The nations designate the non-Jewish peoples in the New Testament.
A community of people composed of one or more nationalities and possessing a more or less defined territory and government or a territorial division containing a body of people of one or more nationalities and usually characterized by relatively large size and independent status.
a politically independent unit encompassing a geographic area.
Indian) A group of related American Indian tribes associated with a particular territory.
a group of people aware that they share many common cultural characteristics.
a politically organized body of people under a single government; "the state has elected a new president"; "African nations"; "students who had come to the nation's capitol"; "the country's largest manufacturer"; "an industrialized land"
the people who live in a nation or country; "a statement that sums up the nation's mood"; "the news was announced to the nation"; "the whole country worshipped him"
a body of people commonly recognised as an entity either by virtue of their historical, linguistic or ethnic links or by being united under a particular political organisation and usually occupying a defined territory
a body of people united under one government and having common interests and bound by mutual obligations and mutual consent, either expressed or implied, to conserve those interests
a cohesive group of people that was formed historically and the largest unit of social life
a common effort for the things a group of people cannot accomplish as individuals, and this includes defense against potential threats abroad
a common will to live together which is the first step towards universal civilization
a community bound together by shared history and culture
a community held together by different ties like language, common tradition and culture and common heritage
a community of people linked by land, history, traditions, culture, language and economy, people aware of these links and willing to confirm and respect them
a community of people who live together in an area (or, more broadly, of their descendants who may now
a community of people who must feel that they belong together, sharing deeply significant elements of a common heritage and having a common destiny for the future
a community of self-identifying people who have a common culture and historical territory
a community united by descent or history and by a distinct language and culture
a complicated concoction that, whatever its origins, advances, stagnates or falls apart out of common hopes and fears of people inhabiting a particular geographical location
a country or a group of people who live in a place and share culture and traditions
a cultural group, possibly but not necessarily united by a common
a cultural territory made up of communities of individuals who see themselves as "one people" on the basis of a common ancestry, history, society and institutions, ideology, language, territory and often religion
a distinct group of people, usually demarcated by a common language, religion or culture
a grouping of people who share cultural ties to one another, and is defined as lying within the geographic boundaries they set
a group of individual people
a group of people from the same region of origin who share a common history
a group of people sharing a language, history, culture and/or ethnicity
a group of people sharing aspects of their language , culture and/or ethnicity
a group of people that have the same traditions, languages, culture, history, ex cetera
a group of people typically with a common language and culture, and a set of traditions based in common religion, territory, and political, military and economic systems
a group of people who are related by seed
a group of people who feel a common identity, based on a shared language and history, culture, and sometimes religion, and sense of mission or political purpose
a group of people who feel they belong together and possibly want to build institutions to form a state
a group of people who have achieved great things together in the past and hope to achieve great things in the future
a group of people who have a common one father to the whole group
a group of people who hold the same mistaken view of their common history
a group of people who share the same illusions about themselves
a group of people, with a common border, culture, and government
a group of people with a common culture occupying a particular territory, bound together by a strong sense of unity arising from shared beliefs and customs
a group of people with a common history, a common heritage, and a common culture
a group of people with a distinct culture and claims to land
a group of people with a shared identity and common history
a group of persons united by a common error about their ancestry and a common dislike of their neighbours
a group of similar people and not necessarily a bordered state
a group of unified people, not a territorial land mass
a group with a common cultural, linguistic, ethnic, racial, or religious identity
a historically constituted, stable community of people, formed on the basis of a common language, territory, economic life, and psychological make-up manifested in a common culture
a historically evolved, stable community of language, territory, economic life, and psychological make-up manifested in a community of culture
a historically evolved stable community of people which has arisen on the basis of community of language, territory, economic life and psychological make-up, manifesting itself in community of culture
a HUGE collection of families, sharing common values, and for mutual protection
a human group conscious of forming a community, sharing a common culture , attached to a clearly demarcated territory, having a common past and a common project for the future and claiming the right to rule itself
a large group of people united by a false concept of their ancestry and hatred for their neighbors"
a large group of people who think of themselves as one and act in history as a unit
