data elements, interrelationships, and other characteristics of electronic records. Record profile data. (1)
Information about information. Often, "metatags" that describe what's inside a chunk of learning. Generally machine-readable. Analogous to a barcode on an incoming shipment.
Information describing a data set. A digital maps;s metadata might state its scale, revision date, author, accuracy standards, and other pertinent information.
The data that is attached to files in a computerized filing system. For instance, in a word processing document, the metadata includes: the author, date created, person and date editing the document, the name of the document, the location stored on a hard drive, how many times and when it has been accessed, changed or altered, etc.
(in the context of records management) Structured or semi-structured information which enables the creation, management and use of records through time and within and across domains in which they are created (source: Archiving Metadata Forum working definition).
Data that is used to describe other data. Data definitions are sometimes referred to as metadata. Examples of metadata include schema, table, , view and column definitions.
Information about data, or more specifically, the descriptive...
Structured information about an object, a collection of objects, or a constitutent part of an object such as an individual content file. Digital objects that do not have sufficient metadata or become irrevocably separated from their metadata are at greater risk of being lost or destroyed. Ephemeral, highly transient digital objects will often not require more than descriptive metadata. However, digital objects that are intended to endure for long periods of time require metadata that will support long-term preservation. See also administrative metadata, behaviors metadata, descriptive metadata, file inventory metadata, and structural metadata.
Structured information about resources (including both digital and non-digital resources). Metadata can be used to help support a wide range of operations on those resources. In the context of services based on metadata harvested via OAI-PMH, the most common operation is discovery and retrieval of resources. Source: OAI for Beginners - the Open Archives Forum online tutorial at
Data describing other data e.g. the column headers in a table.
information that helps characterize data; tells who, what, when, where, why, and how data was obtained.
see Data dictionary Metcalfe, Robert, 9.19
catalogue information about the production of the dictionary, intended for dictionary identification
Information about the content, quality, condition, and other characteristics of data. Metadata related to tables presented in American FactFinder can be found by clicking on column headings or by clicking "Help" and then "Census Data Information."
Information about an image. For example, metadata with images from digital cameras can contain the date and time the picture was taken, the shutter speed, the exposure settings of the camera, and if a flash was used. ACDSee digital camera software supports metadata.