the annual account listing the stock on hand, taken in any business.
the stock of items on hand in any business, either for sale and not yet sold, or kept as raw materials to be converted into finished products.
The total value of all goods in an inventory{2}.
To make an inventory of; to make a list, catalogue, or schedule of; to insert or register in an account of goods; as, a merchant inventories his stock.
A numbered packing list which itemises all single pieces travelling on a tour; all cartons, flightcases, crates, baskets together with quantities and descriptions of contents. Extremely important if touring abroad to satisfy customs. Dimensions/weight/value may also require recording. IRIS
A list of stock or contents.
A list of items; stock on hand.
a list of items included with the property e.g. furniture, movable items, etc.
Stock- all the goods and materials held by an organisation for future sale or use.
Database of all items in the building (furniture and equipment) showing purchase date and cost.
A company's merchandise, raw materials, and finished and unfinished products which have not yet been sold. see also first in first out, last in first out, asset, asset conversion loan, book inventory, dealer, drop shipping, floating lien, perpetual inventory, property inventory, shrinkage.
In accounting, an itemized count and listing of a company's assets, such as property, products, materials, or securities.
detailed list of articles or property with estimated value
Raw, intermediate or finished items that are physically stocked by an organization, or for which they are financially liable. Classification methods specify the usage (for production or as MRO), valuation method, degree of control, timing (to order or to stock) and other factors associated with investing company assets in inventoried items. The sole purpose of carrying inventory is to fill an expected future internal or external demand; the ability to accurately predict that demand determines the level of investment required.
Merchandise that is purchased and/or produced and stored for eventual sale.
(1) A detailed list of property; (2) the number of cases in various stages of the court process.
The collective quantity of goods, property or products on hand in a company.
Any of the following: An itemized list of current assets such as a catalog of property, or a list or the quantity of goods or material s on hand (stock) survey of natural resources A list of traits, preferences, attitude s, interests, or abilities used to evaluate the personal characteristic s or skills of personnel [D02899] Webster
The inventory is a list of solid waste facilities in the State of California which are violating the state minimum standards for solid waste handling and disposal. State minimum standards regulate the design and operation of solid waste facilities in order to protect public health and safety and the environment.
A complete listing of the number, type, and value of assets owned at a point in time.
Raw materials, work in process, and finished goods held by the business. Inverted emulsifiable concentrate A concentrated solution of an active ingredient in oil or other solvent, forming, with water, a water-in-oil emulsion. Inverted emulsion An emulsion of finely divided droplets of water in oil. These emulsions do not flow easily and form large droplets when forced through a nozzle. Salad mayonnaise is an example of an invert emulsion.
A document that must be completed by the fiduciary and served on interested persons. It lists the property of an estate or protected individual that is under the management of the fiduciary. If a personal representative is completing this form, the date of death fair market value must be listed. If a conservator is filling out this form, it must list the fair market value as of the date of the qualification of the conservator. If an estate is being administered as a supervised proceeding, the personal representative must file the inventory with the court. If it is unsupervised administration, the personal representative must present the inventory to the court for determination of the gross estate fee, but it is not required that the inventory be filed. A conservator must file an inventory with the court. PC 577
(1) A collection of materials received but not yet cataloged; housed in the Annex and with preliminary records on Acorn. (2) The process of checking shelved materials against the shelf list to determine items that are missing.
Stock of good on hand for resale, such as stores and supplies, and is valued at the lower of cost or market value, not selling price. It is increased by purchases and decreased by cost of good sold. A balance sheet current asset.
The term used for the area where the game stores items that you pick up while playing (it usually shows on the screen). To use an item in your inventory, you usually position the Cursor over that item and click, then position your Cursor over the object you wish to use it with, and click again. Back to the Index of Terms
A list of the effects being moved/stored.
a detailed list of the goods to be moved. This document should include descriptions of the condition of your possessions prior to their being loaded.
Statement by the client listing his personal belongings. This document is compulsory for the customs operations, both incoming and outgoing (the list is detailed, with numbers of items, and signed).
(especially US) an amount of goods stored ready for sale; in accounting, the value of raw materials, work in progress and finished but unsold products.
Items that are available for sale.
A detailed, itemized list, report, or record of things in one's possession, especially a periodic survey of all goods and materials in stock
A check of the library collection against the shelflist to determine missing items; the physical listing of all records or documents in a collection.
