Live Action Role-Playing. A form of entertainment that utilizes interactive free-form scenarios to challenge the participants.
a game in which the players get little cards that have the information about them, the stuff they possess, and a story line of objectives they need or want to do
a game where a person creates a character, and then pretends to be that character for the duration of the game
see live-action role-playing. This acronym is also used to create shorthand names such as "LARPer," "LARPing," etc.
n. Acronym for Live Action Role-Playing, a form of Role-Playing Game in which players are encouraged to physically act exactly how they think their character would behave with other characters and the surroundings. (See also RPG)
( link / ) Live Action Role Playing game. An RPG in which the players are in-character nearly all of the time, and no one is seated around a table.
Live Action Role Play A type of game where players really immerse themselves in the game and the story behind it. Role play games often last for a long time and the focus is more on authenticity of the genre, than accuracy of your shooting.
"Live Action Role Playing Game". An RPG that is physically acted out, either through simple movement and props, or through combat with the use of padded weapons (a "boffer LARP"). All have rules about touching other players, and actions and props that are appropriate.