person who have sexual arousal when wear the clothes of the opposite sex.
A person who enjoys wearing the clothes of the other gender.
a person who likes wearing clothes of the opposite sex, sometimes called a cross dresser. Back to the top
(Cross Dresser) A person who needs to dress as the opposite gender for emotional reasons.
A person who enjoys wearing the clothes of the opposite sex.
someone who adopts the dress or manner or sexual role of the opposite sex
receiving sexual gratification from wearing clothing of the opposite sex
a crossdresser who learned Latin in school
a man (often heterosexual) who dresses in female clothing, usually for sexual arousal
a man who dresses and acts like a woman
a person, almost always male, who feels sexual excitement dressing up as the opposite sex
a person, not necessarily male (it can happen in women too) who has the desire to dress in the clothes of the opposite sex
a person (typically a straight male) who derives sexual pleasure or emotional satisfaction from wearing the clothing of the opposite sex
a person who becomes sexually excited from wearing the clothing of the opposite sex
a person who cross-dresses but has no desire to change their physical sex
a person who derives sexual pleasure from dressing in clothes conventionally associated with another gender
a person who dresses in the clothing of the other gender, and generally does not want to change their anatomical sex
a person who dresses in the clothing of the other gender, or cross-dresses
a person who enjoys dressing as the opposite sex, but doesn't want to BE the opposite sex
a person who practices cross-dressing
a person who prefers to wear clothing that, according to society, is for the opposite sex
a person who wears the clothes of the opposite sex
Former term, now considered offensive by many, for people who usually self-identify with their biological sex and gender but who sometimes wear the clothing, jewelry, etc., of the opposite gender to fulfill emotional needs; the preferred term is crossdresser
A person who becomes aroused by dressing in the clothing of the opposite sex.
A person who obtains sexual gratification from the personal style and appearance of the opposite gender and is usually homosexual (but not always). The male transvestite population are more visible and are sometimes called "drag queens", and form a flamboyant sub-culture who are forced to make a living as performers in specific clubs because they are not accepted in mainstream society. Many transvestite men may even opt for breast implants, intake of female hormones to prevent the growth or body hair, but may be comfortable with their biological sexual organs, and may not desire a sex change operation. A number of films and books have celebrated this identity.
From Latin, literally translates as "crossdresser;" a clinical term which some feel has a pejorative connotation. Refers to those who get erotic (fetishistic) or emotional pleasure from occasionally wearing clothes of the opposite sex and feel compelled to do so. Most are male, heterosexual, and many are married. A recently coined term, bigendered, is an alternate term for transvestite which more accurately describes men who are comfortable with their assigned gender role most of the time, but occasionally feel a need to express their feminine side.
anyone who regularly dresses in clothing associated with the opposite gender or sex. Some people cross-dress for pleasure (it is a variety of fetish); others have other reasons. A Trans person is often considered a transvestite by mainstream culture, while s/he hirself may find hir clothing perfectly suitable for one with hir self-image.
A person who dresses in the clothing of the opposite sex for pleasure or fun complete with makeup, hair, mannerisms; this does not mean that the transvestite is homosexual. See also "drag"
A man who dresses in women's clothing, make-up, etc. Usage note: transvestite usually refers to a man who regularly dresses like a woman and goes out in public that way.
Clinical terms for someone who enjoys taking on the appearance of his or her non-assigned sex.
One who enjoys wearing clothing of the opposite sex. Cross dressing.
Someone who dresses in the clothing of the opposite sex, usually for purposes of sexual arousal; most transvestites are heterosexual men.
one who adopts the dress - and sometimes behaviour - typical of the "opposite" gender, generally for purposes of emotional or sexual satisfaction. Transvestism can be classified as a "fetish" for some people, but for others it may be a type of sex or gender identification and may signify transgerderism or transsexualism, rather than being primarily an erotic phenomenon. This is not to be confused with Drag, which is a cross-dressing parody performance popular in the queer community. There are various types of Drag; the most sophisticated and political variety is associated with Queer Theory.
A person who receives sexual gratification and often a relief from anxiety by dressing in the clothing of the opposite sex. Unlike a transsexual, this person usually does not wish to live as a member of the opposite sex or change their gender. The term is usually applied to heterosexual men.
The clinical name for a Crossdresser. A person who dresses in the clothing of the opposite sex. Generally, these persons do not alter their body.
(abbreviation: TV) A transvestite person, also known as a cross-dresser, is someone who presents, some of the time, through their clothing or other changes to their external appearance, as the other gender to their legal gender.
an individual who is sexually or emotionally stimulated or satisfied by dressing in clothing of the opposite sex
Often a person who may achieve sexual pleasure through the use of clothing or personal adornments of the other gender. Often incorrectly used inter-changeably with 'Crossdresser.' There is no correlation between sexual orientation and transvestite behavior. Transvestites may identify as heterosexual, gay, lesbian, or bisexual in their sexual orientation.
Someone who dresses up in clothes of the opposite sex either because of a compulsive behaviourism, or for sexual arousal.
A person (especially male) who wears the clothes and adopts the behaviour typical of the opposite gender for emotional or sexual stimulation.
Someone, usually a heterosexual, who feels the urge to dress like someone of the opposite sex. People who practice this sexual lifestyle prefer the term "crossdresser."
Men and women who enjoy wearing the clothes of and appearing as the other gender. While many are heterosexual, the use of transvestitism in the gay "drag" culture is well documented.
Person aroused by cross-dressing.
A person who dresses in the clothes and assumes the gender expression of the opposite sex.
one who occasionally dresses in the clothing of the opposite sex for sexual or emotional pleasure, or both. Can be male or female, hetero- or homosexual, bi- or solosexual, and may partially or wholly crossdress. Some have felt the word is a negative medical term; crossdresser and crossdressing are more commonly used today. Transvestism, tranny.