A participant transfers all or part of their assets from one tax-deferred program to another. If tax-deferred funds are not rolled over into a new tax-deferred account, the participant must pay taxes and, in some cases, a penalty. See also “direct rollover.
The transferring of funds accumulated within an employer sponsor retirement plan to another employer sponsored retirement plan or IRA.
is the transfer of all or part of an ETP into a complying superannuation fund, complying ADF, RSA or towards purchase of an annuity from a life insurance company or registered organisation.
Transferring an Eligible Termination Payment to a rollover fund or superannuation fund. Also refers to an amount which has been paid as an ETP within the superannuation system.
A tax-free transfer of funds from one qualified plan to another. To avoid withholding and income tax liability, such a transfer should be made via a "trustee to trustee" transfer.
A rollover is an amount of money in a superannuation fund or RSA which is paid (‘rolled over') to another superannuation fund. See Div. 6.4 and 6.4A of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994
The renewal of a loan at maturity. Also, reinvestment of proceeds of a sale of an investment into another which defers payment of taxes on the gain from the sale.
A tax-free transfer of cash or other assets from one retirement plan to another. The account owner may shift assets from his present IRA or qualified retirement plan to another. Certain payouts from a pension plan may also be rolled over to an IRA or to another employer's plan.
The tax-free transfer of accumulated assets from a qualified retirement plan to an IRA, which must be completed within 60 days of the termination of the original plan.
The process of transferring super from one fund to another (one of max's best tricks).
a method of delaying payment of taxes on certain distributions from a qualified retirement plan accomplished by transferring all or part of the distribution to an IRA or to another qualified retirement plan
Occurs when funds from a retirement plan are paid to you, and you then put the funds, or "rollover," into another qualified retirement plan or IRA. A rollover is subject to tax withholding unless paid by a direct transfer from the old plan to the new plan.
The process of moving qualified retirement money or tax-deferred money from one account to another, tax free.
the transfer of a superannuation benefit or other eligible termination payment within the superannuation environment between superannuation funds, or from a superannuation fund to an income stream such as an allocated pension.
A transaction that allows you to transfer part or all of your tax-deferred and after-tax contributions to an eligible retirement plan, including an individual retirement account (IRA), IRC Section 403(b) tax sheltered annuity plan, or another employerâ€(tm)s qualified plan.
The tax-free termination of one investment and reinvestment of the proceeds. Example: A taxpayer rolls over a lump-sum distribution from an employee retirement plan into an IRA.
Occurs when funds from your benefits are made payable to another qualified retirement plan or IRA - in other words, you "rollover" the funds or benefit from the WRS to another qualified retirement fund.
the act of changing the institution that invests your pension plan without incurring a tax penalty
a common transaction that allows individuals to move assets from one eligible retirement plan to another
a deposit of proceeds after a distribution takes place
a distribution to an IRA owner of cash or other assets from one retirement plan, which is then deposited into another retirement plan
a distribution to you of cash or other assets from one retirement plan to another retirement plan
a losses payment by you or the Plan Administrator of all or
a payment by you or the FSO of all or part of your benefit to another plan or IRA that allows you to continue to postpone taxation of that benefit until it is paid to you
a payment of your taxable benefit to an eligible employer plan or IRA
a tax-free distribution of assets from one qualified retirement plan that is reinvested in another plan or the same plan
a tax-free distribution (withdrawal) of assets from one Archer MSA that is reinvested in another Archer MSA or a health savings account
a tax-free distribution (withdrawal) of assets from one HSA or Archer MSA that is reinvested in another HSA
a tax-free (see discussion of Roth IRAs later) distribution of cash or other assets from one retirement plan that is contributed (rolled over) to another retirement plan
a tax-free transfer of assets from a qualified plan into a Self-Directed Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or another qualified plan
a tax-free withdrawal from one Coverdell ESA that is contributed to another Coverdell ESA
a tax-free withdrawal of cash or other assets from one qualified retirement plan or traditional IRA and its reinvestment in another qualified retirement plan or traditional IRA
a withdrawal from an IRA or an employer-sponsored retirement plan that is reinvested in another IRA or employer-sponsored retirement plan
Shifting your assets from one qualified retirement plan to another - due to changing jobs, for example - without a tax penalty.
