Refers to all aspects of play that cannot be represented in terms of the game world, eg. game balance, plot, relationships between players.
the construct that is the game, as opposed to the things and actions existing within it. For example, the knowledge and beliefs of a character are part of the game's reality; the thoughts and beliefs of that character's player are part of the metagame, or "outer" reality. Using information known only to the player to determine a character's behavior is considered to be a metagame tactic, and should be discouraged as much as possible. "To metagame" means to use this out-of-character knowledge to make in-game decisions.
In many games there are patterns based on styles of decks. These coalesce from a communal group-think that develops as players try different strategies, and find what works. When someone comes up with the new “best deckâ€, someone else will come up with a deck that will beat it. This ebb and flow of deck ideas is referred to as the metagame.
v. To use reasons not strictly related to the game at hand to change one’s playing style and attitude towards other players. Choosing to attack player A instead of player B simply because player A owes you money is an extreme example of metagaming.
( link / ) Technically, any game-related concerns that are not part of the game itself, but more often used in reference to a player who uses knowledge not possessed by their PC to their advantage.
This is action that takes place outside of the gaming environment, possibly between adventures. This includes but is not limited to the purchase of materials services, liquidation of property, Inter character conversations, etc. these actions can be role played or just written into a PC's SL.
Dealing with concerns of the players and GM, as opposed to the characters in the gameworld. Meta-game mechanics are actions by the players which do not represent a corresponding action by the PC -- such as drama points spending.