To serve as a clog or hindrance; to hold back.
A kind of sledge for conveying heavy bodies; also, a kind of low car or handcart; as, a stone drag.
A heavy coach with seats on top; also, a heavy carriage.
Anything towed in the water to retard a ship's progress, or to keep her head up to the wind; esp., a canvas bag with a hooped mouth, so used. See Drag sail (below).
Also, a skid or shoe, for retarding the motion of a carriage wheel.
Hence, anything that retards; a clog; an obstacle to progress or enjoyment.
Motion affected with slowness and difficulty, as if clogged.
Holding down the mouse button while moving a text block or object to another location.
To hold down the mouse button and move the mouse while the button is down. Also the movement of an object on the screen when the mouse is moved this way.
A retarding force caused by friction between the hull and the water that slows boat speed
The resistance to forward motion.
Air resistance that slows the airplane.
Move an object on screen by holding down a mouse button and moving the mouse. Objects can be molecules or highlight bars in a menu. When the movement is completed, the mouse button should be released.
the force which pulls back the airplane and slows it down
Force created by water flowing around the boat that slows the boat down.
(2003-02-03) Chris Limb To move an item on the screen by selecting the item and then pressing and holding down the (left) mouse button while moving the mouse.
A restraining force parallel to the direction of movement; acts against the force of thrust
Caused by air flowing around the car. Drag hinders a race car as it cuts through air. A streamlined car can accelerate faster with less drag because the car needs less horsepower.
Resistance to movement of a body through a fluid such as air or water.
the action of moving the mouse while holding down the mouse button.
The force, produced by friction, that impedes a body's motion through a fluid
All cars experience drag. It is the resistance a car encounters from the air as it moves forward.
To move an image or a window from one place on the screen to another by grabbing it and pulling it to a new location.
The friction due to air resistance for an object.
The force that works against the forward motion (thrust) of an aircraft.
Force acting on an object in motion through a fluid (in this case air) in an oppposite direction to the objects (chassis) motion, produced by friction.
to move the mouse pointer across the screen while holding a mouse button down
a force caused by air resistance that acts to slow an aircraft down
The resistance created when the car moves through the air.
v. To use a pointing device to move an object. For example, a user can drag a window border to make the window larger.
You can use your mouse to drag icons and other objects on your computer screen. ...
Effect of an atmosphere that slows a spacecraft and forces its orbit to decay.
Definition: To click a mouse button on an object, hold the mouse button, and move the mouse to move the object. Usage: Normal text rules. Example: Drag the launcher to the panel. Note: Avoid using the term drag and drop.
Depress and continue holding down the primary mouse button as you move the mouse. In Word you will use the drag operation to select a section of text to cut and paste, for example.
A point-and-draw device procedure by which an object is moved or a contiguous area on the display is marked for processing.
To point at an item, press and hold the left mouse button, move the mouse to a new location, then release the mouse button.
Creates wind resistance and reduces speed (increased "down force" can also cause reduced speed)
The force that resists movement of any object through the air. Can apply to surface or air vehicles. Report this Word Added by: mkranitz
The air resistance a car experiences as is goes forward.
the resistance to movement.
The resistance a car experiences when passing through air at high speeds. A resisting force exerted on a car parallel to its air stream and opposite in direction to its motion.
to move an image or window form one place on the screen to another. Hold down the mouse button while moving the mouse.
To press and hold down a mouse button, then move the mouse. This drags the cursor to move icons or to highlight menu items.
To use the mouse for moving an object across the screen. First, you have to highlight (select) the object you want by pointing to it with the mouse. Then hold down the mouse button and move the mouse. This drags the object around.
The force that air pushes back onto a moving object when resisting it's movement. more.
The aerodynamic force, which opposes thrust, that tends to slow the forward motion of an aircraft
(Symbol ). A retarding force acting upon a body in motion through a fluid, parallel to the direction of motion of the body. It is a component of the total fluid forces acting on the body.
Pressing and holding down a mouse button while moving the mouse, which moves the pointer on the screen.
