1. A person who visits a website and is served an ad. 2. A person who receives email from a website / web-publisher.
The person making use of software, an account, etc. Each user will have a personal UW NetID (i.e. login name) and password for UW services such as a Homer/Dante account.
A human who perceives and interacts with the web
(1) A person that makes use of computer software. (2) An account for accessing a server, maintained as an entry on a directory server.
Any person, organization, process, device, program, protocol, or system that uses a service provided by others.
n.: A programmer who will believe anything you tell him.
a person or software process that accesses network services and uses network resources.
A person who runs a computer application.
Any person who uses a computer.
A user of a system is identified by a login procedure, which establishes a process by which applications can run and access other security-relevant objects. An example of a login procedure is to use a smart card, possibly in conjunction with a password or personal identification number (PIN).
An active participant, person, or thing using a computer, computer program, or services of an enterprise.
Friendly Of or pertaining to any feature, device or concept that makes perfect sense to a programmer.
The person to use the final system within the customer organization.
From Voice Extensible Markup Language (VoiceXML) Version 2.0 ( 2004-03-16) A person whose interaction with an implementation platform is controlled by a VoiceXML interpreter .
A person or a machine delegated by a customer to use the services and/or facilities of a Telecommunication Network . source: ITU-T M.60 domain: General usage
the role that is played when a person uses an application once it is placed into production. Contrast with customer representative.
A person in the province who utilizes TPP for his own consumption or use of others at his expense, or on behalf of, or as an agent for a principal who desires to acquire such property for the consumption or use by the principal or other persons at his expense.
the person(s) that will be using the computer
For the purposes of this analysis, a user is someone who uses land with intent to recreate or to reach a particular location in order to recreate
(aka "Registered User") a person who owns Linspire but doesn't subscribe to CNR
Means a person who is using the Internet.
person who will use system or module to estimate risks to human health or environment.
Person using or accessing the World Wide Web.
Short for computer user. In this manual, this word is also used to distinguish persons using the Messaging Server system (users) from the postmaster and system administrator.
A person who interacts with a user agent to use a resource.
The person presenting a card to an Acceptor for a transaction, where the user may not be the cardholder. Note: This definition does not apply to users of access cards.
A person who uses the website in some fashion.
Any person using the a pool, spa or hot tub and adjoining deck area for the purpose of water sports, recreation, therapy or related activities.
Any entity (human user or external IT entity) outside the TOE that interacts with the TOE.
The individual, person, company, entity or other body in whose name a Holding has been opened or anyone who has been given access to the Holding. For more information, please see the User Agreement.
Any person who actually interacts with a system
A natural person who makes use of a system and its resources for any purpose. A more generalized term principal is used in SAML. For the purpose of XUA the SAML use of principal should be considered equal to XUA use of user.
a person who makes use of a thing; someone who uses or employs something
a person who uses something or someone selfishly or unethically
a human person who can work in a work environment (WE) he can use tools to perform his activities
a member of Public role and Sales role
an identifier for the person using a database
a person, but can be extended to a process
a person having his/her login name and a password to login to corporate network from a client computer
a person inside one system and outside another
a person in the business with the password to the OPD site
a person or entity that interacts with the site via the Internet by means that include, but are not limited to, the World Wide Web, e-mail, etc
a person or entity with authorized access
a person or group that has access to the shares on the NAS system
a person registered on a project
a person that can received alert messages and/or access the AlarmTILT system
a person that has certain access rights on the NetPEO online system
a person that uses a software system
a person that uses EOWEB to browse and order acquisitions or products
a person using a computer system who wishes to access the digital material, or the computer system itself
a person who either administrates Sawmill or views the statistics
a person who has a computer account or legitimate access to a host
a person who has registered on your message board
a person who has registered with an OpenACS site
a person who is given exclusive access by the network member to an account on a computer system of the network member
a person who is logged into your ExpressionEngine site and belongs to a Member Group that is allowed to use the wiki
a person who is required to use a VDU for prolonged periods
a person who is somewhat familiar with GIS and is generally familiar with tabular input data
a person who is using a computer or a program (as opposed to a programmer, who actually creates the program in the first place)
a person who submitted at least one bugs
a person who submitted at least one task
a person who uses e-Server for Sending / Receiving messages
a person with an email account on your domain
a single authorized person who is allowed to access the system
a single person on your domain
a single person who can use the services from one or more IP address and/or hostnames
a unique person having the access to administrative functions of the system
An implementation of TASE.2 executed in either the client or the server role.