A distribution from a qualified plan in which the money is placed into another qualified plan.
Process in which retirement plan proceeds are delivered directly to a plan participant who, within 60 days, invests them in a new IRA plan or other similar tax-deferred vehicle to avoid the imposition of certain penalties and/or taxes.
A method used to defer taxation of a withdrawal from a qualified retirement plan by transferring the amount directly to another tax-favored arrangement.
The transfer of money from one superannuation fund to another fund or to a superannuation pension. This will defer the payment of lump-sum tax.
The tax-free transfer or deposit of amounts distributed from a tax-favored retirement plan or IRA to a tax-deferred retirement plan or IRA.
The transfer of funds from one qualified retirement plan to another qualified retirement plan within a specified period of time; otherwise the funds are taxed as ordinary income.
Transfer of funds from a retirement savings plan, such as a 401(k) or 403(b), to a traditional IRA. The term is also used for changes from one type of IRA investment to another. If done properly, according to tax law, rollovers are a non-tax able event.
A tax-free distribution of monies from an eligible retirement plan that is transferred directly to TRS to pay for the purchase of optional service, reinstatement of terminated service, payment of 2.2 upgrade contributions, or the member's ERO contribution.
The payment of a lump sum super benefit from one super fund into another super fund, approved deposit fund or retirement savings account.
A rollover is a distribution from a qualified retirement plan or Section 403(b) to an individual and then from the individual to another qualified retirement plan, Section 403(b), or IRA. After constructive receipt of the distribution, an individual has 60 days to roll the funds over into another qualified funding vehicle in order for the funds to remain qualified. (If the funds are distributed from a qualified plan or Section 403(b) tax deferred annuity, mandatory withholding will take place at a rate of 20%.)
A distribution of cash or other assets from a retirement plan to a participant, who deposits the distribution into an eligible retirement plan within 60 days of receipt.
Postponing taxation of distributions by "rolling-over" the payment to another plan, or to an Individual Retirement Account (IRA).
A transfer from one qualified tax-deferred pension plan (such as a 401k plan) into another (such as a new employer's 401k plan) that does not expose the money to early withdrawal penalties nor income taxation. An IRA rollover is a common choice for employees leaving a company: the money goes from the former employer's 401k into an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), where it continues to grow and compound tax-free.
The practice of reinvesting capital and interest of one investment into an identical new investment.... read full article
The conversion of an employer distribution or an existing IRA to another IRA without taxable consequences. This action must take place within 60 days of receiving the distribution. v Roth IRA Contributions to Roth IRAs, which were introduced in 1998, are not deductible. Earnings grow tax free and qualified withdrawals are also tax free.
A term often used by banks when they allow a borrower to delay making a principal payment on a loan. Also, term used to describe the movement of assets within a qualified retirement plan (such as a 401k or IRA) to another qualified retirement plan.
a reinvestment of term investment funds into another investment.
a tax-free distribution from one retirement account to another, including individual retirement accounts.
If you move your assets from one tax-deferred or tax-free investment to another, it's called a rollover. For example, if you move money from one individual retirement account (IRA) to another IRA, or from a qualified retirement plan into an IRA, the transaction is a rollover.
The action of moving plan assets from one qualified plan to another or to an IRA within 60 days of distributions, while retaining the tax benefits of a qualified plan.
A distribution from a qualified employer sponsored retirement plan that is sent directly to the trustee or custodian of another qualified employer sponsored retirement plan or Rollover IRA.