With the cursor on the item you want to move, copy, resize or make a shortcut to, move the mouse while holding a button down.
the phenomenon of resistance to motion through a fluid
something that slows or delays progress; "taxation is a drag on the economy"; "too many laws are a drag on the use of new land"
a slow inhalation (as of tobacco smoke); "he took a puff on his pipe"; "he took a drag on his cigarette and expelled the smoke slowly"
the act of dragging (pulling with force); "the drag up the hill exhausted him"
pull, as against a resistance; "He dragged the big suitcase behind him"; "These worries were dragging at him"
force into some kind of situation, condition, or course of action; "They were swept up by the events"; "don't drag me into this business"
move slowly and as if with great effort
use a computer mouse to move icons on the screen and select commands from a menu; "drag this icon to the lower right hand corner of the screen"
resistance of the air to the airplane's passage through it.
to move the pointer across the screen by sliding the mouse; to move a graphic by “clicking, holding and dragging” the mouse.
Resistance to movement caused by oil viscosity.
in flight, the resistance caused by the body's forward motion
to move an item or window on the screen by holding down on the mouse button while moving the mouse
A physical resistance between the mop and a floor finish during application. It is usually caused by not having enough finish in the mop or applying finish before the prior coat is dry. It often results in streaking.
Place the mouse pointer so that it touches an object and hold down the left mouse button while moving the mouse. (Release the left mouse button when you have reached the desired location.)
To highlight an area of screen with the cursor, click and move the mouse to desired location, then release the mouse
A 4-step mouse process that moves an object across your desktop. Point at the icon, a file, a highlighted paragraph or something similar. Press & hold the left mouse button. Point at the location to which you want to move that object. Release (drop) the mouse button. The object is dragged to its new location.
This force is what air does to a plane to slow it down. The faster a plane moves, the the more air hits it and the more air pushes it. The bigger the wings are, the more air hits the plane and causes drag.
Drag” means holding the left mouse button down WHILE moving the mouse. “Drop” means letting go of the mouse button.
selecting an item on the screen and by pressing and holding the left mouse button, move the object to another location.
To move an onscreen object by putting the cursor over it, holding the mouse button down, and moving the cursor.
Dragging refers to moving an object on screen by selecting the object with the left mouse button and whilst keeping the mouse button pressed moving the object to another part of the screen. When you release the mouse button the object will be dropped and will remain at that position. You can also use the same process to select a block of text on screen.
A mouse operation: point to an object, hold down the left mouse button and drag the object to the new location.
a verb indicating, in a GUI (q.v.) environment, an action which moves some object (e.g. a slider or an icon) or a pointer (to effect text selection) on the screen
When you are moving an object, you are said to be "dragging" it. One can drag a single point, multiple polygons, and even alter the editor's viewpoint by "dragging" it to a new one.
n. The primary force that resists forward movement, and is dependent upon the animal's shape and how that shape interacts with the water.
Use the mouse to position the pointer over an object, press and h old the mouse button, and move the mouse.
See check (it down). All eight to drag it.
To position the cursor on an item, pressing and holding the mouse button, moving the mouse, then releasing the button. Dragging an icon, group of icons, or a text item moves them from one location to another. Dragging file icons to a disk icon copies the selected files to that disk. See Drag and Drop, Click, Double-Click.
Move the mouse pointer over the object you wish to drag, then hold down the left mouse button. While holding the mouse button, move the mouse pointer (and the object) to the location you want it, then let go of the mouse button. This will move or copy the object to the new location, depending on the context.
Occurs when a user points the mouse at an icon or folder, presses the button and without releasing the button, moves the icon or folder to another place on the computer where the button is released
The effect that causes waterflow to be slowed or disrupted as it passes along a surfboard's surfaces. Causes of drag are usually present in the leading edges of a surfboard: the forward rail line, the forward rocker and outline, and the leading edges of fins, and in bottom features which cause water resistance, such as tail vee. Controlled drag is an essential requirement of surfboard design.
That component of the aerodynamic force which is parallel to, but opposes the movement of, a body through air.
Holding the mouse button down while moving it to a different position on screen.
The negative or retarding force acting on a body such as a yacht moving through a fluid parallel and opposite to the direction of motion.
