a hilarious drag pageant ("Miss End of the World") in which one of the contestants' mothers suddenly denounces her son not because he's a drag queen but because his gown is too tacky
a stunning gilt bronze image of the Buddhist goddess Tara, the largest Himalayan bronze in the collection
By clicking and dragging your cursor over words or numbers you are highlighting them.
Activate or focus menu or selection. When the cursor is moved over an option on a DVD menu, that menu often changes color. It is then "highlighted".[ Back to the Top
An action performed by the user to set a portion of text, an object or a group of objects apart from the other text and objects in the drawing area or dialog box.
A selected item. Different colors usually appear over a highlighted object to show that it has been singled out for further action.
(2 definitions) The shiney spot caused by a hard object as it reflects a light source. In a requestor, to click on a choice, making it change color or to become "highlighted." Selected polygons also change color and could be said to be highlighted.
When placing the mouse pointer (arrow) on the screen on an image or word they will be highlighted. This is similar to highlighting a word with a highlighter pen so that it stands out from the surrounding words.
A graphic technique used to provide a visual cue to the current selection or to the current location of the input focus. Highlighting is frequently accomplished by reversing the video of the selection.
To shade the space occupied by a word or group of words by holding down the mouse and sweeping across them. This may be done to select words to be deleted (or cut), copied and pasted, or to in some way alter the format (such as by underlining, italicizing, or using color).
When you hold down your mouse and drag it across an area of text, the text becomes 'highlighted', which is usually indicated by it being visible in reverse colours.
Highlighted elements of your screen appear in reverse colours. It is a way of selecting an element so that you can manipulate them. Highlighting is achieved by clicking with your mouse and moving the mouse while the click button is still held down.
The function of pointing, clicking, and dragging the cursor to select portions of text for editing purposes.
To make something--such as a command, text, icon, or title bar--stand out visually. Highlighting usually indicates that something has been chosen to perform an action or selected to receive an action.
To mark words on paper or on a computer screen using a colour so that they are easier to notice. To focus on something so that students realise it is important, e.g. to highlight a mistake by underlining it.
To emphasize text or some other display element, usually by selecting it with the mouse.
() To make something stand out on the screen by selecting or choosing it. Also () the visual indicator that something is selected.
To highlight is to select characters, usually by dragging the pointer across them while holding the left mouse button. You can then perform actions on these selected sections.
Highlighting refers to the action of selecting an object or text by using the mouse to click, drag and release it to mark it. Subsequent actions then apply to the object or text marked.
To define text to be shown in contrast with other text by underlining, italics, bold-face; or on a display, high-intensity (brightness of characters), blinking, or reverse image. You can highlight words, parts of words, or information typed into a form using the text definition function of OfficeVision.
In MSN Search, to call attention to search terms on the results page by using bold or colored text.
a coloured band over data which can indicate selected icons, menu item, or a block of selected text or other data. Highlighted items have a system focus. [Back to Alpha List
To select, by moving the mouse pointer and single clicking, either an icon or a word or a section. Once an item is selected, it can be cut, copied, moved, etc.
to select something by clicking on it once (the name or icon will become highlighted)
The Highlight control allows you to adjust the brightness level of the brightest parts of an image. You can select from 61 to 490 by moving the slider. Click the eyedropper button beneath the slider, and the mouse pointer changes to an eyedropper. Move the eyedropper over the preview image, and click a bright area. The eyedropper "picks up" the color from that area, and uses it as the highlight for the entire image. This effect shows up immediately in the preview image. Click Cancel to restore the original image.
OR select "select" is preferred (use "highlight" in context of text editing)
to select by clicking once on an icon or by highlighting text in a document.