Any person who interacts with the system.
The person using a computer, or computing device. Generically, anybody using anything.
A person authorized by the client to manage the company account. Users with login rights can log in to MyLiveVault and manage backup, request restores, and change company, computer, or user information. Users without login rights cannot log in to MyLiveVault; they may be billing or administrative contacts only.
A person who experiences the product or offering being designed
A person who requires the services of Content Manager. This term generally refers to users of client applications, rather than the developers of applications, who use the Content Manager APIs.
A person who works with a computer without bothering about the hows and whys of its functionality. A person who reports bugs instead of fixing them.
The system owner or their designated administrator. In a household, this is commonly the person operating the computer.
any person that has access to Business Banking Online.
Any person who has a standard account on the system. When a user logs in, she can only alter the data in her own user account - her own "room" on the system.
The customer in the Argos system. The person who buys or rents the platform; sets it up; and uses the data and, if necessary, the locations.
The person(s) or organization(s) that will use the system for its intended purpose when it is deployed in its environment.
An entity whose entire purpose for existence is to prevent the programmer from creating truly elegant code.
An individual or organization that uses the operational system to perform a specific function. (Note: The user may perform other roles such as acquirer, developer, or maintainer.)
Benutzer: Person making use of the services of a lift installation.
A person using an application program written with CLIM.
Person or process accessing an AIS by direct connections (for example, via terminals) or indirect connections.
Any end user of the system. A user can have multiple system roles such as Leader, Participant, Event Manager, Learner, Manager, Administrator, Analyst, Publisher, Author, Instructor and/or System Administrator.
A person who makes a request of the Open Science Grid infrastructure. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | W | X | Y | Z
The person who uses the software created by a software developer. To an application programmer, a user uses their executable application; to an ActiveX control developer, a user is another programmer.
Any person using the TRUEreq Workspace.
Any person accessing Publisher Media.
A person working at a computer, accessing a web site, or otherwise using some entity.
Any person who has a valid login ID and password to login to yKAP. yKAP licensing is based on “Named” users.
A person logged in at a client system.
A person who uses but does not administer network resources. Go Top
The people who interact directly with the website to achieve a task
Any person who runs an application program.
A term used to describe an individual person that is authorized to logon to TriasSoccerCentral and interact with the system in one or more roles (as a Referee, Chapter Officer, Committee member, Authority representative, etc.).
a person using or requesting publicly available telecommunications services.
A person who has an account or a user name on a site, for example, Bob234.
1. The use or enjoyment of a property or of a right over property. 2. A person who uses, enjoys or has a right over a property.
A person who uses a calendar client to connect to a node and manage his/her personal calendar.
Any person who is authorized and granted access rights by the HRS SECGROUP, to utilize the HRS data processing services, resources, and its facility for input of data and receiving data from.
A person interacting with a workstation.
Any person, organization, or functional unit that uses the services of an information processing system. In a conceptual schema language, any person or any thing that may issue or receive commands and messages to or from the information system.
A network user with a valid login on the CMS that has been added to SCM.
The person who operates a computer or runs a program. The computer then would be the user.
In products liability law, a person who uses goods.
A person using a software application. AKA "end user".
An organization or person within an organization who interacts directly with a computer system.
A person who uses Internet services.
A person who has come on our resource (= 1 Uniq).
Any person who attaches to a server or host.
A login identity used to authenticate a person or client system as a submitter, consumer, or administrator for an inventory.
A person who uses your application. Programmatically, a user name, password, and set of attributes that enables an application to recognize a client. See also group, role.
The person who actually uses the product. Contrast with customer.
One of three core components in Windows 98. It manages input from input devices, output to the user interface, and interaction with the sound driver, timer, and communications ports.
A user is a person controlling a computer (it can also mean someone with authorised access). BitTorrent Glossary
A person or firm using a zone for storage, handling or processing of merchandise.
