CHESS stands for Clearing House Electronic Sub-register System; it is the Australian Stock Exchange's computer-based share transaction and settlement system. It provides a central book-entry register using electronic transfer of share ownership - your holdings are recorded in a secure database. Instead of holding physical share certificates, you receive an easy-to-read holding statement, similar to a bank statement. You no longer have to send in your share certificates when you decide to sell. It does not cost to join CHESS. It is a safer way to transfer titles and settle transactions, it also means that you no longer risk losing certificates.
Abbrev. Clearing House Electronic Subregister System.
Clearing House Electronic Subregister System. Clearing House Electronic Subregister System, a system for recording shareholdings in companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange without using script or share certificates.
The Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) system which electronically records the sale and purchase of registered shares. This allows for much faster and efficient transfer of ownership and settlement of shares than when it involved the transfer of paper share certificates.
Clearing House Electronic Subregister System. This system, run by the ASX, handles electronic settlement of share transactions on the Australian Stock Exchange.
The Australian Stock Exchange Clearing House Subregister System, which provides a central book entry register using electronic transfer of share ownership. (see also Investing in shares)
Central Heating System Specifications guide. This provides guidance provides basic and best practice specifications for the components of domestic wet central heating systems critical to energy efficiency. CheSS is part of the Energy Saving Trust?s Energy Efficiency Best Practice for Homes programme.
Clearing House Electronic Subregister System of the Australian Stock Exchange. CHESS is the settlement system for equities in Australia, which allows Real-time gross settlement (RTGS) of transactions.
(Clearing House Electronic Sub register System) An electronic transfer and settlement system operated by the ASX.
Is the electronic payment and settlement system operated by the ASX.
Clearing House Electronic Subregister System. A mode of increasing share transaction efficiency, the system grants shareholders regular holding statements, in place of the traditional ‘share certificate’. CHESS is also the settlement facility for options.