A company's products that are ready for sale.
The name given to an asset of a business. Inventory is of two general types (A) Direct inventory consists of raw materials, work in process and finished goods. (B) Indirect inventories, in general, are all supplies used to carry on the business and not purchased for resale.
The goods in warehousing. They can be finished goods as in completed product waiting for orders and shipment or they can be raw goods as in the items needed to make the product. In the machine shop raw inventory is the metal stock, cutting tools, cutting oil, and other items needed to make product.
Stocks of finished goods, work in progress and raw materials. For tax purposes trading stock can be valued at the option of the taxpayer, at cost or at market selling value or at its replacement cost.
The saleable stock of merchandise in a wholesale or retail establishment at any given time, or an itemized record of that merchandise.
The detailed descriptive list of your household belongings, listing the number and condition of each item.
A finding aid that describes the organization and activities of the agency that created the records and the physical extent, chronological scope, and subject content of the records. in addition to this information, an inventory may include lists of box or file titles or other descriptive information.
A list of your belongings to be moved or a list of your belongings in transit or storage.
An itemized list often containing the estimated or real values of property belonging to an estate. An inventory is usually made by an executor or administrator of an estate as part of the probate process.
A list of the assets of the decedent or disabled person that is prepared by an attorney and signed by the fiduciary (personal representative or conservator/guardian). This is required to be filed in Probate court.
the stock of unsold goods held by a firm
The amount of property on hand at any given time, or an itemized listing thereof. A "physical inventory" is one determined by actual physical count of the items. A "book inventory" is one determined from records maintained in connection with day-to-day business activities. Industrial inventories typically consist of raw materials, work-in-process, finished goods, and M.R.O. (maintenance, repair, and operating) supplies.
The value of the goods for sale of a retail, wholesale, or distribution company. For a manufacturing company, it also includes the raw materials purchased for the business and the partially completed goods in the warehouse or on the production line.
Dollar cost of goods on hand, yet to be sold. Includes raw material, goods in process, and finished goods. (In service businesses, this is sometimes defined as the billable time that is yet to be billed.)
All materials, products, subassemblies and parts within a company at a given point in time
A list of traits, preferences, attitudes, interests, or abilities used to evaluate personal characteristics or skills (Grinnell, 1990)
supply of goods to be sold.
Compilation of a list of archaeological resources within a given project area through archival and field procedures.
a detailed list of all the items in stock
the merchandise that a shop has on hand; "they carried a vast inventory of hardware"
(accounting) the value of a firm's current assets including raw materials and work in progress and finished goods
making an itemized list of merchandise or supplies on hand; "the inventory took two days"
make or include in an itemized record or report; "Inventory all books before the end of the year"
a binding legal document that provides an accurate written record of the condition and contents of a property at the beginning of a tenancy
a critical element in forest management as it provides fundamental data for developing a good management plan for any forestry operation
a detailed description of the property, its contents and their condition
a detailed, itemized list or record of goods and materials in a company's possession
a detailed listing of all existing files in an office
a detailed list of the contents and condition of the property and any items provided with it, such as furniture or equipment
a document that lists all property owned by the parties, including separate property
a good starting point for developing a management plan to help you reach your forest management objectives
a list describing your room, its condition and all the items within it belonging to the College
a listing and description of all of the government's records holdings
a listing of available church records, their location, and what years they cover
a listing of available church records, what years they cover, and their location
a list of all the possessions, room by room, with their value, of someone who has just died
a list of articles, found on hand in a store of goods, or in the estate of a deceased person, or under similar circumstances
a list of contents / furniture provided in the property
a list of everything that is in the property you are renting
a list of furniture and other contents which have been provided in the accommodation by your landlord
a list of the contents and condition of a property
a list of the contents of the property (for example, furniture, carpets, appliances, etc
a list of the deceased person's property including land, bank accounts, shares and movable property
a list of the house contents and their condition
A stocktaking / mapping or listing exercise designed to generate information on the location and characteristics of wetlands in any given area.
Fundamental tool for carrying out archives searches. It contains the description of all the individual items held in the archives.
The stockpile of unsold products.
Raw materials that are purchased with the intention of selling or converting into a product to be sold. In the case of security firms, it consists of securities that have been acquired to be sold or traded.
