The act of disputing one or more words of your opponent's play. When a challenge is made, the clock is neutralized and the word or words are looked up. See Word Judging.
A reader-posted request/ challenge to write a fic including certain words, events or episodes.
The act of questioning the validity of a word or words made by an opponent. During competitive play, a player shouts "Challenge!’’ to indicate that he is challenging a play, and a word judge looks up the suspect word and issues a ruling.
An opponent calls "CHALLENGE" when s/he thinks a play is not acceptable (i.e. not in the OWL or Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition). A Word Judge is called to verify which words are acceptable or not. Whenever there is a challenge, someone loses exactly one turn.
The verbal indication to your opponent that the word they have just played may be wrong.
another term for challenging an opponent with the ball. See also Challenging.
A favorite word (and pastime) of Stinko Man.
An opponent calls "Challenge!" when s/he thinks a word is not acceptable (i.e., not in the OSPD3). The opponent records the challenged words on a "challenge slip" and a word judge is called to verify the acceptability of all the words formed on a play. If any of the words challenged are unacceptable, the whole play is unacceptable. The player must then remove his or her play from the board and lose that turn. If all the words are acceptable, then the challenger loses his or her turn. Only one turn is lost on any challenge.
A practice player-vs.-player-style mission against AI opponents.
A favorite word (and pastime) of Stinkoman.
When a player wants to start a new game with another player, he can challenge him. The challenging player determines which color he wants to play, the time control, the game type ( rated or friendly). Also can set a startup position by either move list or FEN line. According to these and the information about the palyer the opponent can decide if he accepts or refuses the challenge. Players can set a maximal game number while they want to be challengeable.
In the game of Scrabble, if a player feels that an opponents word is not an English word or is an English word but not in the agreed upon dictionary, they must challenge the word. The player does this by calling for an adjudicator to verify if the word or words are in the agreed dictionary. However there are multiple systems for deciding the outcome of a challenge.