Changing from one type of qualified plan to another. IRS rollover guidelines permit a rollover to avoid taxation as an early withdrawal. Must be completed within a 60-day window. A direct rollover is from a trustee to trustee (nontaxable) and may only be completed once very 12 months.
An employee's transfer of retirement funds from one retirement plan to another plan of the same type or to an IRA without incurring a tax liability. The transfer must be made within 60 days of receiving a cash distribution. The law requires 20 percent federal income tax withholding on money eligible for rollover if it is not moved directly to the second plan or an investment company.
The reinvestment of funds into another, often similar, investment. Often used when securities are maturing, or when moving an Individual Retirement Account
At the end of the construction loan period, the borrower's file is delivered to Bank One Mortgage Loan Servicing Dept. Prior to delivery, CLD contacts the borrower and obtains funds for the tax and insurance escrows, a final title policy and homeowner's policy. This process is called a rollover.
payment of all or part of an eligible rollover distribution from a plan to an IRA or to another employer's qualified plan that accepts rollovers.
Moving all or a portion of a tax-deferred retirement plan into an individual retirement account (IRA), 401(k), or other eligible plan. IRS rules, if followed, allow a rollover to be done without tax consequences.
Rollover IRA Rolls Critique
The transfer of a benefit or ETP between superannuation funds, Deferred Annuities or Approved Deposit Funds.
The transfer of funds from one qualified retirement plan to another. If done within a specified time frame, taxation can be avoided. However, Traditional IRA balances rolled over into Roth IRAs are subject to income tax on untaxed earnings.
a) In relation to superannuation, the transfer of an eligible termination payment into an approved deposit fund, deferred annuity or superannuation fund prior to retirement in order to defer or (if the rollover remains in place until at least minimum retirement age) avoid the requirement to pay lump sum tax; b) In relation to banking, the renewal of a loan or extension of a deposit at defined intervals, normally including a revision of the interest rate charged or paid.
A method by which an individual can transfer the assets from one retirement program to another without the recognition of income for tax purposes. The requirements for a rollover depend on the type of program from which the distribution is made and the type of program receiving the distribution.
A transfer of assets between qualified retirement plans, between a qualified plan and an IRA, or from one IRA to another; if certain requirements are met, a rollover may be accomplished without incurring any tax consequences.
Moving all or a portion of tax-deferred retirement plan savings into another plan (e.g., moving 401(k) assets into an IRA). See Getting the Loot to an Individual Retirement Account.
The transfer of a benefit or Eligible Termination Payment (ETP) into a superannuation fund, ADF or deferred annuity.
Movement of funds from one qualified retirement investment to another while avoiding tax liabilities. The investor receives money in hand and must move it to another qualified account within 60 days or be assessed a 20% withholding tax plus a 10% penalty for early withdrawal. If the investor does not touch the money but has it move from custodian to custodian, it is called a Direct Transfer. See Pension Rollover, Qualified Plan.
The transfer of a superannuation benefit or eligible termination payment into a superannuation fund, an approved deposit fund or deferred annuity.
A distribution of tax-deferred retirement funds from one custodian to another.
To receive a refund and transfer the monies to your individual retirement account.
A tax-free transfer of assets from one retirement plan to another, such as from one 401(k) plan to another or from a 401(k) plan to an IRA.
A fund that complies with the Government's rules for a continuation of your super on changing jobs or after retirement. You are deferring the tax that would be due if you withdrew money from your fund or ETP.
Money that transfers from one tax-qualified plan to another qualified or individual retirement account in order to prevent immediate tax liability.
Transferring money from your 401(k) account into another tax deferred investment vehicle, such as another 401(k) or IRA rollover account.
A rollover is a transfer of a distribution from one retirement savings plan to another. Generally, retirement savings, such as 403(b) money, can be rolled over into another plan when you change jobs. Directly rolling over the money from one qualified retirement plan to another (such as a new employer's plan or an IRA) makes the transaction a non-taxable event. Direct rollovers are permitted for qualifying distributions to allow participants to maintain the tax-deferred status of their money.