The quantity of goods and materials on hand waiting to be sold.
stocks or items used to support production
Detailed list of items and their condition in the property
the assets a business has for sale
comprises consumable stores and supplies, fuel and explosive ordnance used in the delivery of Defence services. These are items which are consumed in normal use, lose their identity during periods of use by incorporation into, or attachment upon, another assembly, as a result of wear and tear, cannot be reconditioned because their design does not make it possible or their specific values do not justify it.
The actual amount of any goods on hand.
a complete list of items included with a property.
List of your possessions with description, serial numbers when appropriate, and information on when and where purchased.
Goods purchased or manufactured by a business and held for production or sale. Inventory is often subdivided into raw materials, work in progress, and finished goods. See also Inventory Targets.
an itemized list of a person's property
Product available for sale. Also raw materials for manufacturing and work-in-progress.
Items being held for sale
An itemized list or catalogue of goods, property, etc.
All accountable personal property assigned to an organization whether or not such property is in use. Includes item name, serial and stock numbers, quantity, location, acquisition value and other descriptive information.
items carried in the normal course of doing business that are intended for sale
An itemised list attached to the Tenancy Agreement detailing furniture and fittings supplied with the property. Unless otherwise negotiated or specified, all items provided with the premises are to be left in the property at the end of the tenancy term.
Numbered list of your possessions with a description and its condition at the time of loading.
The process of preparing an itemized list recording land, buildings, equipment and other tangible property having an identity which remains constant. This process allows for accountability and results in an asset listing for the purpose of asset management.
Lower of total cost or market value of raw materials, work in process and finished goods owned by a business.
All the money the system invests in purchasing items it intends to resell. Typically, this refers to inventory items, but is more broadly defined to include all assets.
a list of goods that a business has on hand for sale to her customers.
Usually the highest cost category, inventory is all raw materials, purchased parts, work-in-progress and finished goods that are not yet sold to a customer.
The document that lists each item and it's condition at loading and at delivery.
A listing of items that could be included with a property. For example furniture, furnishings, moveable items etc. Investing The purchase of an asset, such as real estate, with the goal of producing a capital gain on the resale of the asset or of using the asset to generate income.
Items of personal property that become part of a product or are themselves a product that are held for sale or lease in the ordinary course of business.
An accounting procedure by which holdings are checked, accurately listed, and analyzed.
Form on which the van foreman lists each shipping unit (piece of furniture, carton, or other individual item not otherwise packaged) in your shipment and describes their pre-move condition.
A detailed list of property and assets made by the trustee which includes a description of each item and each item's estimated fair market value as of a specified date.
Stocks of raw materials, components, work in progress, finished goods and other supplies
Itemized account of the articles comprising an estate
A detailed list of items the client has handed over for storage.
All goods ready for sale, goods already on the production line and raw material in the business's possession.
Items of tangible property held for sale. An Inventory is a detailed list of items and their values owned at a specific point in time. Stock inventory would include raw materials for manufacture, materials partly processed and finished products including items in transit for which title is held, but would not include items physically held for which title belongs to others. Inventories may also be made of fixed assets, stationery and supplies, etc.
Goods ready to be sold, raw materials, and partially completed goods that will be sold.
Raw materials, work in process, finished goods and supplies required for creation of a company's goods and services. The number of units and/or value of the stock of goods a company holds.
A list of articles of property. For income tax purposes, inventory refers only to a list of articles comprising stock in trade--articles held for sale to customers in the regular course of a trade or business. The cost of goods sold during the year is determined by adding to the inventory at the beginning of the year the purchases during the year, and subtracting from this sum the inventory at the close of the year.
detailed list of goods or materials, e.g., an inventory of an estate ("three horses, two saddles, one feather bed") or an inventory of a collection of records or documents in a library or archive.
the supply or stock of goods and products that a company has for sale. A manufacturer may have three kinds of inventory: raw materials waiting to be converted into goods, work in process, and finished goods ready for sale.
A company's products, raw materials, and finished and unfinished goods that are yet to be sold
The list of contents of a property before the tenant occupies it. This is used to check for damages and loss after the tenant has finished their tenancy.
A list of items included with the property such as furniture and movable items.
the detailed descriptive list of your household goods showing the number and condition of each item.
