Formed by gathering or collecting; gathered into a mass, sum, or body; congregated or aggregated; as, the collective body of a nation.
Expressing a collection or aggregate of individuals, by a singular form; as, a collective name or noun, like assembly, army, jury, etc.
A collective noun or name.
This term is used on this website to mean essentially the combined presence of others. This could be society at large or your religious community or your local community or your group of friends, or even the infamous "they" that we all refer to. Or it could be a communal "we" that you feel a part of. It refers to the collective will or the "hive mind" or group norms. Or it could simply refer to your perception of a group of other people as being distinct and united in some way, especially if you feel yourself as being separate from it or a part of it. It is the unified entity that is "greater than the sum of its parts." Astrologically, the Collective is most reflected in Aquarius and the 11th House through groups, friends, communities, associations and the masses. Although, the family is another type of Collective ( Cancer, 4th House), as well as the local community and neighbourhood ( Gemini, 3rd House), or conventional society ( Capricorn, 10th House).
forming a whole or aggregate
a form of group organization based on the principles of accessibility, consensus and is of a non-hierarchical nature
a group of copyright holders, such as SOCAN
a group of individuals that work for a particular purpose
a group of individuals who share a particular interest or political outlook, and are working together on a long term basis
a group of individuals who work together
a group of people who are organized around an issue or to accomplish a goal together
a group of people who share or a
a group of people who share or are motivated by at least one common issue
an information resource and social network for and about people of color in the digital media making community
a non-hierarchical group of people that make decisions using consensus, and who share similar interests and goals
an organized group of artists dedicated to the betterment of the group as a whole, and the arts in general
a social organism within a healthy society
a social organization in which all actors are on even ground, in which all participate equitably, and in which all members are seen as vital elements of group unity and successful function
forming a whole; combined: the collective assets of a corporation and its subsidiaries.
denoting a number of persons or things considered as one group or whole. For example, "flock" is a collective noun. Now that you understand this concept, we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief.
Gathered into a group, aggregate. [D02477] RMW
Organization that administers rights granted by the copyright system on behalf of copyright owners who have joined that collective.
(Or sequence.) With respect to aviation weather observations, a group of such observations transmitted in prescribed order by stations on the same communications circuit.