In reference to computer-aided design, drag is process of moving points or objects in a computer program. The process involves using the left button of the mouse to select (pick) an object or entity and move (drag) it to a new position. To begin the drag, use the left mouse button to select an object (such as a point). While holding down the left button, move the mouse to reposition the object. When it is in a desired location, fix it there by releasing the left mouse button.
Drag is the word for air resistance that slows down your vehicle while driving. The effect is more pronounced at higher speeds. Drag is reduced by aerodynamic shaping such as curved edges that reduce the air caught by your vehicle.
To move the mouse while pointing at an object and holding down one of the mouse buttons.
rhymes with bag): force that slows things down as they move through air
the air resistance acting on airplanes. Drag acts in the opposite direction to thrust.
Any resistance to a kayak or other boat's forward motion. Special waxes can be used to decrease the drag on a kayak's hull.
Resistance to forward motion of the car. Can be caused by aerodynamic resistance or mechanical resistance.
The aerodynamic force component parallel to the surface opposed to the fluid flow and resulting from the aerodynamic roughness (q.v.).
A force acting on an aeroplane resisting its acting on an aircraft in motion resisting the movement through the air.
aerodynamic resistance force that tries to hold glider back as it flies.
To hold down the mouse button and move the mouse in order to move an element on the screen or to select area on the screen.
The resistance offered by a gas or liquid to a body moving through it.
To press and hold a mouse button while moving the mouse, which moves a selected object on the screen. If you select multiple icons, dragging one of them performs the same action on all of them. See also drop.
To press and hold down a mouse button while moving the mouse on the desktop and thus the pointer on the screen. Dragging is typically used when selecting menus, moving and resizing windows, and transferring data.
In a wind generator, the force exerted on an object by moving air. Also refers to a type of wind generator or anemometer design that uses cups instead of a blades with airfoils. See also: Airfoil, Anemometer, Blade
A private coach, similar to the Stage or Mail coach usually driven by an amateur owner.
resistance that is set up on a fishing reel to resist against the pull on fishing line that pays out when a fish is hooked.
To press and hold down a mouse button, move the pointer by sliding the mouse, and then release the mouse button.
To place your mouse pointer on a screen object, press and hold the mouse button, and drag the object to another position on the screen. Dragging is used to move or resize objects on the screen. Contrast with click, double-click, and point.
To press and hold down any mouse button while moving the pointer - and the object under the pointer - on the screen.
To use the mouse to select an item or area, or to move icons or items from one location to another.
To press and hold down a mouse button while moving the mouse on the desktop (and the pointer on the screen). Typically, dragging is used with menu selecting, moving, and resizing operations.
Any body moving through the air at speed experiences air resistance which tends to slow it, or hold it back. This is known as drag. Technically there are three types of drag: Induced Drag is created by wingtip vortices and can never be completely eliminated; Form Drag is caused by parts of the aircraft sticking out into the airflow and can be reduced by streamlining; finally, Skin Friction is caused by the air's tendancy to stick slightly to a surface moving through it - it can be reduced by polishing.
(DR) The foot is flat on the floor and the knee is flexed when the DRAG begins. Keeping your weight on this foot use a springing motion which will move the weight of the body up and back, and straighten the knee, allowing momentum to lift only your heel slightly off the floor, and move your foot to the rear slightly (about half the length of your foot). Can also be done with both feet on the floor.
Repositioning an icon or a window on-screen by pointing to it and holding down the mouse button while moving the mouse.
Force that resists an object's movement through the air. The more the object disrupts the laminar flow of air around it, the more drag is developed.
To move an object on the screen from one place to another by clicking it with the mouse, holding the mouse button down, and pulling it to where you want it to be.
The process of moving text, graphics, or photos to different locations in a document. Or it's the way to select items from a list, to select test, and to move items from place to place. Hold down the mouse button as you move the arrow pointer to make your selection.
Forces that oppose an aircraft's movement through the air and that act parallel to and in the same direction as the relative wind.
Also known as “aerodynamic drag.†This constitutes how efficiently a cars body travels through the air and has a lot to do with a cars horsepower efficiency. A box shaped sedan has much more drag than a sleekly shaped sports car.