A User is a person who uses the internet, and typically requests an HTML document from a user agent (i.e. typically a browser). The most common user is presently a person who browses through the Web by means of a web browser. However, HTML documents can be rendered in different ways such as in the audio medium. The user then does not browse the Web, but listens to the document.
(ANSI) Any person, organization, or functional unit that uses the services of an information processing system. See: end user.
The person who actually interacts with the software. Contrast: customer and client
A person who has an account at your Drupal site, and is logged in with that account.
this term is generally used to describe anyone who visits, uses or otherwise has involvement with your website or software. It is also the most common term used by programmers and project managers when documenting websites and software applications.
A person who requires the services of a computing system.
Any person/device that connects to a networked computer.
A functional entity, typically a telecommunication service, which uses a signalling network to transfer information.
Person who interacts with the user agent to view, hear, or use a resource.
A person who uses Tivoli management software and is assigned one or more roles.
Any person with the ability to log in to the BACKUP.UNET system.
For purposes of , User is defined as a person within a customer group who has specific report access.
Person or process accessing an AS either by direct connections (i.e., via terminals), or indirect connections (i.e., prepare input data or receive output that is not reviewed for content or classification by a responsible individual).
A person allowed inside a facility or an access controlled facility. Close Glossary Window
The person who uses the services on a day-to-day basis.
A person who operates and uses a computer.
The person visiting a website or using a piece of technology.
The physical person who sits at a computer, playing a game, as distinct from the user's characters. Also called a player.
The unique identifier of a Perforce user. (Usually the same as your login name.)
A person who uses a particular computer program, service, or device.
In the context of marketing communications, the term ‘user’ identifies the individual. Users comprise consumers and potential consumers of a product, as well as individuals who have any interaction with the product or its communications.
A person in a business who actually uses the items that a purchasing manager buys.
A natural person who makes use of a system and its resources for any purpose []. See also administrator, end user. A natural person who makes use of a system and its resources for any purpose. See also end user.
A person who requires a computer for the performance of a task or recreational activity. Also called an end-user.
A term used to refer to persons using the GB Transmission System.
As it pertains to Google Analytics, a user is defined as a person who has specific report set access, a username and password. To set up a user in Google Analytics' administrative system, click on the Access Manager tab at the top of the screen. Then click "Add" in the Existing Access table on the right.
The person who can use LSM from his or her workstation to back up and recover files.
A person or a process on behalf of a person wishing to obtain file transfer service. The human user may interact directly with a server-FTP process, but use of a user-FTP process is preferred since the protocol design is weighted towards automata.
natural or legal person, individual or organisation with the responsibility for making use of the product (ref. ISO 11607: 2003(E)).
An ordinary user of a system. For example, a person with an email address at yahoo.com, or a website at geocities.com.
A person or organisation using a Telematics Application.
Any person or group of people with some rights to access a computer facility. The same person may be known to a sophisticated system in several ways; for example, as an ORACLE User, CASE*Dictionary User, a user of an operating system, or a user of an electronic mail system.
Any person who interacts directly with a computer system.
The responsible university person(s), organization, or department requesting CPMG services.
a person who is intended to use the tactile maps produced by the printer (as opposed to Operator , although may be the same person).
Any person who uses a product or service to solve a problem or obtain a benefit, whether or not they purchase it. Users may consume a product, as in the case of a person using shampoo to clean their hair or eating a potato chip to assuage hunger between meals. Users may not directly consume a product, but may interact with it over a longer period of time, like a family owning a car, with multiple family members using it for many purposes over a number of years. Products also are employed in the production of other products or services, where the users may be the manufacturing personnel who operate the equipment.
a person who uses computer software, service or hardware as opposed to someone who develops computer software or hardware.
An individual who uses a computer, program, network, or related service for work or entertainment; usually there is a distinction between a user and a programmer or other person who works with the computer on an expert or technical level.
A person who uses a computer. If the computer is connected to a network, a user can access the programs and files on the computer, as well as programs and files located on the network (depending on account restrictions determined by the network administrator).
r Benutzer, r User, r Nutzer, r Anwender
In telecommunications, a user is a person, organization, or other entity that employs the services provided by a telecommunication system, or by an information processing system, for transfer of information. A user functions as a source or final destination of user information, or both. Synonym: subscriber.