A list and valuation of all the deceased's movable goods (usually room by room) - more common before the mid 18th century
Items the business owns and intends to sell to customers.
A subsidiary ledger which is usually used to record the details of individual items of stock. Inventories can also be used to hold the details of other assets of a business. [Go to source
is the value of goods that have been produced or purchased for resale.
a list of goods or valuables in the estate of a, deceased person, filed in probate court by an executor or administer
An inventory is necessary to clearly show income when the production, purchase, or sale of merchandise is an income-producing factor. If you must account for an inventory in your business, you must use an accrual method of accounting for your purchases and sales.
a detailed list of items or the process of making a list of items.
A document that lists each item and its condition at loading and at delivery. The origin service agent prepares your inventory, at the time Crystal International takes responsibility for the shippers household goods.
a detailed list of articles of the property of an estate compiled by the executor, administrator or assignee of the estate. It will contain a description of each item with their estimated or actual values.
A list of fixtures, fittings and equipment to be left/included in the sale. Where items are subject to lease, loan or other forms of credit it is usually noted on the inventory. Often items on credit would be paid off, by the outgoing owner, at legal completion.
A detailed list of the household goods that are to be shipped or stored. It will normally include remarks on the condition of the items. Very often called packing list.
An archival finding aid whose unit of entry is usually the series, including a brief administrative history of the organization(s) whose records are being described as well as descriptions of the records. A detailed listing of the volume, scope, and complexity of an organization's records, usually compiled for the purpose of creating a records schedule.
A detailed account of current business assets, generally categorized as rental goods, equipment, vehicles, etc.
an inventory is a legal list of all the property in a deceased person's estate. The executor of the will is required to make an inventory.
Physical material purchased from suppliers which may or may not be reworked in order to provide goods or services for sale to customers.
Goods or property held for sale in the course of business or trade. You will generally have inventory if you are a manufacturer, wholesaler, or retailer or if you are engaged in any business that makes, buys, or sells goods to produce income. If you make or buy goods to sell, you can deduct the cost of goods sold from your gross receipts on Schedule C, Profit or Loss From Business. However, to determine these costs, you must value your inventory at the beginning and end of each tax year. If you must account for an inventory in your business, you must use an accrual method of accounting for your purchases and sales.
The supply or stock of a given commodity or a listing thereof.
Value of firm's raw materials, work in progress, supplies used in operations, and finished goods.
A detailed list of goods located in a certain space or belonging to a specified object. Goods available for satisfying certain demands. Inventories may consist of finished goods ready for sale, they may be parts or intermediate items, they may be work in process, or they may be raw materials.
The itemized list of the description and condition of all items to be shipped.
Merchandise on hand & available for sale.
Listing of all items shipped with the conditions of each item noted. This form is signed by the shipper and driver at origin and destination of the move to certify conditions of goods, or to note exceptions.
a list of the property held by a person at the time of his death; usually compiled by several court-appointed people, who submit the list to the court for approval.
A detailed list of the stock-in-trade of a business.
An on-going systematic procedure that verifies the location of every item in the resources collection.
A systematic valuation by a company of the products that it sells or manufactures. An inventory represents the detailed listing of these items required to be valued on a consistent basis from period to period by a company.
A listing of all goods contained with a shipment. It is used as a condition report by claims and as a receipt of acceptance of the goods by the shipper. Also called Household Descriptive Inventory.
a detailed list or summary of all items one has in his possession. May also be used to describe the process by which such information is obtained
A list of your possessions and their value. Items on the inventory should include furniture, rugs, drapes, artwork, china, appliances, books, clothes, jewelry, compact discs, records, tapes, linens, and musical instruments.
A detailed list of your household goods and their condition before they are loaded. The crew leader will present the inventory to you after the van or crates are loaded and again when the shipment reaches your new home. Your signature on the inventory acknowledges that your household goods have been delivered in the same condition as received by the mover for transportation.
1. The amount of goods and raw materials in stock and ready for sale. 2. A detailed list of all goods and materials in stock that is compiled at regularly scheduled intervals over the operating year.
An accounting of the separate items comprising an assembled property, such as an estate. An agent may suggest an inventory of a client's estate when determining insurance needs or making an analysis for estate planning purposes.
A catalogue that lists individual data products. Most databases are comprised of inventories and catalogues.
