The copy of the individual homes for sale showing the information as distributed in the multiple listing service (MLS).
Recording that a property is for sale.
A contract with a real estate broker authorizing that broker to be the sales agent for the property.
Sale or rental information on a property as listed in the MLS
A written agreement between a property owner and a real estate broker authorizing the broker to find a buyer or tenant for a specific property at a certain price and terms in return for a fee.
Brokers refer to available apartments as listings. These can be either sale or rental availabilities.
a contract between an owner and a real estate broker to find a qualified buyer
a contract of employment between a principal and an agent
a contract that authorizes a licensed real estate agent to represent a seller in the sale of their property
a contract that gives a broker a right to sell property
an employment contract between the home seller and the broker
an exclusive agreement a seller signs with an agent giving them the right to sell the home for the seller
a right to sell, taken by a member of an organization composed of real estate brokers, with the provisions that all members will have the opportunity to find an interested client
a written employment contract in which the owner authorizes a broker to deal with prospective buyers on behalf of the owner
An employment contract between property owner and agent authorizing the agent to perform services for the owner in order to secure a buyer for that property.
A property for sale that a real estate agent represents in return for a fee.
An employment contract between principal and agent authorizing the agent to perform services for the principal involving the latter's property; listing contracts are entered into for the purpose of securing persons to buy, lease, or rent property. Employment of an agent by a prospective purchaser or lessee to locate property for purchase or lease may be considered a listing.
The contract between a real estate broker and property owner that enables the broker to promote the property for sale.
An agreement whereby owner of property gives a real estate agent the right to handle the sale or lease of property and to receive a commission for this service.
a written contract between a property owner and a Real Estate Agent entered into for the purpose of selling a property.
A formal arrangement between a property owner and a real estate agent that gives the agent responsibility for the sale or rental of the property on behalf of the owner in return for a commission.
A list of properties for sale; listings can be restricted to specific housing markets, price ranges, or Realtors.
An employment contract between a real estate broker and a landowner authorizing the broker to find a ready, willing and able buyer to purchase the property. Must be in writing for broker to receive a commission. The three types are: open, exclusive agency, and exclusive right to sell.
Property placed on the market by a broker
(1) Placing real estate with a broker for sale or lease. (2) A conditional agreement to pay a commission to the broker if and when he finds a qualified buyer or tenant.
A record of property for sale by a broker who has been authorized by the owner to sell. Also used to denote the property so listed.
a real property becomes a Listing when it is listed for sale on the multiple listing service.
A term used to describe an apartment that is available for rent. This word is used by real estate folks to talk about their "inventory of listings", i.e. the apartments that they currently have for rent.
Contract in which the seller agrees to pay a commission to the agent who finds a purchaser who can meet the specified terms.
An agency agreement between owner and broker wherein the owner authorizes the broker to attempt to find a buyer and to pay an agreed commission should the broker succeed.
The agreement that allows a real estate professional to market a property. Available apartments are also referred to as listings.
A written contract between an owner (principal) and an agent (broker) authorizing the agent to sell, lease or rent the owner's property in exchange for compensation.
A written authorization by the owner to sell or lease real property.
A contract between the property owner and a Real Estate Broker to sell the owner's property Select Another Letter
The agreement that allows a real estate professional to market a property or the actual notice of the property's availability and features.
An oral or written agreement between a property owner and a broker authorizing the broker to offer the owner's real property for sale or lease. Mortgage The conveyance of property to a creditor as security for payment of a debt; i.e., the lender or creditor.
A written contract between an owner and a real estate, authorizing the agent to perform services for the principal involving the owner's property. The property so listed.
An agreement between an owner of real property and a real estate agent, whereby the agent agrees to market the property for sale and in consideration for the sale of the property will receive a fee or commission.
A property that a broker agrees to list for sale in return for a commission.
the authority given by the principal to the broker for the latter to negotiate the sale, purchase, lease, exchange, or mortgage of property within a stipulated period and at stated price and terms.
A written agreement between a homeowner and a real estate agent authorizing the agent to sell the homeowner's property.
An agreement between an owner of real property and a real estate agent, whereby the agent agrees to secure a buyer or tenant for specific property at a certain price and terms in return for a fee or commission.
An employment contract between owner and broker authorizing broker to perform services involving the principal's property.
A written agreement between a seller and a Realtor outling the price and terms at which a seller would be willing to sell his property.
A piece of property placed on the market by a listing agent.
A written agreement between a property owner and a real estate representative authorizing the agency to offer the owner's real property for sale.
An agreement between a broker and an owner that the broker may sell or lease the real estate.
is a written agreement that authorizes an agent to sell or lease a piece of real estate for the owner.
A property up for sale. Loan Servicing: The responsibility of a loan servicer to collect mortgage payments.
A contract through which a seller agrees to terms and fees with an agent who will sell the property to a buyer.
A written engagement (contract) between a principal and an agent authorizing the agent to perform services for the principal involving the principals property (business). Generally the services provided by the agent involve the proposed sale of the principals property or business. Also, the property or business listed by the agent is called a Listing.
An employment contract between principal and agent that authorizes the agent (such as a broker) to perform services for the principal and his property.
Formally putting a piece of real estate property on the market such the MLS, a newspaper, radio, or computer ad.
1. a written engagement contract between a principal and an agent, authorizing the agent to perform services for the principal involving the latter's property. 2. a record of property for sale by a broker who has been authorized by the owner to sell. 3. the property so listed.
A written employment agreement between a property owner and a broker authorizing the broker to find a buyer or a tenant for a certain real property.
A property listed for sale. Also, a contract between a seller and a real estate broker.
Property placed on the market by a real estate listing agent.
Oral or written employment agreement between a broker (or a sales associate employed by a broker) and the property owner; authorization to sell, rent, or exchange
Listing is an agreement or contract between a real estate owner and a real estate agent, wherein the agent is authorized to identify a buyer for the property.
An employment contract between the seller (principal) and agent (broker) employing said agent to perform services for the principal. Listings typically involve real property and are entered into for the purpose of securing people to buy, lease or rent property.
A registering of properties for sale with one or more real-estate brokers or agents, that allows the one who actually sells the property to receive the commission.
An authorization for an agent to market and sell a piece of property.
The act of giving a property to an agent to sell (requires formal written agreement, according to legislative provisions).
A property for sale by a Real Estate Brokerage and Agent.