Double clicking involves clicking your mouse button quickly two times. To ...
Tapping a button on a point-and-draw device twice in rapid succession.
To click a button, typically on a mouse, twice in quick succession. Usually clicking a button twice will perform a different task to a single click: for example, single clicking on a word in a text editor will place the cursor at the point where you clicked, while double clicking will highlight the whole word. In this case, triple clicking will select the whole line or sentence that contains the word.
a MouseDown, Click, MouseUp, MouseDown, MouseUp event sequence
press the left mouse button twice quickly.
A mouse operation: quickly press and release the left mouse button twice.
An action on the mouse that tells the computer to perform a function. This is done by clicking two consecutive times on the left mouse button. A picture of an hourglass will appear that shows it is opening the selected button.
Occurs when a user presses a button on the mouse twice in quick succession; this generates a command to the computer
This term refers to the process of pressing and releasing a mouse button (usually the left) two times in a row, in rapid succession. This is a common technique used by many Windows programs for various purposes. It normally means that you want to edit an object or to look at its attributes.
To press and release a mouse button twice in rapid succession.
To open a file, folder or to start a program, you should left click twice in quick succession on the appropriate icon.
To press a mouse button (usually the left) two times in quick succession to start a program or initiate a command.
pressing the mouse button twice quickly on an icon in order to open a window or program.
To double click is to click twice rapidly. If you do it too slowly, and if you are pointing at a filename, the computer will react as if you want to change the name of the file. It will highlight the name and put a cursor in it. To free it from this condition, click on another name and then try to double click on the desired name again.
Operation consisting in pressing quickly twice the mouse button without moving the mouse
To click twice the left button on the mouse. Usually used to activate an icon.
Click twice the left-side button on your mouse
Pressing and releasing a mouse button twice in quick succession.
2 clicks of the mouse at the same time. If the program detects a double click it often will open the selected application.
To click the mouse button twice; used to open programs and files.