In Word and other word processing programs, this doesn't mean what it means in ordinary English. It means a group of words or sentences formatted in a particular way. A heading, in this context, is a paragraph. A paragraph's formatting is recorded in the back-to-front P at the end of the paragraph. See also format and style.
one of several distinct subdivisions of a text intended to separate ideas; the beginning is usually marked by a new indented line
write about in a paragraph; "All her friends were paragraphed in last Monday's paper"
write paragraphs; work as a paragrapher
a block of code made up of one or more sentences
a discrete unit of thought that expands one specific idea, not three or four
a family of sentences - please stop removing my sentences from their family and sticking them in yours - I hope the best for you
a group of closely related sentences dealing with a single topic or idea
a group of closely related sentences that are combined to make a point
a group of connected sentences that develop a single point, argument or idea
a group of connected sentences that is generally made up of one main idea and a group of supporting sentences
a group of one or more sentences that expresses one idea
a group of related sentences all about the same main topic
a group of sentences about one main idea
a group of sentences about one topic
a group of sentences about the same idea, subject or topic
a group of sentences arranged in logical order and focused on a specific topic
a group of sentences combined to develop a unit of thought
a group of sentences covering one topic
a helpful unit to consider, in that it may have a nontrivial internal structure consisting of one or more sentences
a means of developing and framing an idea or impression
a more or less structured concept that adults have created that strings several of those "nebulous" sentences together into a collective thought
a one or more sentences that cover a single topic
a portion of a text consists of one or more sentences related to the same idea
a sequence of sentences that cooperate in supporting one main point
a sequence of sentences that traditionally represents a complete, single thought
a series of related sentences
a series of sentences developing one topic
a series of sentences that are organized and coherent, and are all related to a single topic
a series of sentences that develop an idea
a short piece of writing about a single topic
a text unit of several sentences dealing with a single issue, topic or aspect
a unit of text that develops one idea or topic in specific detail
a unit of writing that consists of one or more sentences focusing on a single idea or topic
a written discussion that covers a single topic - one topic among the many that are needed to cover the subject matter of the whole piece of writing
a unit of meaning signaled by indenting the first word or by inserting a line space between sections of writing
A group of sentences that tell about one main subject. There are 4 main types of paragraphs. 1.Desriptive 2.Narrative 3.Persausive 4.Expository
a distinct passage of writing which is unified by an idea or a topic
A group of sentences that discuss one main subject. There are four basic types of paragraphs: 1) descriptive, 2) narrative, 3) persuasive, and 4) expository.
A group of sentences developing a single idea from a topic sentence.
A series of sentences which are about one aspect of a topic.
a section of a paper dealing with a particular point or idea and developped in one or more sentences. It usually begins a new line of text. return
A unit of self-contained writing that has a topic sentence and that explains one major idea in support of the thesis
Usually a group of related sentences unified by a single idea or purpose but occasionally as brief as a single sentence. The central, or controlling, idea of a paragraph is often explicitly stated in a topic sentence. A paragraph is marked by the indentio
A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea, or the words of an author. The start of a paragraph is indicated by beginning on a new line and ending without running to the next passage. Sometimes the first line is indented, and sometimes it is indented without beginning a new line.