Unique means without a like or equal; unmatched; unequaled; single in its kind; uncommon or rare. It cannot logically be used in a comparative or superlative for. Something may be more or less rare but NOT more or less unique.
radically distinctive and without equal; "he is alone in the field of microbiology"; "this theory is altogether alone in its penetration of the problem"; "Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint"; "craftsmen whose skill is unequaled"; "unparalleled athletic ability"; "a breakdown of law unparalleled in our history"
the single one of its kind; "a singular example"; "the unique existing example of Donne's handwriting"; "a unique copy of an ancient manuscript"; "certain types of problems have unique solutions"
art is anything that is one of a kind, not reproduced or in any production. When your child comes home from art class with an ash tray he or she made, that piece would be unique.
User – A view of your web site by a unique person. Multiple visits in that time period, by the same person, count as a single unique user. You can get this number from your server logs.
highly unusual or rare but not the single instance; "spoke with a unique accent"; "had unique ability in raising funds"; "a frankness unique in literature"; "a unique dining experience"
A single print with a unique combination of colors and /or paper deliberately pulled to create an unusual impression. This is not a trial proof, or artist proof.
A unique visit/view/etc. is a instance that only occurs the first time that event transpires during the report period. For example: If Joe were to visit a website on Monday and on Wednesday, his visit would show up as a unique visit, for both days, when a daily report is run.
A keyword found on some cards, usually Character cards. You can't play a Unique card if there's already a copy of that card in play. It's fine if both players have the same starting Character, though.
Deck construction limitation. You may have only one of each card with the type "Unique" in your deck. Cards are considered the same if they have the same name and type.
"There can not be more than one equivalent item of this type within the scope indicated. We may say that customer numbers must be unique (within our organization or database) or we may say that there can only be one successor on a relationship, meaning there can't be more than one of that type in that set."
Redefined item, typically a combination of file-type, file-number, case-status, land-status, and in some cases patent-number, and decision-date used to uniquely identify an action.
user Unique individual who has either accessed a site or been served unique content and/or ads such as e-mail, newsletters, interstitials and pop-up ads. Equivalent to a site's reach. Unique users can be identified by user registration or cookies.
An alphanumeric coding given to any object identifier which is listed in a table, which allows for its identification and allows it to be matched with other objects.