"Hippie" youth culture of the 1960s, which rejected the values of the dominant culture in favor of illicit drugs, communes, free sex, and rock music.
a large group of people in a society who express values and behaviours that conflict with society's norms
a culture with lifestyles and values opposed to those of the established culture
Groups that express antagonism toward the existing social and political order, and propose alternative ways of organizing society. The term counterculture is most commonly used to refer collectively to the alternative politics expressed by a variety of groups in the 1960s (feminists, civil rights and anti-war activists, etc.). More generally, “the” counterculture describes all those groups who challenge and contradict the “common sense” of everyday life with the aim of creating a better society.
A group that strongly rejects dominant societal values and norms and seeks alternative lifestyles. .
The encompassing word for the hippie movement. Not just a sub-culture, but an entire spectrum of individuals rejecting the values of the dominant society. This term was far more acceptable to everyone than the word "hippies".
A subculture that rejects conventional norms and values and adopts alternative ones.
The term counterculture referred to various alternatives to mainstream values and behaviors that became popular in the 1960s. Among these were experimentation with psychedelic drugs, communal living, a return to the land, Asian religions, and experimental art.