To 'unchoose' an area so that any editing will affect the entire window rather than a selected area. How to deselect: Choose "Select None" from the Selections Menu Click anywhere within the window with the right mouse button
To change the status of a selected item, such as text or an icon, so that it is no longer selected. To deselect an item, select another, or click on the open area of the desktop or document. See Select.
(v.) In a window system, to remove the highlighting or some other visual cue from a previously selected object, such as removing the highlighting from an item in a list. If a widget is deselected, it is turned off.
To cancel the selection of an item, area of text, or group of items. A mouse can be used to deselect by clicking outside the selected area, or keyboard commands can be used. When an item or area of text is deselected, it is no longer highlighted.
To act on, typically by clicking somewhere else, a selected item so that it is no longer selected or highlighted.
To turn off or deactivate a menu item, data source, or feature. The opposite of select.