a mass of people sharing a common geographic territory, common culture, common history, and common aspirations
a more evolved condition than a state, for beyond territorial definition, it includes an emotional bond among the people within the state
an aggregate of people bound into a community of character by a common destiny
an aggregation of people bound together "by common ideals and a common purpose
an American history series written with English learners in mind
an ethnically specific group of people who have a specific language and culture they all share
an historically evolved, stable community of language, territory, economic life, and psychological makeup manifested in a community of culture
an initiative of Historic Philadelphia, Inc
an utter masterpiece with no faults other than its political incorrectness
a people carrying a Cultural Idea as an aspect of that single Idea of a High Culture
a people group with a distinguishable set of cultural characteristics while a state/country is a political entity under the jurisdiction of an established government
a people or race having a common descent, language, history, or political institutions
a people that are racially homogenous, and share a common language, culture and heritage
a people who are able to organize themselves, come together with a common goal and leadership
a perceive d entity - defined by a people living with a shared heritage , language, ethnic relationship, common history , etc
a political and geographical entity - a kingdom of this world
a political unit based on shared cultural history and traditions and which may or may not be fully autonomous
a racial stock of people, not a clearinghouse for carpetbaggers
a real state composed of real people in ever-increasing overlapping ties
a series of programs that tells the history of the United States
a social group that shares a common ideology, common institutions and customs, and a sense of homogeneity
a society of people bound in unity under a particular government by its mutual consent
a society organized for the purpose of civil government, and the common good of the whole
a society united by a common error about its origin and a common aversion to its neighbors
a society united by a delusion about its ancestry and by a common hatred of its neighbours
a society united by a delusion about it's ancestry and by a common hatred of it's neighbours
a society united by delusions about its ancestry and by a common hatred of its neighbors
a sovereign country, and as such, possesses the highest authority over its territories
a state that may contain a culture
a unified territorial state with a political system that governs the whole society
a variety of imagined community, the members of which share a belief of common ancestry (regardless of the actual situation)
a very complex political, social, and economic product--so complex that political thinkers in emphasizing one aspect of it are apt to forget other and equally essential aspects
A cultural concept for a group of people bound together by a strong sense of shared values and cultural characteristics, including language, religion, and common history.
A people who share common customs, origins, history, and frequently language; a nationality. A relatively large group of people organized under a single, usually independent government; a country.
A sovereign social group with a definite area or territory, cultural homogeneity, and unifying social organization. A tribe may be a nation if it is indeed sovereign and possesses territory.
A body of people, associated with a particular territory, that is sufficiently conscious of its unity to seek or possess a government peculiarly its own.
A nation is a socio-political unit defined by deeply shared fundamental identification among a set of people. This common identity can be based on such elements as shared ethnicity, language, descent, culture, religion, or geographic space. The nation is a major group, beyond the family, with whom the individual identifies very powerfully.
"A self-identifying people who share a common history, often language, a common culture and a homeland. A nation is the most persistent and resistant organization of people-culture- territory. There are between 7,000 and 10,000 nations. (Examples: Hopi, Miskito, Catalunya, Ainu, Ndebele)" (from FWDP)
From Old French nation, from Latin natio meaning to be born.] A body of persons sharing one or more of the following attributes: customs, traditions, origins, history, religion, institutions, and language; a people, a nationality. In the English language, the word nation can refer to the territory which the nation occupies (country) or the political body including the people in it (independent state).
a group of people sharing the same race, a common language, history, and/or culture (110). Jack Snyder, in his book From Voting to Violence, defines nation specifically as a group of people who see themselves as distinct in their culture, history, institutions, or collective principles and who aspire to self-rule. see also: ethnonationalist movements
A group or race of people that share history, traditions and culture. The United States is comprised of 50 states and several protectorates, such as Puerto Rico. It is common English to use the word "nation" when referring to what is known in law as "states."
A human population sharing historic memories centered on a myth of common descent. It is distinguished from an ethnie for its relation to political power: that is, it possesses, or aspire to possess, a state of its own. It can also be attached to an established territory (but there are exceptions: Roma/Gypsies and some diasporic communities) and a 'public' (shared) culture.
A group of people with common characteristics which are both objective (race, language, religion, lifestyle) and subjective (shared memories, a spirit of kinship, a desire to live together).
One of the most influential doctrines in history is that all humans are divided into groups called nations. It is an ethical and philosophical doctrine in itself, and is the starting point for the ideology of nationalism.