Descent in a line from a common progenitor; progeny; race; descending line of offspring or ascending line of parentage.
For a replicator L in a uniparental clade, the sequence of n+1 members L0, L1, L2, . . ., Ln where L0 = L, and Lk+1 = the parent of Lk. The last member of the lineage, Ln, is the founder of the clade. This sequence of ancestors begins with the individual and moves back in time, reversing the usual sense of the word "lineage."
A group of individuals, related by common descent, e.g. an in vitro cell line derived from a single cell.
A series of entities (e.g., organisms, populations) that form a single unbroken and unbranched sequence of ancestors and descendants. That a lineage is unbranched does not deny the existence of side-branches, which are not parts of the lineage in question, or of branching at lower organizational levels (e.g., organelle lineages within a population lineage). There may even be branching at the organizational level in question as long as it is judged to be temporary.
Descendant in a straight line from an ancestor (Stebbins, 2003).
Several individuals originating from a common descent, such as the production of a cell line from a single cell plated in vitro.
The line of descent to or from an ancestor; a group of persons tracing descent from a common ancestor.
Unilineal descent group based on demonstrated descent.
Line of descent,†defined by populations that went through generations, from ancestors leading to descendants.
describes cells with a common ancestry, that is developing from the same type of identifiable immature cell.
descent in a line from a common progenitor or ancestor.
(lin·E·age). A descent group comprised of relatives all of whom trace their relationship through consanguineal or affinal relations to an actual, commonly known ancestor
The portion of a person's name indicating a relationship to ancestors
the descendants of one individual; "his entire lineage has been warriors"
the kinship relation between an individual and the individual's progenitors
a descent group that can demonstrate their common descent from an apical ancestor
a group of dream lords, or the creatures spawned by such a group
a group of people who descend from a common ancestor
a group of viruses linked to each other by genetic descent from a common ancestor
a line of evolutionary descent from a common ancestor
a record of data history that is presented as a descent or ancestry
The descendants of one individual. Each of us has many lineages that make up who we are. Our two parents represent two lineages. Our four grandparents represent four lineages. Our eight great-grandparents represent eight lineages. The number of lineages increases exponentially with each generation.
Ancestry; direct decent from a specific ancestor.
a unilineal descent group whose members trace their descent from a common ancestor through an acknowledged sequence of known linking antecedents.
a linear evolutionary sequence from an ancestral species through all intermediate species to a particular descendant species
a unilineal descent group composed of people who trace their genealogies through specified links to a common ancestor.
descent in a line from an ancestor.
Direct descent from a particular ancestor.
An historical sequence of ancestors and descendants.
Set of kin whose members trace descent from a common ancestor through known links.
direct line of descent from an ancestor; ancestry; progeny.
direct descent from an ancestor; ancestry; family; in Wicca, the line of initiatory descent, or magickal and spiritual ancestry, and hence, the "initiatory family" related by a common ancestry
The kinship group created by a unilineal kinship system. It is a closed, corporate group with clearly delineated membership. When the lineage membership is assigned based on the father's lineage it is a patrilineage. When it is assigned based on the mother's lineage it is a matrilineage.
The descendants of a common ancestor.
Any continuous line of descent; any series of organisms connected by reproduction by parent of offspring.
A group, the members of which are descended through males from a common male ancestor (patrilineage) or through females from a common female ancestor (matrilineage). Such descent can in principle be traced. mfecane"Crushing" or "hammering" (isiZulu); refers to early nineteenth-century upheaval in southeastern Africa caused by expansion of Zulu society under the military leadership of Shaka and combined economic and population pressures throughout the region; difeqane, in seSotho.
A group of individuals or species whose descent can be traced back to a common ancestor.
ancestry; direct descent from a specific ancestor.
An ancestor-descendant sequence of (1) populations, (2) cells, or (3) genes.
Zen Buddhism maintains records of their historical teachers who, according to the traditional history of that school, have passed the Dharma from generation to generation in an unbroken line since the time of the Buddha. This vertical line is a lineage of ancestors which provides validation of the Zen experience of the teachers of the present generation.
An evolutionary lineage (also called a clade) is composed of species, taxa, or individuals that are related by descent from a common ancestor. Lineages are subsets of the evolutionary tree of life. The concept of an evolutionary lineage is grounded in the science of cladistics.