A list of everything on hand that is necessary to the project. A beginning inventory is taken at the start of a project year. An ending inventory is taken at the close of a project year.
Inventory management may be the single most important factor in the success of an established retailer. High inventory levels are often the first sign of an impending problem. If a retailer suffers from high inventory levels, the company will eventually be forced to cut the prices on that merchandise to entice consumers to buy it. This hurts revenues and profits. Generally, we don't like to see inventory levels increasing faster than sales. However, there are some cyclical factors that can cause retailers to build up their inventory levels.
the stock of unsold goods held by a business. For retailers, inventory consists of finished goods. A manufacturer's inventory includes raw materials and goods being worked on as well as finished items.
a detailed fist of goods owned by someone, often prepared at a person's death, to determine value
Usually what you have to sell. Divided into two categories, good and bad. Good inventory is what people are buying today. Bad inventory is what you should have walked away from, but didn't. Good inventory is a source of income. Bad inventory is an expense.
Any quantifiable item or asset that you can handle, buy, sell, store, consume, produce, or track can be considered inventory. This covers everything from office and maintenance supplies, to raw material used for manufacturing, to semi-finished and finished goods, to fuel used to power equipment used in the business.
The dollar value at the lower of cost or market of all the stock of physical items that a business uses in this production process or has for sale in the ordinary course of doing business.
A list of all assets contained in a probate estate. A probate estate inventory is a matter of public record, available for examination by anyone who cares to ask for it.
Current assets held for sale, or for processing and subsequent re-sale.... more on Inventory
Inventory is a company's merchandise, raw materials and finished and unfinished products which have not yet been sold.
A listing of items that could be included with a property, e.g. furniture, furnishings, dishwasher and other moveable items.
Goods held for sale, raw material and partially finished products which will be sold when they are finished.
A list of the installed hardware, applications and operating system for a particular system, maintained in a database at the Console.
An itemized list of characteristics
For companies: Raw materials, items available for sale or in the process of being made ready for sale. They can be individually valued by several different means, including cost or current market value, and collectively by (First-in-first-out) FIFO, (Last-in-first-out) LIFO or other techniques. For security firms: securities bought and held by a broker or dealer for resale.
A detailed list of your household goods, describing each item and its condition at loading. The inventory is prepared for you as your goods are professionally packed, and is used as a customs document for clearance of your shipment. Upon delivery, you also can use the inventory to check for any possible loss or damage.
For companies: Raw materials, items available for sale or in the process of being made ready for sale. They can be individually valued by several different means, including cost or current market value, and collectively by FIFO, LIFO or other techniques. The lower value of alternatives is usually used to preclude overstating earnings and assets. For security firms: securities bought and held by a broker or dealer for resale.
Listing of the contents of a property. This can include the state and condition of a property including the garden, the state of a property – clean – dirty etc and also the structural fixtures and fittings – power points – windows etc. They should be checked in with the tenant at the start of the tenancy and then checked out with the tenant at the end. It is more and m ore usual that a professional inventory clerk is employed. SEE ALSO IVENTORIES IN THE UK CLICK HERE
An itemized list of goods, etc, especially used in business. (See List, Catalogue)
A stock of goods or resources held by a buyer or seller in order to reduce the cost of exchange or production.
Finished or near-finished products that a company has not yet sold. It's considered an asset because it can be sold or liquidated for money. But, from an investor's point of view, inventory is often more like a liability because it represents a momentary failure on the company's part to convert its business into cash. Investors ideally like to see inventory growth comparable to, or less than, sales growth.
a list of current goods that you have or own
The monetary value of a company's raw materials, work in process, supplies used in operations and finished goods. A company with excess inventory on its balance sheet could indicate a slow-down in sales and a lack of pricing power.
Goods you hold for sale to customers. Inventory can be merchandise you buy for resale, or it can be merchandise you manufacture or process, selling the end product to the customer.
A list of the tangible assets of a business. Those items of plant and equipment, chattels, vehicles and furnishings that are necessary for the everyday running of the business. This is an important document for both buyer and seller as it forms part of a contract of sale of most businesses.
The list and condition of your household furnishings, including the number of packed containers.
A list of items included with a property e.g. furniture, moveable items, etc.
