A user interface technique that lets a user start application functions by manipulating objects. The user begins an action by moving the mouse pointer over an object and then pressing and holding down the drag mouse button (mouse button 2 is the default for OS/2) while dragging the selected object to a new location. The user then drops the object onto the new location by releasing the mouse button. For this reason, direct manipulation is also known as drag and drop.
An interface technique which is based on the "world model", i.e. users can directly manipulate objects which are represented on the screen HutchinsHollanNorman1986. Examples: PinBall and Music Construction Kit
(1) A user interface technique whereby the user initiates application functions by manipulating the objects, represented by icons, on the desktop. Also known as drag-and-drop manipulation. (2) In the Windows operating system, a unit of data. The unit is often part of a task that is shared among users.
a form of rapid, incremental, reversible interaction that gives the user a powerful sense of acting on the displayed environment (Shneiderman, 1992).
Clicking on an object and then dragging the mouse to quickly stretch, move, and copy objects.
A term coined by Shneiderman to reflect the use of computer icons or text as if they were real objects.
Style of user interface in which the user modifies or moves parts of the document using a pointing device such as a mouse.
User interface Central to this research is the widely accepted ideal of ``direct manipulation'' as described by Shneiderman ``Direct Manipulation'',Computer,1983, 16(8), summarised in the following: ... visibility of the object of interest; rapid, reversible, incremental actions; and replacement of complex command language syntax by direct manipulation of the object of interest --- hence the name ``direct manipulation.'' GRIP page
the use of a pointing device to handle objects themselves on the screen by clicking and double clicking with the pointing device. For example to open a file, double click on the file icon.