Definition: A button that you use to switch between two states. Usage: Verb: Select. Noun: Option. Tags: Use the guibutton tag with the toggle button name. Example: To show grid lines, select the Visible option.
selection widget that allows users to toggle between two settings - turning some option off or on.
A control that specifies the option or setting to be used when a command, such as OK, is performed. Typically, toggles allow you to turn an option on or off. If the option is on, selecting the toggle turns it off. If the option is off, selecting the toggle turns it on.
a button that represents a setting with two states--on and off
an alternative to a check box, enabling you to input Yes/No responses on a form
a small circle or diamond-shaped button which can be turned on or off depending on what you wish
a special type of button used when only one item can be selected from a list, such as the Recenter Map and Show Location Viewing Options
a type of button that behaves like a check box
a type of control that behaves like a check box
An object which simulates the pressing of a button, which may be used for fields which have a "Yes" or "No" type entry.
On a form or dialog box, a rectangular button that appears pressed or unpressed. A toggle button usually is attached to a Yes/No field or is part of an option group.
A button in a Web form which you can turn on or off. This is used, for example, to select a case-sensitive or -insensitive search.
A button that alternates between two states. For example, a user might click one toggle button in a toolbar to turn italics on and off. A single toggle button has checkbox behavior; a programmatically grouped set of toggle buttons can be given the mutually exclusive behavior of radio buttons. Toggle buttons are created using the JToggleButton component. See also toolbar button.