(n.) In a window system, a reusable user interface component such as a button, scrollbar, control area, or text edit area. When an X Toolkit Intrinsics function creates a widget, it is returned as an opaque data handle and is assigned to a which is called a widget identifier. See also OLIT.
In the XToolkit a widget is an XWindow + associated semantics. They are created by combining other widgets or from scratch. Menus, Button Boxes, Scroll-barred windows and Text handlers can all be constructed using toolkit routines.
Widgets are the organizational elements used in data forms and are analogous to the nodes in an organizational tree. Users are allowed to add and delete widgets. Since most data has a natural hierarchy of importance, widgets can be used as categories that contain other widgets.
An element of a window-based user interface, or WIMP, such as a button, scrollbar, text editing area, etc. Programmatically, widgets are often expressed as data structures.
Pronounced “wih-jit”, for HTML a widget is an object that accepts input such as check boxes, radio buttons and drop-down lists. But for the most part, it is used to describe examples of made-up products.
The fundamental building block of graphical user interfaces. The OSF/Motif widget set provides widgets of all sorts, suitable for constructing an application user interface.
a bundle that contains an XML description file, images and other resources used in the user interface, and JavaScript code to glue it all together
a button, window frame or other element that the window manager uses to draw the GUI item
a commonly-used programmer's term for referring to User Interface elements such as buttons, menus, and scroll bars
a graphical control, such as a pushbutton, slider, or text box
a graphical user interface element responsible for interacting with the user
a graphical user interface (GUI) component that is produced by a Java Server Page (JSP)
a GUI element which is reusable
a linked button that you can create and place on any other web page
a name for a GUI component that performs some function
an individual control or display in the user interface
an interaction mechanism by which users give input to an application or receive messages from an application
an object providing a user interface abstraction, for example, a scroll bar
an X window capable of handling most of its own protocol interaction
a picture of a virtual input device (e
a reusable graphical user-interface (GUI) component that operates synergistically with callbacks (a mechanism by which a user's action on a software application's GUI is connected to the code implemen
a software component and should know as little as possible about its environment in order to be as general and reusable as possible
a term used in graphical user interface (GUI) circles in connection to some component of a GUI application
a thing like a textbox or a radio button, not a mini-application
a user interface component which can accept input from user, etc
a user interface object in X graphical user interfaces
a user interface object that can process user input and draw graphics
a user interface (UI) component that can be used to (hopefully) easily construct a user interface
a window, menu, scrollbar, etc
a window or a button, or a scrollbar or a menu
One of the predefined data structures in the Motif toolkit, or other toolkits, that are used as building blocks for graphical user interfaces.
A component (e.g. a pushbutton) in a graphical user interface.
In the X Windows system, a component such as a button that appears on the display and invites user interaction.
A widget is universal catch-all name to describe things that factories make and, hopefully, sell for a profit. They are solid things that hurt if you drop them on your toe. Things like fridges.
An object providing a user-interface abstraction (for example, a Scrollbar widget).
A standardized on-screen representation of a control that may be manipulated by the user. Scroll bars, buttons, and text boxes are all examples of widgets.
The technical term for user-interface components.
A widget is a component (e.g. a menu, window, or scroll bar) in the context of user interfaces. X11 X Window System Version 11. The X Window System is the de facto standard graphical engine for the UNIX operating systems (and other). The standard is maintained by the X.Org worldwide consortium ( http://www.x.org).
Primitive user interface part (button, menu, radiobutton, etc). There are two kinds of widgets: Native and gfx. Native widgets are implemented differently for each platform, but gfx widgets are implemented using gfx and is thus the same for all platforms.
A control that appears in an application graphical user interface, such as an action button, an input field, or a scrollable list. Widgets enable the application user to view information, enter information, or invoke operations.
An object that accepts user input, such as a check box, radio button, or drop-down list.
Supposedly short for `window gadget', this refers to components in a graphical user interface.