A standard Windows control that displays a setting or a set of non-mutually exclusive settings, either selected (set) or cleared (not set). Compare option button.
The box next to the theme in ArcView that, when checked, indicates the theme is visible, and if not checked, that the theme will be hidden.
A control that indicates whether or not an option is selected or cleared.
A square button in a GUI that can be checked or unchecked by clicking the left mouse button.
In a dialog box, an input box that is either checked or unchecked
A control element that can be clicked to select its associated property.
Clicking this square box in a dialog box turns an option off or on.
An element on a Web page. A check box activates a particular function, and its status is either "activated" or "not activated". You can activate a check box by clicking on it, and a tick will appear. In the image below the check box is currently "not activated": But if you activate the check box, by clicking on it, a tick will appear to show that the check box has been activated as shown in the image below
selection widget used to enable or disable one or more features or options, usually occurring in a group of check boxes. Contrast with radio button.
A control button used to select optional settings. A check mark usually indicates that a check box is selected.
In OSF/Motif, a square box on a dialog box. You may choose any number of items with check boxes.
A small box in a dialog box that can be selected or cleared, representing an option that you can turn on or off. When a check box is selected, an X appears in the box.
A small square box that enables you to turn a dialog box option on or off by clicking it.
a box on a web page that can be checked by a user
a box on a webpage that will display or remove a checkmark when it is clicked
a control that you use to select or deselect an option
a form element similar to a radio button except that it allows users to make more than one choice in the offered list
a form element that looks like a small box
an object that has a label and a single binary state of either on/off, or selected/unselected if you prefer to think of it that way
a nonexclusive-choice object
a pixel-group that is lowered, white, and square
a simple switchable button
a small square box that allows the user to select an item or to deselect it
a small square box that allows the user to select an item or to This event fires whenever the user makes a selection in the list box
a small square that can either be checked or unchecked
a small square which can either be checked (contain a tick mark) or not
a square that the user can click to check (x) or uncheck
a toggle that presents the user with two, or sometimes three, choices
a user interface element which lets the user switch the state of the particular feature between an on and an off condition, while radio button groups and combo boxes are meant to be used for selection between a limited number of fixed alternatives
RealJukebox's Record/Play check boxes let you determine which tracks to play or record (checked) and which ones to skip (unchecked).
Typically found on forms or other Web pages where a user's opinion or preference is being sought. Check boxes allow multiple choices to be accepted in the results data and display a check mark when selected. Clicking the check box again deselects the choice and removes the check mark.
A small box which you click on, to add or remove a map layer. A 'cross' or 'tick' in a check box signifies the layer is loaded and an empty box means a layer is not loaded.
Square tags that display a mark when selected and can allow multiple responses. e.g. HTML: input type="Check box" name="1" value="A" A input type="Check box" name="2" value="B" B
A control object a user can click to include choices from a list. Check boxes are designed so that you can chose one or more items from a list.
A field that can have one of two values, check or uncheck. A box appears to the left of the field title which either contains or does not contain an "X"
A small square box to the left of an option in a dialog box that may be toggled on or off.
A small square box associated with an option in a dialog box. One clicks a check box to toggle functions on and off. In most cases, an X appears in a check box when its associated option is enabled. See Radio Button
A dialog box, usually square, that records an on or off value.
A control that can appear alone or in groups on WebDB forms and parameter entry forms. Each check box can be switched either "On" or "Off." WebDB provides options for displaying Lists of Values as check boxes in forms and component parameter entry forms.
checkbox A check box is a control with a label and a state that can either be on or off. When multiple check boxes are presented as a group, none, one, or more than one can be selected at the same time. yes; otherwise use the term "option", identified by label name Standard Web Widgets
A check box is used to select an item in a list or to indicate a choice. When you click on a check box, a "tick" will appear in it. If you click again, the click will disappear.
n. A square box with associated text that represents a choice. When a user selects the choice, the check box is filled to indicate that the choice is selected. The user can clear the check box by selecting the choice again, thereby deselecting the choice.
The icon used to indicate or change the setting of optional controls (for example, default settings). The check box is shaded or contains a check mark to indicate its selection.
In computing, a check box is a graphical user interface element(widget) that indicates a two-way choice or state (true/false) which can be edited by the user. Normally, check boxes are shown on the screen as a square box that can contain white space (for false) or a tick mark or X (for true). Adjacent to the check box is normally shown a caption describing the meaning of the check box.
interface: A special button that adds or removes an option.
A check box is a small square that appears before an option that you can click to indicate a selection. When you click a check box, a check appears inside it. This allows the user to make several selections from the listed options.
A nonexclusive control whose setting is indicated by the presence or absence of a check mark. A check box has two states, on and off.
An interactive icon used on a Web site to let you indicate a simple yes or no answer, or to make one or more selections from a list of several items.
On a form or dialog box, a small square that the user can click to turn on or off. A check box is usually associated with a Yes/No field.
A square dialog box item that takes an off or on value. Clicking in a check box adds or removes an X in the box, indicating whether the setting is on (checked) or off (unchecked).
Use "check" and "uncheck" to describe what to do.
A graphical user interface that requires the user to click in one or more of the square boxes presented on the page. When the boxes are checked, an "X" appears in them. (below)
A user interface component that presents a box next to a line of text. The box can be checked or unchecked by the user.
A form field that can be selected by clicking a box. When a box is selected, it is usually displayed with a check mark or X. Check boxes are usually grouped to represent a set of non-exclusive choices. See also radio button.
Check boxes are used to let the user make a 'yes/no' choice. To switch a check box on or off, you must focus on the check box, then change it by pressing space bar. This will select 'yes' or 'no', the opposite of what was selected before. If the check box is checked, there will be a tick in it; if unchecked, it will be empty.
In an online form, check boxes look like the following: I would like information on: Logo designs Web graphics Banner design services Online promotion services If you click your mouse on the boxes, you will be able to select multiple services. A check box is different from a radio button, which can only accept one checked item at a time.
A control which may be used to toggle an application state. See also: option button
A form field that presents the user with a selection that can be chosen by clicking on a box. When the box is selected, it is usually displayed with a check mark or X. Check boxes can represent a set of non-exclusive choices.
A gadget within a menu selection or dialog box that allows you to select or deselect an option. When a check box is darkened, the item is selected or "on." See: Gadget.
Found in graphical user interfaces ( GUIs). A small square box that appears in a dialog box and that can be selected or cleared. When the check box is selected, an X appears in the box (alternately, it can be darkened, or identified as selected in another way). A check box represents an option that you can turn on and off.