To drag is to point the mouse pointer at something such as a filename that you want to move, push and hold down a mouse button, move the mouse pointer to the place where you want the filename (or other object) to go, and then let the button go. In most cases the left-hand mouse button is used.
When applying paint by brush or roller, this refers to the force of resistance that is encountered while spreading.
The force that resists the motion of the aircraft through the air. One type of drag is caused by air molecules. As the aircraft flies through the molecules, they resist the motion of the aircraft. This resistance is due to friction between the air molecules and the surface of the aircraft. Airplanes are streamlined to decrease the drag force.
The opposite to thrust. When an aircraft is cruising drag exactly equals thrust.
A force acting on an object opposite to the direction of the object's motion, produced by friction. Usually refers to the air resistance acting on airplanes and cars.
air resistance that slows the model.
Press and hold down a mouse button while you slide the mouse pointer to a particular location in a window.
To position the pointer on an object, press and hold the mouse button, move the mouse, and release the mouse button.
This is an aerodynamic force of resistance that tries to hold a car back from moving through the air, while the engine in the car is trying to push the car forward.
The resistance of air against moving objects.
A mechanical force generated by the interaction and contact of a solid body with a fluid (a liquid or gas). It is a force of resistance, one of which opposes motion.
Force that counteracts an object in motion through the air, such as air resistance.
To move the mouse pointer over an object, press and hold down mouse button 1, and then move the mouse pointer and the object to another location on the workspace.
The resistance of air against an object trying to pass through it.
Any force that creates resistance to motion.
Move the mouse while holding down the mouse button, thus moving the selected object.
To hold the mouse button down and move the pointer.
The retarding force on a boomerang moving through the air. The greater the drag, the quicker a boomerang will slow both translationally and rotationally. This may, or may not, be an advantage depending on the purpose of a boomerang, and the conditions it is thrown in.
Used to describe the amount of resistance a rope has when pulling against the cliff or pulling through protection
to move something by positioning the cursor on it to highlight it, holding down the mouse button, and moving it before you release the button
To hold down a mouse button while moving the mouse. It is a way to move objects, resize borders and objects, or select/deselect text in blocks.
To move the mouse while holding down a mouse button. See also drag and drop.
A function of the mouse by which an element on the screen of a monitor is moved with the cursor, while holding down the mouse button and moving the mouse.
To “drag” an object is to move it from one place to another. This is done by clicking and holding the mouse button while hovering over the object to drag, and moving the mouse to the spot you wish to “drag” this object to. When you release the mouse button, you are “dropping” the object at this position. An example for the drag-and-drop concept is in the Database Wizard: One way to insert a table from a data source is to drag a table source from the database browser onto the Database Wizard's desktop and drop it there. This will create the table source for your report.
The aerodynamic resistance experienced as a car travels forwards
1. To pull or move an object forcefully along a surface. 2. To draw out over a period of time. 3. Anything that hinders or obstructs. 4. A lack of smooth flow of paint from a brush or roller to a surface.
The aerodynamic resistance experienced as a car travels forward.
The effect of air resistance on a moving object.
to move the mouse while its button is being depressed.
interface: With the cursor over an object, press and hold the mouse button pressed. Then move the mouse and watch as the object moves with the cursor.
To move an item on the screen by selecting the item and then pressing and holding down the mouse button while moving the mouse. For example, you can move a window to another location on the screen by dragging its title bar.
In fluid dynamics, drag is the force that resists the movement of a solid object through a fluid (a liquid or gas). Drag is made up of friction forces, which act in a direction parallel to the object's surface (primarily along its sides, as friction forces at the front and back cancel themselves out), plus pressure forces, which act in a direction perpendicular to the object's surface. For a solid object moving through a fluid or gas, the drag is the sum of all the aerodynamic or hydrodynamic forces in the direction of the external fluid flow.
When an object is moving on the surface of the water, drag is a factor that may slow that object down. It basically pushes in the opposite direction of the moving object because water is more dense than air. When you are running underwater, you are noticeably slower than if you were running on shore.