A tax-free reinvestment of a distribution from a qualified company retirement plan such as a 401(k) into an IRA. The rollover must be within 60 days of the distribution to qualify. An IRA rollover allows these funds to continue to accumulate tax-deferred until they are withdrawn.
Money that originally came from a qualified plan, was distributed to the owner, and is now being placed in an eligible qualified plan. Most often the plan it is being placed into is an IRA. These are reportable to the IRS, but not taxable.
The tax-free termination of one investment and reinvestment of the proceeds. For example: An individual may roll over a lump-sum distribution from an employer's retirement plan into an IRA.
The shifting of an investor's assets from one qualified retirement plan to another - due to changing jobs, for instance - without a tax penalty.
The renewal of a loan facility or continuation of a deposit at each maturity date, usually including a revision of the interest rates. (The term is also used to describe the transfer of Eligible Termination Payments to an acceptable superannuation or rollover fund.)
To replace existing equipment or an existing investment with another that is substantially similar in kind to the previous one (i.e. like for like).
The tax-free transfer of funds from one qualified retirement plan to another within a specified period of time.
The action of moving retirement funds from one account to another. This is a formal government regulated process that when done correctly will not result in any tax penalties.
The transfer of funds from one qualified retirement plan to another qualified retirement plan. If this is not done within a specified time period, the funds are taxed as ordinary income.
The distribution of a qualified plan that is reinvested in another plan tax-free. When one takes possession of this money, twenty percent is withheld for federal income taxes.
Transfer of retirement funds from one retirement plan to another plan of the same type or to an IRA without incurring a tax liability. Must be conducted according to specific rules.
Transfer of superannuation money from one approved superannuation fund to another.
1) The reinvestment of funds received from the maturity of a debt instrument into another debt instrument. 2) A term used to describe moving funds in a tax free transaction from one retirement plan to another.
An IRA or qualified retirement plan that you move from one trustee to another. You can roll over any qualified plan, including a qualified annuity, into an IRA, preserving its tax-deferred status.
A tax-free transfer of a distribution from a qualified retirement plan into an IRA or other qualified plan within a specific time frame (60 days). (Or, a movement of funds from one investment to another.) Rollovers can happen when an employee leaves a job with an employer who offered a retirement plan such as a 401(k).
your tax-free reinvestment of a distribution made to you from a retirement plan, such as a 457 or 401(a) plan, into an IRA or other qualified plan within 60 days of distribution
The transfer of a termination payment from a superannuation fund into a approved deposit fund, or deferred annuity prior to retirement in order to defer or avoid lump sum tax. It can also apply to the renewal of a bank loan or extension of a deposit at defined intervals, with revised interest rate levels.
The act of moving assets from one retirement plan to another. Most commonly used to describe the movement of qualified retirement plan assets to another qualified vehicle in order to maintain tax-deferral and avoid possible tax penalties. back to the top
1. The process of reinvesting funds from a mature security into a new issue of the same or a similar security. 2. The process of transferring the holdings of one retirement plan to another without suffering tax consequences.
The process of transferring ETPs into a rollover fund, superannuation fund, pension or ETP annuity. Rolling over allows for deferral of lump sum tax.
A delayed tax that allows you to apply the profit you make selling your old house to pay for the new one without paying capital gains taxes on the profit. In order to rollover the profits, the new house must be more expensive than the old and the two sales must occur within two years of each other.
A tax-free transfer of funds from one retirement plan to another. Funds from an individual retirement account (IRA) may be shifted to another IRA, while distributions from a qualified retirement plan may be transferred to an IRA or another retirement plan.
Transfer of an IRA or other qualified pension funds from one financial institution to another.
The transfer of an employer plan distribution or an existing IRA to another IRA of the same type without taxable consequences. This action must take place within 60 days of receiving the distribution.