Property held for sale or to be used in the manufacture of goods held for sale. Does not qualify for capital gains tax treatment.
A list of items included with a property, usually furniture, furnishings and movable items.
A list of the your belongings to be moved or stored. - No Terms - No Terms
A report to be filed with the Commissioner of Accounts by an Executor, Administrator, Trustee, Conservator or Guardian that itemizes the property under their control as such.
A listing of all goods contained in a shipment. The customer uses as a condition report for claims issues and as a receipt of acceptance of the household goods the “inventory”. Also called Household Goods Descriptive Inventory.
A detailed list of all your household items listing the quantity and descriptive condition of each item.
Generally, the total value of the goods on hand that a business intends to sell, uses for manufacture, or use to render a service. In certain cases, inventory can also include services.
a detailed descriptive list of the items in the shipment and their condition before the van is loaded.
A list of an organisation's or a country's GHG emissions and sources.
A list of the property held by a person at the time of his death; usefull to solve the will problem.
A quantity of goods and materials, often a stock.
A company's unsold products, finished and unfinished, and the raw materials used to make them.
to take count of materials in a collection against records of library holdings in the shelf list or in the on-line circulation program.
when an individual dies intestate, the administrator prepares a list and appraisal -- or inventory -- of all items in the possession of the deceased for the purpose of devising a fair division of the property among the eligible heirs. Land Grant - a free transfer of land from the federal or a state government to individuals or corporations (e.g., railroads); often given for military service or in return for developing the land.
A detailed list of goods located in a certain place or belonging to a specified object. Synonym: Stock List
Amounts of materials awaiting production, or products awaiting sale.
The detailed descriptive list of your shipped items showing the quantity, weight and condition of each.
Property that is held for sale in the ordinary course of the donor's business or occupation. The donor is generally entitled to a charitable contribution deduction on the basis of the property.
Stock on hand in the form of goods ready for sale. Also includes raw material in the process of being manufactured or completed for sale.
Products for sale and the materials needed to make them. Inventories can be valued in different ways, such as whether the materials sold were the first or the last to go into inventory. Low inventory levels may indicate trouble filling orders; high inventory levels tie up capital that the company could use elsewhere.
Tangible property held for sale, or materials used in a production process to make a product.
List of items included with a property for sale.
Assets held for eventual resale. May be in the form of raw materials, work in progress, or finished goods.
A current asset whose ending balance should report the cost of a merchandiser's products awaiting to be sold. The inventory of a manufacturer should report the cost of its raw materials, work in process, and finished goods. The cost of inventory should include all costs necessary to acquire the items and to get them ready for sale. When inventory items are acquired or produced at varying costs, the company will need to make an assumption on how to flow the changing costs. See cost flow assumptions. If the cost to replace inventory is less than the actual cost of the inventory, it may be necessary to reduce the inventory amount. See lower of cost or market. To learn more, see Explanation of Inventory & Cost of Goods Sold. To Top
Inventory can be either raw materials, finished items already available for sale, or goods in the process of being manufactured. Inventory is recorded as an asset on a company's balance sheet.
An itemized list of property. Many brokers recommend that their clients attach to the sales contract an inventory of property to be included in the sale of a residential property, including a condominium dwelling.
The list itemizing the goods (and their condition) that you have released to the carrier.
Raw materials, work in process, finished goods and supplies, expressed in quantitative and/or financial terms, required for creation of a company's goods and services.
A complete listing of all property owned by a deceased person at the time of death. The inventory is filed with the court during probate. The executor or administrator of the estate is responsible for making and filing the inventory.
For most companies this is merchandise, raw materials, unfinished products and finished products of a business that have not yet been sold. Investment dealers hold inventories of shares, bonds, debentures and other investment products to fill long and short positions for clients.
Made up of any raw materials or items that are intended to be sold. In the case of security firms, it consists of securities that have been bought and are being held by brokers or dealers for resale.
Itemized list of goods and property on hand.
Used as a noun (as in “a standing inventory”), it refers to the stock on the shelves.Used as a verb (as in “inventorying all dry goods”), it refers to the counting of that stock.
In accounting terminology, a list of all the assets owned giving their description and value as at a particular point in time. In management terms, often used to describe a stock of goods kept in case of future need, e.g. spare parts for machinery.
Inventory is a list of goods and materials held available in stock by a business.